Baramah to Asharq Al-Awsat: Sudan War Lacks Clear Purpose or Justification

Sudan’s National Umma Party Chairperson Fadlallah Baramah (Asharq Al-Awsat)
Sudan’s National Umma Party Chairperson Fadlallah Baramah (Asharq Al-Awsat)

Baramah to Asharq Al-Awsat: Sudan War Lacks Clear Purpose or Justification

Sudan’s National Umma Party Chairperson Fadlallah Baramah (Asharq Al-Awsat)
Sudan’s National Umma Party Chairperson Fadlallah Baramah (Asharq Al-Awsat)

The leader of Sudan’s National Umma Party, Fadlallah Baramah, described the signing of the “Addis Ababa Declaration” between the Civil Democratic Forces Alliance (Tagaddum) and the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) as a “preliminary step on the right path towards peace.”

He deemed it a “political and military opportunity to reach a final resolution for the Sudanese crisis.”

Speaking to Asharq Al-Awsat in the Ethiopian capital, Addis Ababa, Baramah characterized the conflict that erupted in Sudan on April 15, 2023, as distinct from previous wars in the country.

He emphasized, in the remarks published Friday, that this war lacks a clear objective and has surpassed both in human and material losses all preceding conflicts.

Baramah leads one of Sudan’s largest political parties, the National Umma Party, and is a military veteran who previously served as the Northeast African country’s Minister of Defense.

Drawing on his military expertise, Baramah drew comparisons between the current war involving the Sudanese army and the RSF and previous wars.

He pointed out that the South Sudan War, known as the “Torit mutiny” from August 1955 to 1962, concluded with the Addis Ababa Agreement in 1973 led by General Joseph Lagu.

Baramah recalled the history of conflict witnessed by Sudan, including the war led by John Garang de Mabior (1983-2005), the Nuba Mountains War led by Yousif Kuwa and Telfal Kokor (1985), and the Darfur War (2003-2020).

All these conflicts did not result in the same level of loss of life and infrastructure damage as the current war, noted Baramah.

“This war must come to a halt, as it has inflicted unprecedented harm on lives, people, and infrastructure over nine months, unlike any of the previous wars that lasted 51 years,” he asserted.

“Thousands have lost their lives, millions have been displaced and uprooted, and there has been unparalleled destruction to infrastructure – destruction that is challenging to repair.”

“For instance, the destroyed Jili Petroleum Refinery (north of Bahri city in the capital Khartoum) requires five billion dollars for reconstruction (its initial construction cost was two billion dollars), and the Shambat Bridge needs millions, in addition to other private and public facilities,” clarified Baramah.

Baramah observed that the current Sudanese war is “without cause,” unlike the preceding conflicts in Sudan.

“All previous wars had their reasons and justifications, but this war is unjustifiable,” he told Asharq Al-Awsat.

“The South Sudan War, for instance, stemmed from the Southerners’ rightful demand for federal governance and later independence, a legitimate demand. The rest of the wars were about citizens’ rights to wealth and power," explained Baramah.

Expressing concern, Baramah warned about the catastrophic consequences of this war, describing them as perilous.

“This war has brought us to a dangerous stage, marked by the proliferation of hate speech, which is more destructive than the destruction of infrastructure because it leads to the destruction of Sudan,” he cautioned.

Hamdok Optimistic for Burhan-Hemedti Meeting

Abdullah Hamdok, Sudan’s former Prime Minister and leader of the Sudanese Coordination of Civil Democratic Forces (Taqaddum)
Abdullah Hamdok, Sudan’s former Prime Minister and leader of the Sudanese Coordination of Civil Democratic Forces (Taqaddum)

Hamdok Optimistic for Burhan-Hemedti Meeting

Abdullah Hamdok, Sudan’s former Prime Minister and leader of the Sudanese Coordination of Civil Democratic Forces (Taqaddum)
Abdullah Hamdok, Sudan’s former Prime Minister and leader of the Sudanese Coordination of Civil Democratic Forces (Taqaddum)

Abdalla Hamdok, Sudan’s former Prime Minister and leader of the Sudanese Coordination of Civil Democratic Forces (Taqaddum), is optimistic about a potential meeting between Sudan’s army leader, Gen. Abdel Fattah al-Burhan, and Rapid Support Forces (RSF) commander Gen. Mohamed Hamdan Dagalo “Hemedti.”
Speaking to Asharq Al-Awsat on the sidelines of a Cairo conference for Sudanese political forces, Hamdok said: “A meeting between the two sides is possible through the African Union’s Presidential Committee led by Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni.”
Hamdok highlighted that this committee “is a positive step, providing a mechanism to bring the conflicting parties together, which didn’t exist before.”
In late June, the African Peace and Security Council formed a committee led by Museveni to bring together Sudan’s military and RSF leaders promptly. They proposed an urgent African Union summit to address Sudan’s situation.
Hamdok called it a historic step, noting it’s the first mechanism at the presidential level. He hoped the committee could influence both sides and achieve peace.
He praised the recent African Peace and Security Council meeting for showing Africa’s concern for Sudan.
At the Cairo conference for Sudanese political forces, Hamdok highlighted it as a crucial gathering since the crisis began, focusing on ceasefire strategies and a sustainable political resolution.
He emphasized there’s no military solution to Sudan’s conflict and advocated for political negotiations.
The Cairo conference united Sudanese political and civilian forces under the theme “Together for Peace,” addressing ceasefire, humanitarian aid, and a political roadmap.
Hamdok pointed out that Sudan is undergoing the world’s biggest humanitarian crisis, with 25 million people inside Sudan facing famine.
“Starvation is claiming more lives than bullets,” said Hamdok, highlighting the urgent need to reach war-affected populations.
The former premier urged action to deliver aid across Sudan’s borders and ensure it reaches those in conflict zones.