Algerian President’s Visit to Paris Postponed

The sculpture of Emir Abdelkader located in Amboise, France [Guillaume Souvant/AFP]
The sculpture of Emir Abdelkader located in Amboise, France [Guillaume Souvant/AFP]

Algerian President’s Visit to Paris Postponed

The sculpture of Emir Abdelkader located in Amboise, France [Guillaume Souvant/AFP]
The sculpture of Emir Abdelkader located in Amboise, France [Guillaume Souvant/AFP]

A visit by Algerian President Abdelmadjid Tebboune to Paris was postponed, French newspaper Le Figaro cited sources as saying.

According to information reported by the newspaper, the symbolic trip of the Algerian president, which was to take place on May 2- 3, has been postponed by mutual agreement without new dates being set.

Le Figaro added that the postponement was confirmed by French and Algerian sources who did not specify the reasons, but pointed to a “lack of preparation of files”.

Anne Marie Descôtes, Secretary General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, traveled to Algiers on Sunday, where she met with her Algerian counterpart, Ammar Ballani, to put the final touches on the preparations for the visit.

However, many observers had expected the trip to be adjourned due to the protests taking place in France over the government’s pension reforms.

French newspaper L’Opinion reported on Saturday that the visit was expected to take place between May 2 and 5, adding that the most important items on its agenda would include a speech that Tebboune would deliver before the National Assembly, over bilateral economic ties.

The speech was also expected to deal with the human dimension of the relations between the two countries, which is represented by the millions of Algerians residing in France, the French of Algerian origin, and generations of immigrants’ children.

Algeria is calling for greater flexibility in the French visa system, and for activating the agreement on the movement of persons between the two countries that dates back to 1968, which gives preference to Algerians wishing to pursue studies in French universities.

The agenda, which was agreed upon by senior officials in the two countries, includes a visit by Tebboune and French President Emmanuel Macron to the Amboise Palace in the heart of France, the location of a steel structure representing Emir Abdelkader, who was imprisoned in the same place in the 19th century, after popular revolutions he waged against the French invasion of Algeria.

Prince Abdelkader is considered the founder of the modern Algerian state and a symbol of tolerance between religions. He was known for defending the Christians of Syria in 1860 against persecution.

UN, World Bank to Fund Climate-Resilient Roads in Rural Areas in Yemen

Supporting local initiatives in Yemen to maintain rural roads (Social Fund for Development)
Supporting local initiatives in Yemen to maintain rural roads (Social Fund for Development)

UN, World Bank to Fund Climate-Resilient Roads in Rural Areas in Yemen

Supporting local initiatives in Yemen to maintain rural roads (Social Fund for Development)
Supporting local initiatives in Yemen to maintain rural roads (Social Fund for Development)

The United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS) and the World Bank are constructing climate-resilient roads in rural areas in Yemen and are enhancing road infrastructure to improve access to food and basic services for rural communities across the country, the two bodies revealed in a statement.

The constructions are part of the three-year Yemen Emergency Lifeline Connectivity project, which began in 2022.

The project aims to provide climate resilient road access and employment and entrepreneurship opportunities to the food insecure rural population of Yemen.

It comprises rural and village access roads improvement and maintenance, such as the rehabilitation of lifeline rural access roads and road maintenance through private sector participation and supply chain enhancement.

Also, the project will strengthen the management capacity of transport sector public institutions to finance the project management capacities of the road maintenance fund (RMF) and rural access program (RAP) through a program of capacity building.

This aims to prepare them to efficiently manage the network in the medium to longer-term and strengthen RAP’s and RMF’s capacity to predict, respond, and design resilient roads infrastructure to extreme climate events such as floods, to assess vulnerability of infrastructure assets and prepare and implement resilient investment plans.

In addition, the project supports monitoring and evaluation to ensure that the project is successfully and efficiently implemented and to provide immediate response to an eligible crisis or emergency following the procedures governed by the Bank policy for investment project financing.

$50 Million

With $50 million in funding from the World Bank's International Development Association, UNOPS said it is rehabilitating and upgrading 150 km of access roads in rural areas and 60 km of access roads to villages, as well as supporting the maintenance of an additional 150 km of road.

UNOPS is also procuring and installing three pre-fabricated bridges as part of the project.

To date, works on more than 70 km of roads are complete, while works on 85 km are near complete.

“We are proud to partner with the World Bank on a project that will help increase economic opportunities for rural communities by facilitating their access to markets and social services,” said Muhammad Usman Akram, Director of UNOPS Multi-Country Office in Amman.

The rehabilitated roads will help address food insecurity and foster the safe and reliable delivery of food and other essential goods to rural communities.

The all-weather roads will also provide a way for humanitarian organizations to access more communities.

“The reactivation of the Road Asset Management System will support Yemen in assessing the vulnerability of infrastructure assets, designing climate-resilient road infrastructure and preparing climate-resilient investment plans for subsequent implementation in the future,” added Usman Akram.