Dr. Jebril El-Abidi
Libyan writer and researcher

Libya and the Need for Reconciliation and Repair

After years of embers, chaos and war, Libya is in dire need for reconciliation and for repairing what sedition, fighting and warring have caused — a war that went on for different reasons and in pursuit of different aims but left the same victims, Libyans in the east, west and south, some who were…

Countries of the Nile and the Renaissance Dam Crisis

“When the river’s water supply depletes all the Pharaoh's soldiers are to sprint into action and to return only after liberating the Nile from what had been restricting its flow”, reads a phrase inscribed on the walls of the Temple of Horus, while the Egyptian foreign ministry says: “We will not…

Concealed Racism or an Individual Mistake?

An important question raises itself: What if George Floyd had been killed with no cameras or social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter to cover his death? Will this racial crime have disappeared just like many others in the US and the world? The killing of George Floyd exposed the…

‘Tunisia-nizing’ Ennahda or ‘Brotherhood-izing’ Tunisia?

‘Tunisia-nizing’ Ennahda or ‘Brotherhood-izing’ Tunisia? This is the intractable and incomprehensible formula in Tunisia these days in light of Ennahda leadership’s insistence on maintaining ties with the Muslim Brotherhood, accused of terrorism in many countries. There is considerable…

Erdogan and the Recruitment of Children to Fight in Libya

Erdogan is recruiting children to fight in Libya, a process that qualifies as a full-blown war crime, a humanitarian catastrophe and a clear violation of the International Convention against the Recruitment, Use, Financing and Training of Mercenaries. This crime of recruiting children has been…

China Is Asked to Pay the Coronavirus Bill

China was accused of distorting and hiding important and sensitive information about the COVID-19 pandemic by not being attentive to the dangers of the virus from the start, and being late to announce, or perhaps delaying the announcement of the pandemic. This has had grave consequences on world…

Libya and the Army's Popular Mandate

The Libyan people responded positively to Commander of the Libyan National Army Marshal Khalifa Haftar’s call for tasking the army with ruling the country and dissolving the Presidential Council after the Sukheirat Agreement had failed. After large protests broke out in major Libyan cities, the…

Libya and War in the Time of Coronavirus

Libya and the war in the time of the novel coronavirus have started to sound much like an epic, and have indeed become a very difficult equation for the Libyan National Army on multiple fronts, who now seems to be fighting two enemies at once. The first enemy is obvious and treacherous, and by…

The United Nations and The Libyan Crisis?

Have the United Nations and the mission led by Ghassan Salame in Libya become a part of the Libyan crisis? After a mishandling based on a misreading of the Libyan crisis and Salame becoming involved in serious violations of red lines in Libya, especially after he repeated the same mistakes in his…

Libya, Erdogan, and the Mercenaries

Deporting the “mercenaries” was the pressure card that Erdogan chose to threaten Europe’s security. He had previously threatened Europe with deporting what was left of ISIS to the continent, as part a repeated attempt to blackmail them, and he had already transferred hundreds of Syrian fighters to…