Indian Minister of Renewable Energy: We Seek Deeper Partnership with Saudi Arabia

Prince Abdulaziz bin Salman, Saudi Minister of Energy, and his Indian counterpart, during the signing of the agreement between the two countries (Asharq Al-Awsat)
Prince Abdulaziz bin Salman, Saudi Minister of Energy, and his Indian counterpart, during the signing of the agreement between the two countries (Asharq Al-Awsat)

Indian Minister of Renewable Energy: We Seek Deeper Partnership with Saudi Arabia

Prince Abdulaziz bin Salman, Saudi Minister of Energy, and his Indian counterpart, during the signing of the agreement between the two countries (Asharq Al-Awsat)
Prince Abdulaziz bin Salman, Saudi Minister of Energy, and his Indian counterpart, during the signing of the agreement between the two countries (Asharq Al-Awsat)

Indian Minister of Electricity and New and Renewable Energy Raj Kumar Singh said that his country was seeking to establish a deeper partnership with Saudi Arabia and to maximize bilateral projects, underlining New Delhi’s commitment to reducing the emissions intensity of its GDP by 45 percent by 2030.

Speaking to Asharq Al-Awsat on the sidelines of his participation in the Middle East and North Africa Climate Week (MENACW) 2023 in Riyadh, Singh said that Saudi Arabia was a reliable source of crude oil and India’s fourth-largest bilateral trading partner, noting that hydrocarbons accounted for about 68.6 percent of bilateral trade.

“Saudi Arabia plays an important role in India’s energy security, as is the second-largest exporter of crude oil to India after Iraq, and the fourth-largest exporter of liquefied natural gas and liquefied petroleum gas,” he said, expecting the “Climate Week” event to produce enabling factors and technologies to achieve comprehensive transformations.

According to the minister, the India-Saudi Strategic Partnership Council will create a multi-faceted and mutually beneficial strategy that includes cultural exchanges, defense and security cooperation, trade and investments, healthcare, technology, energy security and food security.

He added that the relations between Saudi Arabia and India are based on mutual respect, trust and cooperation, since independence.

“These relations gained further momentum with the visits of Prime Minister Narendra Modi to Saudi Arabia in 2016 and 2019, and the visits of Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, Prime Minister of Saudi Arabia, to India in 2019, where the India-Saudi Strategic Partnership Council was established, covering the entire scope of our bilateral relations,” Singh told Asharq Al-Awsat.

Economic, cultural and sports cooperation

The Indian minister went on to say that India was the second-largest trading partner for Saudi Arabia, while the Kingdom was India’s fourth-largest trading partner.

“Bilateral defense cooperation between the two countries has witnessed further progress this year, with engagements reaching their highest levels ever, demonstrating the strong interdependence and mutual trust between our two great countries,” he stated.

Singh continued: “Saudi Arabia has also become a favorite destination for Bollywood movies, while yoga and cricket are very popular in the Kingdom... The presence of more than 2.4 million strong Indian communities in the Kingdom is a living bridge between our two great countries.”

Cooperation in energy

The minister pointed out that Saudi Arabia plays an important role in his country’s energy security, being the second-largest exporter of crude oil to India, and the fourth-largest exporter of liquefied natural gas and liquefied petroleum gas.

In this context, he said that he signed with his Saudi counterpart, Minister of Energy Prince Abdulaziz bin Salman, a historic memorandum of understanding for cooperation in the fields of electrical connectivity, clean green hydrogen, and supply chains.

“This memorandum of understanding aims to establish a general framework for cooperation between the two countries in the field of electrical interconnection during peak times and emergency situations, joint development of projects, joint production of clean green hydrogen and renewable energy, as well as the establishment of safe, reliable and flexible supply chains for materials used in clean green hydrogen,” he remarked.

Renewable energy in India

According to Singh, India, with its ambitious agenda, is leading the way in the energy transition and emerging as a global leader.

“We are aware of our responsibilities as an emerging economy, and have taken important measures to shift towards a low-carbon economy without compromising our growth and development,” he said, adding: “India is committed to aligning its energy transition efforts with the common goal of limiting global temperature rise to well below 2 degrees Celsius.”

He stressed that his country has made great strides in enhancing power generation capacity from traditional fuels, establishing a unified national grid, strengthening the distribution network, encouraging renewable energy, expanding access to electricity and achieving full comprehensive household electrification, and implementing innovative policies.

