Lebanon: Hezbollah, Amal Undecided About Nominating Army Chief for Presidency  

Lebanese Army Commander General Joseph Aoun attends a ceremony on Wednesday. (LAF website)
Lebanese Army Commander General Joseph Aoun attends a ceremony on Wednesday. (LAF website)

Lebanon: Hezbollah, Amal Undecided About Nominating Army Chief for Presidency  

Lebanese Army Commander General Joseph Aoun attends a ceremony on Wednesday. (LAF website)
Lebanese Army Commander General Joseph Aoun attends a ceremony on Wednesday. (LAF website)

Lebanon’s Army Commander, General Joseph Aoun, has been recenlty topping the list of potential candidates for the presidency.

While Aoun has gained the support of the Progressive Socialist Party (PSP), the head of the Lebanese Forces, Samir Geagea, announced on Wednesday that he would not object the Army chief’s election, provided that his election would solve the ongoing presidential crisis.

On the other hand, the head of the Free Patriotic Movement (FPM), MP Gebran Bassil, lashed out at the Army Commander during a press conference on Sunday, in an explicit rejection of his potential nomination.

But Hezbollah and Amal Movement, the two main Shiite parties in the country, have so far maintained their support to the head of the Marada Movement, former Minister Suleiman Franjieh.

While the supporters of MP Michel Moawad hinted that they had reached a dead end regarding his election, the Shiite duo has not yet announced a clear position, but only emphasized the importance of dialogue and the need to reach consensus among the different blocs.

Parliamentary sources in the Development and Liberation Bloc, headed by Speaker Nabih Berri, refused to give names, specifically about Berri’s position on Aoun’s nomination.

Reaffirming openness to dialogue and consensus, Berri’s sources, on the other hand, pointed to the problem related to amending the constitution, as the Army Commander is supposed to resign from his position six months before his election, a move that hasn’t materialized.

For his part, Hezbollah’s deputy secretary-general, Naim Qassem, stressed that the party was open for discussions.

Qassem Kassir, a political analyst close to Hezbollah, said: “The party still supports Franjieh’s candidacy, but is open to dialogue and ready for all possibilities.”

Asked whether Hezbollah would accept the election of the army commander, Kassir said: “The party has no problem with this option if it is consensual, which was previously announced by the head of [Hezbollah’s] political council, Ibrahim Amin Al-Sayed.”

Sisi: Regional, Int’l Reality Imposes ‘Complex Challenges’ on Egypt

Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi (Egyptian Presidency)
Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi (Egyptian Presidency)

Sisi: Regional, Int’l Reality Imposes ‘Complex Challenges’ on Egypt

Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi (Egyptian Presidency)
Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi (Egyptian Presidency)

Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi said on Tuesday that the current regional and international reality imposes new challenges and complex situations on Egypt, but then affirmed that his country will overcome this turbulent phase.

In a speech on the occasion of the 72nd anniversary of the July 23 Revolution, Sisi spoke of the repercussions of the regional wars now raging in the Gaza Strip and Sudan.

He mentioned the situation in the region such as wars, conflicts, civil strife, state fragmentation, institutional collapse, humanitarian catastrophes, famine outbreaks, and massive displacement.

“These unprecedented circumstances add tremendous burdens on Egypt, which can only be alleviated by my firm belief in the strength, resilience, unity, and cohesion of our great people who stand as a single structure, supporting each other, in the face of adversity,” Sisi said.

He affirmed that Egypt will overcome this turbulent phase, and continue its path towards progress, development, as well as building the nation.

“Egypt has kept pace with the changes of time, opening to the world and striving to enhance its economic, investment, urban, and industrial capabilities,” Sisi said.

He added that his country has also integrated into the global trade system while focusing on protecting the national economy as much as possible from the fluctuations and shocks of the global economy.

“This has been achieved through comprehensive and effective systems, offering the necessary social protection,” Sisi said.

The Egyptian President also renewed his country’s support for the Palestinians, affirming intensively working to support their legitimate right to an independent and sovereign state.