Macron Says Won’t Apologize to Algeria for Colonization 

French president Emmanuel Macron waits before welcoming Japan's prime minister for a meeting at the Elysee Palace in Paris on January 9, 2023. (AFP)
French president Emmanuel Macron waits before welcoming Japan's prime minister for a meeting at the Elysee Palace in Paris on January 9, 2023. (AFP)

Macron Says Won’t Apologize to Algeria for Colonization 

French president Emmanuel Macron waits before welcoming Japan's prime minister for a meeting at the Elysee Palace in Paris on January 9, 2023. (AFP)
French president Emmanuel Macron waits before welcoming Japan's prime minister for a meeting at the Elysee Palace in Paris on January 9, 2023. (AFP)

President Emmanuel Macron has said he will not "ask forgiveness" from Algeria for French colonization but hopes to continue working towards reconciliation with his counterpart Abdelmajid Tebboune. 

"It's not up to me to ask forgiveness, that's not what this is about, that word would break all of our ties," he said in an interview for Le Point magazine published late Wednesday. 

"The worst thing would be to decide: 'we apologize and each go our own way'," Macron said. 

"Work on memory and history isn't a settling of all accounts," he added. 

But in the interview, he also expressed hope that Tebboune "will be able to come to France in 2023", to return Macron's own trip to Algiers last year and continue their "unprecedented work of friendship". 

France's 100-year colonization of Algeria and the viciously fought 1954-62 war for independence have left deep scars on both sides, which Macron has by turns prodded and soothed over his political career. 

In 2017, then-presidential candidate Macron dubbed the French occupation a "crime against humanity". 

A report he commissioned from historian Benjamin Stora recommended in 2020 further moves to reconcile the two countries, while ruling out "repentance" and "apologies". 

Macron has also questioned whether Algeria existed as a nation before being colonized by France, drawing an angry response from Algiers. 

"These moments of tension teach us," Macron told the Algerian writer Kamel Daoud in the interview. 

"You have to be able to reach out your hand again and engage, which President Tebboune and I have been able to do," he added. 

He backed a suggestion for Tebboune to visit the graves of Algerian 19th-century anti-colonial hero Abdelkader and his entourage, who are buried in Amboise in central France. 

"That would make sense for the history of the Algerian people. For the French people, it would be an opportunity to understand realities that are often hidden," Macron said. 

Algeria and France maintain enduring ties through immigration, involvement in the independence conflict and post-war repatriations of French settlers, touching more than 10 million people living in France today. 

EU Envoy to Middle East: Our Top Priority is Preventing a Regional War

Smoke rises after an Israeli air strike on the village of Khiam in southern Lebanon, near the border with Israel (AFP)
Smoke rises after an Israeli air strike on the village of Khiam in southern Lebanon, near the border with Israel (AFP)

EU Envoy to Middle East: Our Top Priority is Preventing a Regional War

Smoke rises after an Israeli air strike on the village of Khiam in southern Lebanon, near the border with Israel (AFP)
Smoke rises after an Israeli air strike on the village of Khiam in southern Lebanon, near the border with Israel (AFP)

The war in the Gaza Strip is a serious obstacle to the peace process between Israel and the Palestinians but the European Union's Special Envoy for the Middle East Peace Process, Sven Koopmans, has expressed determination to push forward with efforts to achieve a two-state solution, despite opposition from the Israeli government.
In an interview with AFP, Koopmans emphasized that the current priority is to seek an end to the suffering in Gaza, while working to prevent the outbreak of a regional war that would particularly involve Lebanon, and to restart the peace process.
The secretive diplomat said his work was guided by the EU's 1980 declaration recognizing the “right to existence and to security” for Israel and “the legitimate rights of the Palestinian people,” including “self-determination.”
But Koopmans acknowledged divisions within the 27 existing members on the Middle East strife.
He said there is currently a need to find consensus among governments with different attitudes and interests on international relations.
This is evidenced by the large gap between the positions of EU Foreign Policy Chief Josep Borrell and countries such as Hungary or Czech Republic that both sought to block EU sanctions against Israeli settlers in the occupied West Bank.
Named as special representative for the peace process in 2021, Koopmans said the European Union was one of the most energetic institutions pushing for a two-state solution.
He said Brussels is one of the capitals that is witnessing behind the scenes activity aimed at getting out of the crisis in Gaza, and that all EU members agree on the need to establish a Palestinian state.
Koopmans then highlighted that the 27 countries were Israel's largest trading partner and the top aid donor to the Palestinians.
“We are the biggest political neighbor to both of them. Of course, we are not the biggest security provider, let's be honest. But we are a big and relevant actor,” the Dutch diplomat said.
He noted that Spain, Slovenia and Ireland joined non-EU member Norway in recognizing a Palestinian state this year, adding that the move could “contribute” to a solution to the conflict.