Hydrogen, a pivotal source of clean energy

Raj Kumar Singh said that green hydrogen will play a crucial role in decarbonizing industrial sectors, along with renewable energy sources.

“India took the lead and recently launched the Green Hydrogen Mission with the ambitious goal of achieving 5 million metric tons of green hydrogen production annually by 2030,” he told Asharq Al-Awsat.

China Backs Yemeni Gov’t, Engages Houthis, Opposes Red Sea Attacks

Shao Zheng, Chargé d'Affaires of the Chinese Embassy in Yemen. (Photo Credit: Bashir Saleh)
Shao Zheng, Chargé d'Affaires of the Chinese Embassy in Yemen. (Photo Credit: Bashir Saleh)

China Backs Yemeni Gov’t, Engages Houthis, Opposes Red Sea Attacks

Shao Zheng, Chargé d'Affaires of the Chinese Embassy in Yemen. (Photo Credit: Bashir Saleh)
Shao Zheng, Chargé d'Affaires of the Chinese Embassy in Yemen. (Photo Credit: Bashir Saleh)

A Chinese diplomat announced that Beijing is working with the UN Special Envoy for Yemen, Hans Grundberg, the five permanent UN Security Council members, and other key parties to push the Yemen peace plan forward.

The diplomat urged Yemeni factions to negotiate and quickly sign a peace agreement.

Speaking to Asharq Al-Awsat, Shao Zheng, Chargé d'Affaires of the Chinese Embassy in Yemen, said China is in contact with the Houthis and other Yemeni parties. He also called for an end to attacks on commercial ships in the Red Sea.

The Chinese diplomat praised Saudi Arabia’s efforts for peace in Yemen, calling them “positive.” Zheng mentioned that he has met Saudi Arabia’s ambassador to Yemen, Mohammed Al-Jaber, many times, referring to him as “a dear friend.”

He disclosed that China is planning to work with regional countries to quickly achieve peace in the Red Sea region.

Zheng clarified that China’s military base in Djibouti is not currently involved in Red Sea operations.

He highlighted that the Chinese navy has protected 7,200 ships in the Gulf of Aden and off the Somali coast over the past 15 years, with the involvement of 35,000 Chinese soldiers.

Addressing recent US sanctions on Chinese companies accused of supplying military materials to the Houthis, Zheng stated that Beijing opposes these sanctions.

He emphasized that China has strict controls on exporting military and civilian products, calling the sanctions “unilateral and without Security Council approval.”

Moreover, the ambassador expressed optimism about the future of Chinese-Yemeni relations, calling them “bright” and highlighting successful cooperation in various fields over the years.

“This year marks the 68th anniversary of diplomatic ties between China and Yemen. We’ve seen fruitful cooperation in political and economic areas. Both countries support each other regionally and internationally,” Zheng told Asharq Al-Awsat.

“We are confident in a bright future for our relations and can enhance cooperation through initiatives like the Belt and Road” Initiative, he affirmed.

During his recent visit to Yemen, his third in a year, Zheng visited Hadhramaut and Aden, where he attended the arrival of Chinese medical aid, including over 1,000 medical items and 10 ambulances.

“I saw significant local progress, like improved internet speeds, but Yemen still faces challenges such as electricity generation,” noted Zheng.

“In Aden, I met with the prime minister and other government officials for extensive discussions on bilateral relations and the situation in Yemen. We support the legitimate government and the Presidential Leadership Council,” he added.

The Chinese diplomat reaffirmed China’s opposition to military attacks on commercial ships in the Red Sea.

“We must ensure the Red Sea’s security and make our position clear to the Houthis and other parties. The Red Sea crisis has lasted nearly six months, causing significant losses. We call for an end to these attacks,” said Zheng.

“China believes the Red Sea crisis is linked to the conflict in Gaza. We urge immediate peace in Gaza and humanitarian aid to prevent the crisis from spreading,” he added.

On a recent Houthi attack on a Chinese ship, Zheng said China is closely monitoring the Red Sea situation.

“The foreign shipping market is complex, and identifying a ship’s nationality can be difficult. We urge an end to attacks on commercial vessels to avoid disrupting global supply chains,” he said.

“The international community must ensure Red Sea peace according to international law. Civilians must not be targeted.”

“We must achieve peace in Gaza, respect the sovereignty of Red Sea countries like Yemen, and raise security awareness among commercial ships,” asserted Zheng.