Iraqi PM Announces Implementation of Projects to Reduce Traffic Congestion in Baghdad

Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammed Shia Al-Sudani in Baghdad, Iraq (Reuters)
Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammed Shia Al-Sudani in Baghdad, Iraq (Reuters)

Iraqi PM Announces Implementation of Projects to Reduce Traffic Congestion in Baghdad

Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammed Shia Al-Sudani in Baghdad, Iraq (Reuters)
Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammed Shia Al-Sudani in Baghdad, Iraq (Reuters)

Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammed Shia Al-Sudani announced on Wednesday kickstarting the implementation of three initial projects to alleviate chronic traffic congestion in Baghdad.

Speaking to a group of young engineers, Al-Sudani said: “This government is a service-oriented government and has prioritized services across all sectors, including a package of 19 projects in Baghdad.”

“The launch of the three projects is an opportunity to meet with graduate engineers who have not had the chance to secure employment, with the aim of assisting them in finding alternatives based on private sector opportunities,” explained the premier.

Besides Al-Sudani expressing his support for young Iraqi innovators, he affirmed that the country is on the verge of a reconstruction revolution and project announcements.

During a meeting with government officials late last March, Al-Sudani shed light on the daily suffering of citizens due to traffic congestion at Baghdad’s entrances and the failure of the relevant authorities to appreciate the problem’s true magnitude.

He held responsible authorities accountable for delay in implementing traffic-relief projects.

Al-Sudani emphasized that “the situation at Baghdad’s entrances can no longer be tolerated.”

He reiterated the need for “relevant authorities to prioritize project plans, as there are projects that cannot stand delay or procrastination.”

Baghdad, with a population of almost 9 million, is grappling with severe traffic congestion caused by unregulated car imports and a constant influx of people seeking better job prospects.

The road network in the capital has not been updated, starting from its entrances, and financial and administrative corruption has hampered the allocation of the over trillion dollars of oil sales revenue that could have modernized the city's infrastructure, including tunnel and metro systems.

For his part, the Minister of Construction and Housing Bangen Rekani confirmed that the three projects to alleviate the traffic congestion represent a qualitative leap for the residents of Baghdad.

Family of Murdered Libyan Calls for Retrial of Saadi Gaddafi

File photo of Saadi Gaddafi (AFP)
File photo of Saadi Gaddafi (AFP)

Family of Murdered Libyan Calls for Retrial of Saadi Gaddafi

File photo of Saadi Gaddafi (AFP)
File photo of Saadi Gaddafi (AFP)

The family of the murdered Libyan footballer Bashir Al-Riani has vowed not to “forfeit his blood” after the country’s Supreme Court overturned the acquittal of Saadi Gaddafi in the case.

The Tripoli Court of Appeals in April 2018 had acquitted the son of the late Libyan leader Moammar Gaddafi of charges related to Al-Riani’s torture and murder in 2005. Despite the acquittal, Saadi remained imprisoned until his release on Sept. 6 2021, after which he reportedly left for Turkiye.

In a video statement, Al-Riani’s son announced that the Supreme Court had overturned Saadi’s acquittal and accepted an appeal against it, returning the case to the Tripoli Court of Appeals. He asserted this decision as proof of Saadi’s guilt and vowed to pursue justice until the trial is completed.

While no comment was issued by Saadi’s supporters regarding the Supreme Court’s decision, Ahmed Nashad, a Libyan lawyer and head of the defense team for Abdullah Senussi, former intelligence chief under Gaddafi, explained that overturning Saadi’s acquittal requires a new trial before the Tripoli Court of Appeals.

Al-Riani was found dead in 2005 near Saadi’s seaside residence. Saadi was accused of torturing and killing him, though accounts of the incident vary widely.

In June 2014, former Attorney General Abdelkader Jumaa Radwan referred Saadi’s case to the indictment chamber of the North Tripoli Primary Court after concluding the investigation.

Saadi, 50, was a former football player. He tried in vain to establish a football career in the Italian League, before leading an elite military unit.

Some Libyans, who oppose the Gaddafi regime, say that Saadi heard Al-Riani saying that the man was not talented at football. Meanwhile, another unreliable story states that Al-Riani was drunk and refused to obey Saadi’s guards, so they shot him. This story is denied by the victim’s family.

A former political official close to the Government of National Unity said that Saadi’s release was likely politically motivated, part of broader efforts to free several former regime figures. He noted that many Gaddafi loyalists remain imprisoned despite court orders for their release.