Rajeh Khoury

Lebanon: A Choice Between Bad and Worse

It’s been four weeks now and the jolly Lebanese government was not able to take a decision on the issue its finance minister called “a choice between the bad and the worse”. Prime Minister Hassan Diab has said that this government came into being as a result of the October 17 revolution and raised…

Welcome, Coronavirus… Remember us!

In the past weeks, the coronavirus has been taking the world by storm. The news coming from Wuhan and the photos of victims and nurses wearing protective suits looking like aliens, and victims being taken to isolation was all over the media. The Lebanese Minister of Health in the “technocrat…

A Blackhole Swallows Lebanon!

This February 4, and after the Iranian regime repeatedly denied that the US sanctions have affected their economy, Iranian Vice President Eshaq Jahangiri said that Iran is unable to transfer any money because of the financial sanctions. He told ISNA News Agency that the US is not allowing them…

An Economic and Political ‘Corona’ in Lebanon?

Weeks ago, the French Foreign Minister gave what seemed to be an obituary to Lebanon in light of its ongoing political and economic disarray. Worst of all, those in power are dealing with the revolution that broke out in every city in the country and reached 26 countries through Lebanese expats, as…

A Government of Masks and a Hunger Revolution

Finally, the end of the catastrophic race. Who gets there first in Lebanon? A technocratic government pulled out of the hats of political wizards and "Your orders, sir"? Or an economic and livelihoods crisis that could bring a storm that destroys the country and drag it to checkpoints again? Which…

Lebanon and the Monster of Bankruptcy

Last Wednesday, President Michel Aoun announced that parliamentary consultations would take place on Monday, thereby deferring them for five more days, 34 days after the government resigned, and 47 days after the revolution began. This happened after the end of the third meeting between Prime…