Syrian Kurds Ready for Dialogue with Damascus

Syrian Kurds celebrate Nowruz in Al-Hasakah Governorate on March 21 (AFP)
Syrian Kurds celebrate Nowruz in Al-Hasakah Governorate on March 21 (AFP)

Syrian Kurds Ready for Dialogue with Damascus

Syrian Kurds celebrate Nowruz in Al-Hasakah Governorate on March 21 (AFP)
Syrian Kurds celebrate Nowruz in Al-Hasakah Governorate on March 21 (AFP)

The Kurdish Autonomous Administration, which controls large areas in northern and northeastern Syria, has expressed its willingness to meet with the Syrian government, in a move that comes in parallel with an accelerating Arab openness towards Damascus.

In a statement distributed on Tuesday night and reported by AFP, the Administration said: “We affirm our readiness to meet and talk with the Syrian government and with all Syrian parties to hold discussions and present initiatives for a solution.”

It also urged “Arab countries, the United Nations and international forces... to play an active and positive role in searching for a common solution.”

Since 2018, the Autonomous Administration has engaged in several rounds of talks with Damascus, without achieving any results.

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has repeatedly accused the Kurds - who spearheaded the confrontation against ISIS and managed to defeat it in large areas in north and northeastern Syria, with American support - of “collaborating” with Washington, which is leading an international coalition against the extremist organization.

In an interview during his recent visit to Moscow, last month, Assad responded to a question about the Kurdish units, saying that any party or individual “working for a foreign power is simply a traitor and a collaborator.”

Underlining Syria’s “territorial integrity”, the Kurdish Autonomous Administration called for the country’s resources to be shared “fairly”, including oil and gas fields, which are mostly located in the areas under its control.

The Kurdish authorities noted that they were ready to share resources including oil and gas “through an agreement with the Syrian government” following “dialogue and negotiation”.

The Kurds are afraid of losing the gains they made during the first years of the conflict, after they suffered for decades from a policy of marginalization imposed on them by the successive Syrian governments.

They were also excluded from several rounds of negotiation, including the UN-led talks in Geneva between representatives of the government and the opposition.

Egypt Arrests Travel Agents for Illegally Facilitating Hajj Trips

Regular pilgrims performed the Hajj without significant difficulties. (Egyptian Ministry of Solidarity)
Regular pilgrims performed the Hajj without significant difficulties. (Egyptian Ministry of Solidarity)

Egypt Arrests Travel Agents for Illegally Facilitating Hajj Trips

Regular pilgrims performed the Hajj without significant difficulties. (Egyptian Ministry of Solidarity)
Regular pilgrims performed the Hajj without significant difficulties. (Egyptian Ministry of Solidarity)

Egypt is prosecuting tourism companies for illegally facilitating pilgrims’ travel to Makkah, following reports about the death of hundreds of Egyptian pilgrims during this year’s Hajj season.
On Thursday, the Public Prosecution said it kicked off urgent investigations into tourism companies that arranged the travel of “irregular” pilgrims. It also detained, for four days, two of the defendants accused of “wrongfully causing the death in Alexandria of a woman because of the lack of the appropriate transportation and accommodation” during her travel”.
The Public Prosecution also detained an official of another tourism company. The man is facing a lawsuit submitted by the two sons of a woman who had died during the pilgrimage.
Last week, Egyptian Prime Minister Mostafa Madbouly ordered 16 tourism companies to be stripped of their licenses and referred their managers to the public prosecutor’s office for illegally facilitating pilgrims’ travel to Makkah.
The Parliament’s Tourism and Aviation Committee called for developing a new mechanism to grant visas of various types to Egyptians through coordination with the Saudi side and the Egyptian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
The committee convened on Wednesday and saw demands from a number of representatives to open investigations into the tourism companies that illegally facilitated the travel of pilgrims to Makkah, which led to a number of deaths due to the lack of appropriate services.
In remarks to Asharq Al-Awsat, MP Amani Al-Shaouli, Secretary of the Tourism and Aviation Committee, stressed that Parliament will follow up with the ministries of Tourism and Foreign Affairs to implement the committee’s recommendations and address any loopholes that are being exploited to violate the laws regulating the performance of Hajj, in coordination with the Saudi authorities.