Russian Scientists Revive Frog’s Heart after 45 Days of Freezing

A research scientist for the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife pushes a Passive Integrated Transponder (PIT) tag under the skin of an Oregon spotted frog that will help in tracking the juvenile frog raised at the Woodland Park Zoo. AP file photo
A research scientist for the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife pushes a Passive Integrated Transponder (PIT) tag under the skin of an Oregon spotted frog that will help in tracking the juvenile frog raised at the Woodland Park Zoo. AP file photo

Russian Scientists Revive Frog’s Heart after 45 Days of Freezing

A research scientist for the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife pushes a Passive Integrated Transponder (PIT) tag under the skin of an Oregon spotted frog that will help in tracking the juvenile frog raised at the Woodland Park Zoo. AP file photo
A research scientist for the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife pushes a Passive Integrated Transponder (PIT) tag under the skin of an Oregon spotted frog that will help in tracking the juvenile frog raised at the Woodland Park Zoo. AP file photo

Russian scientists have managed to revive the heart of a frog after freezing it for 45 days as part of experiments aiming to prolong the period during which an organ is able to function normally and vitally.

This achievement is a significant development in the organ transplant field that would contribute in saving people’s lives.

Organ transplants such as kidneys and heart had long been a fictional idea. However, such transplants are currently practiced in hospitals in many countries.

But transplant scientists and surgeons now face a challenge in the ability of maintaining a specific organ functional after removing it from the donor. For instance, the period during which the heart muscle can be preserved before transferring it to the patient is not more than 6 hours, and this timeframe may not be sufficient for the transfer.

Studies indicate that doctors spoil about 60 percent of the organs that were preserved to be used later to treat patients, because of the time factor. Cells begin to lose capacity to carry out their vital functions, turning the organs useless.

The Russian Advanced Research Foundation has launched a scientific project aimed at developing a modern method to preserve human organs for an unlimited period of time without affecting their vital functions.

In the course of the experiments, scientists froze the heart of a frog and kept it at a temperature of -196 degrees Celsius for a month and a half, and then revived it. The post-revival tests showed that the heart was able to function vitally.

The head of the design team working on this project, Anatoly Kovtun, said that the success of these experiments would revolutionize the transfer of organs and transplant.

Finding a solution to the time challenge may help establish a "bank of frozen organs", which may save the lives of thousands of patients, he added in a press statement.

Italy’s Olympic Flag Bearer Tamberi Loses His Wedding Ring in the Seine River

Gianmarco Tamberi waves an Italian flag as the Italian team parades along the Seine river in Paris, France, during the opening ceremony of the 2024 Summer Olympics, Friday, July 26, 2024 (AP)
Gianmarco Tamberi waves an Italian flag as the Italian team parades along the Seine river in Paris, France, during the opening ceremony of the 2024 Summer Olympics, Friday, July 26, 2024 (AP)

Italy’s Olympic Flag Bearer Tamberi Loses His Wedding Ring in the Seine River

Gianmarco Tamberi waves an Italian flag as the Italian team parades along the Seine river in Paris, France, during the opening ceremony of the 2024 Summer Olympics, Friday, July 26, 2024 (AP)
Gianmarco Tamberi waves an Italian flag as the Italian team parades along the Seine river in Paris, France, during the opening ceremony of the 2024 Summer Olympics, Friday, July 26, 2024 (AP)

Drama is never far from the surface when it comes to flamboyant high jumper Gianmarco Tamberi and big events.

This time it involved what went below the surface.

The Italian lost his wedding ring in the Seine River during the rainy opening ceremony of the Paris Olympics.

“I’m sorry my love, I’m really, really sorry,” Tamberi wrote in an open letter of apology he posted on Instagram on Saturday to his wife of two years, Chiara Bontempi.

“Too much water, too many kilograms lost over the last few months and maybe the uncontrollable enthusiasm of what we were doing. Probably all three things,” added Tamberi, who shared flag-bearing duties for Italy with fencer Arianna Errigo during Friday's ceremony, which featured boats parading athletes instead of the usual procession inside a stadium.

Last month, Tamberi pretended to hide springs in his shoes when he won gold at the European Championships then jumped into the arms of Italy President Sergio Mattarella. And when he shared gold with his good friend Mutaz Barshim at the Tokyo Games, Tamberi celebrated wildly, which drew more attention than his performance.

Tamberi, along with Errigo, had the honor of flying to Paris on the presidential plane with Mattarella, which he called “the most emotional flight of my life” — a play on words with his jumping “flights."

Tamberi said he felt the ring sliding off his finger and saw it dropping as Italy cruised down the Seine on a boat with Israel and Jamaica.

“I followed it until I saw it bounce inside the boat,” he said. “But the rebound went in the wrong direction unfortunately. ... But if it had to happen, if I really had to lose this ring, I couldn’t imagine a better place. It will remain forever on the riverbed in the City of Love.”

Tamberi is favored to win another gold when the men’s high jump competition starts Aug. 7.

“Hopefully this is a sign that I’ll come home with an ever bigger gold medal,” he said.

Tamberi invited his wife to throw her ring into the Seine, too.

“Then they’ll be together forever,” Tamber said, “and we’ll have another reason to renew our vows.”