Saudi Arabia Demands EU Countries Address Practices that Fuel Hatred

Saudi Arabia Demands EU Countries Address Practices that Fuel Hatred

Saudi Arabia Demands EU Countries Address Practices that Fuel Hatred

Saudi Arabia Demands EU Countries Address Practices that Fuel Hatred

Saudi Arabia strongly rejected all the blatant acts of burning copies of the Holy Quran, which were repeated in several European capitals under the pretext of freedom of expression, and called on the European governments to urgently address these practices that contribute to fueling hatred and conflict between followers of religions.

The Saudi Foreign Ministry issued a statement expressing the Kingdom's strong condemnation and denunciation of the burning of copies of the Holy Quran by extremists in the Danish capital Copenhagen, in a new provocative step to the feelings of millions of Muslims around the world.

It reiterated the Kingdom's position firmly, rejecting all these blatant acts, which have been repeated in several European capitals recently under the pretext of freedom of expression, without an apparent reaction towards stopping these practices.

The Ministry stressed the Kingdom's demand for all European governments in which these extremist violations occurred and the importance of urgently addressing all these practices that fuel hatred and conflict among followers of religions.

Meanwhile, the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) also condemned the extremists' burning of the Holy Quran.

GCC Sec-Gen Nayef al-Hajraf affirmed the council's firm stance, which calls for promoting the values of dialogue, coexistence, and tolerance and rejects hatred and radicalism.

Hajraf lamented the absence of a clear and firm official reaction to such blatant acts, which, unfortunately, have recently been repeated in several European capitals under the pretext of freedom of expression.

Furthermore, Sec-Gen of Muslim World League (MWL) Mohammad al-Isa denounced extremists' insistence on repeating these reckless actions under the pretext of freedom of expression.

He reiterated his warning against the risks of hateful practices and provoking religious sentiments, which only serve the agendas of extremism.

Saudi Arabia Bids Farewell to Last Pilgrims from Madinah Airport

7,700 flights through six airports transported foreign pilgrims to Saudi Arabia for Hajj (SPA)
7,700 flights through six airports transported foreign pilgrims to Saudi Arabia for Hajj (SPA)

Saudi Arabia Bids Farewell to Last Pilgrims from Madinah Airport

7,700 flights through six airports transported foreign pilgrims to Saudi Arabia for Hajj (SPA)
7,700 flights through six airports transported foreign pilgrims to Saudi Arabia for Hajj (SPA)

The last group of pilgrims from this year’s Hajj season departed Saudi Arabia on Sunday aboard a Saudia flight from Prince Mohammad bin Abdulaziz International Airport in Madinah.

The flight carried 320 pilgrims to Kertajati, Indonesia, after they completed their Hajj rituals. Saudia, the Kingdom’s flag carrier, hosted a farewell ceremony, concluding its 74-day Hajj operations.

The first flight for this year’s Hajj season arrived in Madinah on May 9 from India with 283 pilgrims.

They were welcomed by the Minister of Transport and Logistics Services and the Deputy Minister of Hajj and Umrah.

Saudi Arabia facilitated 7,700 flights through six airports and provided over 27,000 buses to ease pilgrim transportation. The Haramain High-Speed Railway operated more than 5,000 trips during the season.

Over 1.8 million pilgrims participated in the last Hajj season. Health Minister Fahad Al-Jalajel confirmed there were no health issues or outbreaks.

The organization of Hajj was praised by leaders of Arab and Islamic countries.

Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi commended the excellent organization and services provided to millions of pilgrims.

Bahraini King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa praised the meticulous organization and services.

Kuwaiti Emir Sheikh Mishal Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah appreciated the modern smart services and technologies.

UAE President Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed highlighted the success of Saudi Arabia’s Hajj management.