Saudi Transport Ministry Signs First-Time Performance Contracts

Saudi Transport Minister Saleh Al-Jasser speaking during the signing of the first performance contracts by government agencies (Asharq Al-Awsat)
Saudi Transport Minister Saleh Al-Jasser speaking during the signing of the first performance contracts by government agencies (Asharq Al-Awsat)

Saudi Transport Ministry Signs First-Time Performance Contracts

Saudi Transport Minister Saleh Al-Jasser speaking during the signing of the first performance contracts by government agencies (Asharq Al-Awsat)
Saudi Transport Minister Saleh Al-Jasser speaking during the signing of the first performance contracts by government agencies (Asharq Al-Awsat)

The Saudi Transport Ministry has signed 62 performance contracts for road maintenance projects with several private sector companies. The projects will cover all regions of the Kingdom.

This is the first time performance contracts are being implemented by government agencies in the Kingdom.

Saudi Transport Minister Saleh Al-Jasser said that the contracts aim to raise the efficiency of the Kingdom’s road network and enhance quality and safety levels.

Al-Jasser said that the signing of performance contracts represents a stage of transformation and transition from the traditional methodology of operation and maintenance of the road network.

The new methodology in asset management relies on measuring performance indicators and meeting the needs of road users, added Al-Jasser.

Indicators that measure outputs of basic elements include quality, safety, and the degree of user satisfaction. These measurements will be used in evaluating and following up the performance of contractors.

This will strengthen governance programs, promote transparency, achieve spending efficiency, raise the quality and services index. It will also ensure implementing projects using the latest specialized global technology, added Al-Jasser.

All this falls under the goals of the Kingdom’s National Transport and Logistics Strategy (NTLS), which is a part of Saudi Arabia’s plan for national transformation, Vision 2030.

Al-Jasser indicated that the signing of performance contracts unlocked a new phase that accompanied the increase in major projects and the comprehensive renaissance taking place in the Kingdom.

According to the minister, Saudi Arabia is a global hub for transportation, trade, and economy.

Al-Jasser noted that the Transport Ministry is the first government agency to sign performance contracts for the maintenance of the Kingdom’s roads.

He affirmed that the ministry would continue to expand its partnership with the private sector, enhance quality rates and implement the highest safety and security standards.

Saudi FM Warns against Gaza War Spillover in the Region

Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Faisal bin Farhan bin Abdullah takes part in the panel discussion. (SPA)
Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Faisal bin Farhan bin Abdullah takes part in the panel discussion. (SPA)

Saudi FM Warns against Gaza War Spillover in the Region

Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Faisal bin Farhan bin Abdullah takes part in the panel discussion. (SPA)
Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Faisal bin Farhan bin Abdullah takes part in the panel discussion. (SPA)

Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Faisal bin Farhan bin Abdullah warned on Thursday that the situation in the Gaza Strip does not only affect the Palestinians alone, but the entire region and is leading to more tensions, most notably in southern Lebanon.

He made his remarks at a panel discussion at the European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR) in Madrid.

Held under the title "Wars and Shadow Wars: What are Europe's Options in the Middle East?", the discussion tackled the latest developments in Gaza and the importance of continuing international efforts to reach an immediately ceasefire and allow more humanitarian aid to enter.

Prince Faisal stressed the importance of continuing the work to reach an immediate ceasefire, noting that the majority of the international community agrees that the lasting and just solution to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict is the two-state solution.

However, they stand idly by against issues that may undermine the two-state solution, such as Israel's continued settlement expansion.

He explained that what European countries, including Spain, are doing to support the peace process and push towards the two-state solution is very important.

The least the European countries can do is condemn Israel's failure to abide by its commitments and then take stricter steps such as imposing sanctions on some officials who violate human rights, he added.

The Palestinian people have the full right to self-determination, and they deserve an independent state recognized internationally, he went on to say.

On Yemen, Prince Faisal underscored the continued support for political dialogue, warning that the situation in the country is still difficult, especially on the economic level.