‘Iron Union 5’ Continues as Joint UAE-US Military Drill Promotes International Cooperation

UAE and US ground forces continue military exercises, Asharq Al-Awsat
UAE and US ground forces continue military exercises, Asharq Al-Awsat

‘Iron Union 5’ Continues as Joint UAE-US Military Drill Promotes International Cooperation

UAE and US ground forces continue military exercises, Asharq Al-Awsat
UAE and US ground forces continue military exercises, Asharq Al-Awsat

The joint military drill between UAE and US ground forces has continued as part of their efforts to consolidate their bilateral relations and exchange their training and military expertise, to raise the combat efficiency and readiness of both armies.

Codenamed "Iron Union 5," the joint military exercise is an extension of a series of "Iran Claw" exercises, which fall under the plans and programs of the UAE ground forces to conduct such exercises with friendly countries, to exchange and develop their skills and enhance the combat readiness of their personnel, according to the latest advanced military systems.

Major General Saleh al-Amiri, commander of UAE ground forces, said the exercise is greatly important for developing and strengthening bilateral relations between the UAE and the US, particularly in the military and defense fields, raising efficiency and combat readiness, and exchanging military expertise.

He pointed out that the implementation of a number of joint exercises with friendly countries is a result of keenness of concerned authorities to raise the level of performance and efficiency of armed forces and to work in a team spirit with the armies of brotherly and friendly countries.

Such a move embodies a clear strategy aimed at improving the overall level and combat readiness of UAE armed forces.

During the visit, the commander of the ground forces met with a number of officers and members of the UAE and US ground forces and listened to brief tasks and duties carried out during the course of the exercise.

The "Iron Union 5," which was launched on the ground of the UAE on September 16, will last for several days. It includes the implementation of a number of tasks and duties to train, plan, execute and manage joint operations between different units of land forces in both countries and achieve the desired goal in facing challenges and crises which the world is witnessing today.

The exercise is also part of the vision of President Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan and the monitoring of Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi and Deputy Supreme Commander of the UAE Armed Forces, to upgrade the capabilities and boost the readiness of the UAE armed forces.

The exercise will also allow both armies to promote their international cooperation in joint military operations, to address current global challenges and crises.

Saudi Arabia Emphasizes Peaceful Cooperation to Achieve Global Security

Ambassador Abdul Mohsen bin Khothaila speaks during the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty Review Conference. (Photo: Saudi Mission in Geneva)
Ambassador Abdul Mohsen bin Khothaila speaks during the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty Review Conference. (Photo: Saudi Mission in Geneva)

Saudi Arabia Emphasizes Peaceful Cooperation to Achieve Global Security

Ambassador Abdul Mohsen bin Khothaila speaks during the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty Review Conference. (Photo: Saudi Mission in Geneva)
Ambassador Abdul Mohsen bin Khothaila speaks during the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty Review Conference. (Photo: Saudi Mission in Geneva)

Saudi Arabia emphasized peaceful international cooperation as a means to achieve global prosperity, stability and security, stressing the importance of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons and the necessity of its full implementation.

Ambassador Abdul Mohsen bin Khothaila, the Permanent Saudi Representative to the United Nations and international organizations in Geneva, participated in the second session of the Preparatory Committee for the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) Review Conference.

The ambassador called for more effective international efforts to achieve the goals and universality of the NPT, urging non-party states to join the treaty and subject all their nuclear facilities to the comprehensive safeguards of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).

Affirming the right to the peaceful use of nuclear technology under Article 4 of the Treaty, he underlined the importance of adhering to the highest standards of transparency and reliability, calling on all parties to cooperate to promote peaceful use for the benefit of global development and well-being.

He stated that the responsibility for making the Middle East a nuclear-weapon-free zone lies with the international community, especially the sponsors of the 1995 resolution on the Middle East.

Bin Khothaila condemned the recent statements and threats made by a member of the Israeli government regarding the use of nuclear weapons against the Palestinians, describing his words as violations of international law and a threat to global peace and security.

He further called for intensifying cooperation between the parties to the NPT to attain positive results at the next “review conference” in 2026, with the aim of achieving a safe world free of nuclear weapons.