Cathy O'Neil

Cathy O'Neil

Maybe This Financial System Can’t Be Fixed

Ten years after a crisis that brought the world to the brink of Armageddon, the people overseeing the world’s largest economy insist they’ve reduced the risk of another financial disaster. Just one problem: We need a different financial system, not just better risk management. I had a front-row…

Biases Hidden in Algorithms

Apparently, President Donald Trump doesn’t like the news that he sees about himself on Google, Facebook and Twitter. So he’s accusing them of being rigged against him — and against conservatives in general. Absurd as Trump’s claim may be, the tech giants have it coming. Trump is probably…

Reputation Scores on Facebook?

Facebook just came up with a really creepy idea: To stem the flow of disinformation, the social network has started assigning reputation scores to users. If you post stuff that the company deems suspicious, your score will fall and you will be filtered out of other people’s news feeds. Dystopic…

How America Can Stop Being the Wild West of Data

Governments everywhere are grappling with a difficult task: how to define what data the likes of Facebook and Google can collect about people, and what can be done with it. For the US, a new set of proposals from Senator Mark Warner might point the way forward. In many ways, Europe has been the…

Everyone Should Hate Google Glass

I hate Google Glass, and I think I’ve hit upon a way to get everyone to understand the dystopic future this eyewear augurs: Give it to flight attendants. The summer of 2014 was a turning point for me. I had always considered myself a genuinely nice person who would never consider violence…