At Least Five Killed in Blast, Attack Near Mogadishu Mayor’s Office

A Somali policeman stands holds his position near the mayor's office following a blast in Mogadishu, Somalia January 22, 2023. (Reuters)
A Somali policeman stands holds his position near the mayor's office following a blast in Mogadishu, Somalia January 22, 2023. (Reuters)

At Least Five Killed in Blast, Attack Near Mogadishu Mayor’s Office

A Somali policeman stands holds his position near the mayor's office following a blast in Mogadishu, Somalia January 22, 2023. (Reuters)
A Somali policeman stands holds his position near the mayor's office following a blast in Mogadishu, Somalia January 22, 2023. (Reuters)

At least five civilians were killed when extremist fighters set off a bomb then stormed a government building in Somalia's capital on Sunday, the ministry of information said.

Attackers from the al Shabaab group charged into the block that houses the office of Mogadishu's mayor around noon and got caught in a firefight with security forces, the ministry and witnesses said.

Security killed six of the militants and cleared the area by about 6 p.m., the ministry said on its Facebook page.

Al Shabaab has stepped up attacks in a show of resilience since President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud's government launched an offensive against the al-Qaeda-linked group in August.

"We were in the office and we were deafened by a blast. We ran out. Gunfire followed," Farah Abdullahi, who works in the mayor's office, told Reuters.

Sixteen people were injured in the attack, Abdikadir Abdirahman, director of Aamin Ambulance Services, said.

The mayor's office is in the local government headquarters building in a well-guarded area of Mogadishu.

Roads in the area have concrete barriers and multiple roadblocks. The building is about 1.5 km (1 mile) away from Villa Somalia, the president's office.

Al Shabaab said in a statement its suicide bombers struck, "then foot fighters entered the building after killing the building guards".

Al Shabaab, which has been fighting the government since 2006, frequently carries out bombings and gun attacks across the country.

In a sign the government was expanding its offensive against the group into the country's south, state TV for Jubbaland, one of the country's semi-autonomous states, reported on Sunday that regional and Somalia federal forces had launched attacks on al Shabaab and taken control of Janay Abdale town from the militants.

Russia Considering Downgrading Relations with the West, the Kremlin Says 

18 August 2018, Brandenburg, Meseberg: Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov arrives in front of the guesthouse of the Federal Government. (dpa)
18 August 2018, Brandenburg, Meseberg: Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov arrives in front of the guesthouse of the Federal Government. (dpa)

Russia Considering Downgrading Relations with the West, the Kremlin Says 

18 August 2018, Brandenburg, Meseberg: Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov arrives in front of the guesthouse of the Federal Government. (dpa)
18 August 2018, Brandenburg, Meseberg: Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov arrives in front of the guesthouse of the Federal Government. (dpa)

The Kremlin said on Thursday that Russia is considering a possible downgrading of diplomatic relations with the West due to the deeper involvement of the United States and its allies in the Ukraine war, though no decision has yet been made.

"The issue of lowering the level of diplomatic relations is a standard practice for states that face unfriendly or hostile manifestations," Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters when asked about the possibility of such a move.

"Due to the growing involvement of the West in the conflict over Ukraine, the Russian Federation cannot but consider various options for responding to such hostile Western intervention in the Ukrainian crisis."

Peskov said that no decision had yet been made on the matter and that Russia was considering different ways to respond to the West.