Take Your Eyes Off Your Mobile Phone, Says Inventor

People sometimes just spend too long staring at their phone, even when they are walking along the street, says Cooper. AFP
People sometimes just spend too long staring at their phone, even when they are walking along the street, says Cooper. AFP

Take Your Eyes Off Your Mobile Phone, Says Inventor

People sometimes just spend too long staring at their phone, even when they are walking along the street, says Cooper. AFP
People sometimes just spend too long staring at their phone, even when they are walking along the street, says Cooper. AFP

The problem with mobile phones is that people look at them too much. At least, that's according to the man who invented them 50 years ago.

Martin Cooper, an American engineer dubbed the "Father of the cell phone," says the neat little device we all have in our pockets has almost boundless potential and could one day even help conquer disease.

But right now, we can be a little obsessed.

"I am devastated when I see somebody crossing the street and looking at their cell phone. They are out of their minds," the 94-year-old told AFP from his office in Del Mar, California.

"But after a few people get run over by cars, they'll figure it out," he joked.

Cooper wears an Apple Watch and uses a top-end iPhone, flicking intuitively between his email, photos, YouTube and the controls for his hearing aid.

He gets his hands on the latest model every time it is updated, and gives it a thorough road test.

But, he confesses, with several million apps available, it can all feel a bit much.

"I will never, ever understand how to use the cell phone the way my grandchildren and great grandchildren do," he says.

Cooper's iPhone -- which he says he likes to use mostly to speak to people -- is certainly a very long way from the weighty block of wires and circuits that he used to make the very first mobile phone call on April 3, 1973.

At the time he was working for Motorola, leading a team of designers and engineers who were engaged in a sprint to come up with the first properly mobile technology and avoid being squeezed out of an up-and-coming market.

The company had invested millions of dollars in the project, hoping to beat out Bell System, a behemoth that dominated US telecoms for more than a century from its inception in 1877.

Bell's engineers had floated the idea of a cellular phone system just after World War II, and by the late 1960s had taken it as far as putting phones in cars -- partially because of the huge battery they needed.

But for Cooper, that didn't represent real mobility.

At the tail end of 1972, he decided he wanted a device that you could use anywhere.

So with the entire resources of Motorola at his disposal, he pulled together experts on semiconductors, transistors, filters and antennae who worked around the clock for three months.

By the end of March, they had cracked it, unveiling the DynaTAC -- Dynamic Adaptive Total Area Coverage -- phone.

"This phone weighed over a kilo -- about two and a half pounds -- and had a battery life of roughly 25 minutes of talking," he said.

"That was not a problem. This phone was so heavy, you couldn't hold it up for 25 minutes."

That very first phone call didn't have to be long. It just had to work.

And who better for Cooper to call than his rival?

"So here I am standing on Sixth Avenue (in New York) And it occurred to me I had to call my counterpart at the The Bell System... Dr Joel Engel

"And I said, 'Joel, this is Martin Cooper... I'm talking to you on a handheld cell phone. But a real cell phone, personal, portable, handheld.'

"There was silence on the other end of the line. I think he was gritting his teeth."

Those first mobile phones were not cheap at around $5,000 per handset, but they granted early adopters -- who Cooper says included people trying to sell property -- an edge.

"It turns out that what real estate people do is they show people houses, or they answer the phone for new clients.

"Now they could do both at the same time; it doubled their productivity."

And mobile phones continue to improve people's lives.

"The cell phone has now become an extension of the person, it can do so many more things," he said.

"And in that regard, we are just at the very beginning. We're just starting to understand what that could do.

"In the future, we can expect the cell phone to revolutionize education, it will revolutionize healthcare.

"I know that sounds like an exaggeration, but I want you to know within a generation or two, we are going to conquer disease."

Just like his watch monitors his heartrate while he swims, and his phone monitors his hearing aids, phones will one day be connected to an array of bodily sensors that will catch illness before it develops, he says.

It's all a long way from where it started with that monster handset, but while he didn't envisage every development, Cooper always knew the device he and his team came up with would change the world.

"We really knew that everybody someday would have a cell phone. We're almost there.

"There are more mobile phone subscriptions in the world today than there are people. So that part of our dream has come true."

As for the problem of people gawping at their phones too much -- even as they cross the road -- he's not worried.

New technology often throws up challenges.

"When television first came out, people were just hypnotized.

"But we somehow... managed to understand that there is a quality associated with looking at a television."

Right now, we're at the mindless staring phase with our phones, he says, but that won't last.

"Each generation is going to be smarter... They will learn how to use the cell phone more effectively.

"Humans sooner or later figure it out."

OpenAI Enters Google-Dominated Search Market with SearchGPT 

OpenAI logo is seen in this illustration taken May 20, 2024. (Reuters)
OpenAI logo is seen in this illustration taken May 20, 2024. (Reuters)

OpenAI Enters Google-Dominated Search Market with SearchGPT 

OpenAI logo is seen in this illustration taken May 20, 2024. (Reuters)
OpenAI logo is seen in this illustration taken May 20, 2024. (Reuters)

OpenAI is venturing into a territory long dominated by Google with the selective launch of SearchGPT, an artificial intelligence-powered search engine with real-time access to information from the internet.

The move, announced on Thursday, also places the AI giant in competition with its largest backer Microsoft's Bing search and emerging services such as Perplexity — a search-focused AI chatbot firm backed by Amazon founder Jeff Bezos and semiconductor giant Nvidia.

Shares of Google's parent company Alphabet ended 3% lower on Thursday after OpenAI's announcement.

OpenAI said it has opened sign-ups for the new tool, which is currently in the prototype stage and is being tested with a small group of users and publishers. The company plans to integrate the best features from the search tool into ChatGPT in the future.

"AI-powered search tools from OpenAI and Perplexity re-affirm search as a content engagement model but pressure Google to be better at its own game," Canaccord Genuity analyst Kingsley Crane said.

Google dominates the search engine market with a 91.1% share as of June, according to web analytics firm Statcounter.

SearchGPT will provide summarized search results with source links in response to user queries, OpenAI said in a blog post. Users will also be able to ask follow-up questions and receive contextual responses.

The company will give publishers access to tools for managing how their content appears in SearchGPT results. News Corp and The Atlantic are publishing partners for SearchGPT.

SearchGPT signals a closer collaboration between publishers and OpenAI, following content licensing agreements with major organizations like Associated Press, News Corp and Axel Springer.

"Newer AI-powered search providers could face challenges of their own, with Perplexity already facing pending legal action from publishers like Wired and Forbes, and Condé Nast," said Crane.

Major search engines have been trying to integrate AI into search since ChatGPT first launched in November 2022. Microsoft, through its early investment, adopted OpenAI technology for its Bing search engine, while Google rolled out AI-powered summaries for the wider public at its developer conference in May.

Google did not respond to a Reuters query on the potential impact of SearchGPT on its business.

Reuters had earlier reported on OpenAI's plans around AI search in May.