MWL Asserts Role of Shared Values in Promoting Communication Among Civilizations

Muslim World League Secretary-General Mohammed al-Issa during a lecture (Asharq Al-Awsat)
Muslim World League Secretary-General Mohammed al-Issa during a lecture (Asharq Al-Awsat)

MWL Asserts Role of Shared Values in Promoting Communication Among Civilizations

Muslim World League Secretary-General Mohammed al-Issa during a lecture (Asharq Al-Awsat)
Muslim World League Secretary-General Mohammed al-Issa during a lecture (Asharq Al-Awsat)

Muslim World League Secretary-General Mohammed al-Issa arrived in London to chair the Conference of Leaders of Muslims European Communities in the presence of more than 300 religious leaders and jurists.

Issa attended several diplomatic meetings during his visit, holding talks with several British officials and executive bodies.

The British Parliament held a reception for the Secretary-General in Westminster Palace, hosted by the Chairman of the Parliament's Environment Committee, Stephen Thames.

During his meetings, Issa asserted the vital role of shared values in promoting communication and cooperation among civilizations in facing their confrontational theories.

He addressed the role of religious leaders in urging their followers to show communication, dialogue, and positive openness to the other to reach the required level of understanding and achieve the great goal of attaining peace and harmony among communities.

The UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office also hosted Issa at its headquarters, where he delivered a lecture in the presence of several political and diplomatic leaders, students of the Diplomatic Academy of the British Foreign Office, and a group of young European influencers hosted by the UK Foreign Office to participate in the discussions that followed the lecture.

He also lectured at the Defense Academy with elite military leaders from the British army and international forces.

The meetings of the Sec-Gen addressed the "Religions for Our Planet" initiative, which presents qualitative mechanisms and an unconventional Islamic vision to raise the level of international awareness about environmental protection and the confrontation of climate change.

Issa reiterated the importance of the faith motive, the role of religious values in strengthening man's relationship with his surroundings, and his sense of the importance of protecting the planet in which humanity shares life and the necessity of preserving its resources.

During his speech, Issa cited the "Middle East Green Initiative" and the "Saudi Green Initiative" related to reducing carbon emissions, which Saudi Arabia launched to designate the region's approach to protecting the earth and nature and confronting climate change.

The lectures also reviewed the most important methods of intellectual confrontation of the roots of extremist ideology, stressing the importance of integrating roles to confront extremist forces, militarily and intellectually, and activating the part of the family and educational, media, and dialogue platforms.

It also emphasized the pivotal role of the efforts of Muslim scholars and Imams in this confrontation.

Mohamed bin Zayed, European Council President Discuss Strengthening Ties and Regional Developments

UAE President Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan meets with Charles Michel, President of the European Council, in Abu Dhabi. WAM
UAE President Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan meets with Charles Michel, President of the European Council, in Abu Dhabi. WAM

Mohamed bin Zayed, European Council President Discuss Strengthening Ties and Regional Developments

UAE President Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan meets with Charles Michel, President of the European Council, in Abu Dhabi. WAM
UAE President Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan meets with Charles Michel, President of the European Council, in Abu Dhabi. WAM

UAE President Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan and Charles Michel, President of the European Council, have discussed ways to develop and expand relations to serve the common interests of all sides and foster growth and prosperity.

During Friday’s meeting, which took place at Qasr Al Shati in Abu Dhabi, Sheikh Mohamed emphasized the deep ties between the UAE and the European Union, as well as the ongoing commitment to strengthening these relations to support their shared goals and promote peace and development at both the regional and global levels.

The meeting also touched upon the upcoming Gulf Cooperation Council-European Union summit scheduled for October in Brussels. The UAE President and Michel emphasized the significance of the summit in advancing relations, especially in economic and developmental areas, and setting the stage for further progress in the years ahead.

Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed and the European Council President also reviewed several regional and international issues of mutual concern, particularly developments in the Middle East. They underscored the importance of reaching an urgent ceasefire agreement in the Gaza Strip to allow for adequate humanitarian aid to alleviate the suffering of its residents. They also stressed the need to de-escalate tensions in the West Bank and to push for a permanent and stable peace process based on the two-state solution.

Both sides emphasized the seriousness of escalating tensions in the region and the critical need for international efforts to contain and prevent the expansion of conflicts, which pose a threat to regional security and stability.

Sheikh Mohamed reiterated the UAE’s support for all efforts aimed at bringing an end to the conflict in Gaza and fostering stability and peace in the region. He also highlighted the UAE's commitment to cooperating with the European Union and other concerned parties to enhance the humanitarian response to the worsening situation in Gaza and support regional stability.

Charles Michel praised the UAE's position in support of Gulf-European cooperation and its influential humanitarian role in Gaza. He also commended the UAE’s contributions to peace and stability in the Middle East.