Researchers Explore Rare Case of Crocodile Mummification

Technicians restore a mummified crocodile at the Louvre-Lens museum for the exhibition Animals and Pharaohs. (AFP)
Technicians restore a mummified crocodile at the Louvre-Lens museum for the exhibition Animals and Pharaohs. (AFP)

Researchers Explore Rare Case of Crocodile Mummification

Technicians restore a mummified crocodile at the Louvre-Lens museum for the exhibition Animals and Pharaohs. (AFP)
Technicians restore a mummified crocodile at the Louvre-Lens museum for the exhibition Animals and Pharaohs. (AFP)

Although Ancient Egyptians mummified thousands of animals over the course of one millennium, many details of these mummification protocols remain unknown.

A new study that examined an Egyptian crocodile mummy at the Musée des Confluences (Lyon, France) dating back to the Late Period (722–332 BC) has revealed new exciting details in this field.

It was believed that ancient Egyptians preserved the internal organs of animals during mummification in all ages. However, the new study conducted on the crocodile mummy found in the French Museum, showed that everything beneath the skin of the crocodile including the organs, muscles, and even most of the skeleton was removed.

According to the study published in the PLOS One journal, French researchers at the Synchrotron Radiation Microtomography Facility at the Paul-Valéry University, Montpelier, used the Propagation Phase-Contrast X-ray Synchrotron microtomography technique that provides accurate 3D images of the materials and tissues that cannot be easily observed with the conventional X-ray techniques.

Imaging showed that all organs and most of the bones, except for the head and limbs, were removed in preparation for embalming, through a single incision that runs along the ventral side of the crocodile from the throat to the tail. The emptied parts were stuffed with a variety of plants, most of which are herbs.

In the introduction of their study, the researchers said they didn't explore the plants, but they preserved them for future studies that could provide additional information about the nature and context of this rare practice.

Egyptian Archaeologists Dr. Khaled Salam, professor of ancient Egyptian antiquities at Zagazig University, believes that this rare practice took place in the Late Period and aimed at giving the crocodile more sanctity by treating it like humans.

Salam suggested that the internal organs were removed to avoid the growth of bacteria that may spoil the mummy.

Rescuers Try to Keep Dozens of Dolphins Away from Cape Cod Shallows after Mass Stranding

A trained volunteer attempts to herd stranded dolphins into deeper waters Friday, June 28, 2024, in Wellfleet, Mass. (Stacey Hedman/IFAW via AP)
A trained volunteer attempts to herd stranded dolphins into deeper waters Friday, June 28, 2024, in Wellfleet, Mass. (Stacey Hedman/IFAW via AP)

Rescuers Try to Keep Dozens of Dolphins Away from Cape Cod Shallows after Mass Stranding

A trained volunteer attempts to herd stranded dolphins into deeper waters Friday, June 28, 2024, in Wellfleet, Mass. (Stacey Hedman/IFAW via AP)
A trained volunteer attempts to herd stranded dolphins into deeper waters Friday, June 28, 2024, in Wellfleet, Mass. (Stacey Hedman/IFAW via AP)

Animal rescuers were trying to keep dozens of dolphins away from shallow waters around Cape Cod on Saturday after 125 of the creatures stranded themselves a day earlier.
Teams in Massachusetts found one group of 10 Atlantic white-sided dolphins swimming in a dangerously shallow area at dawn on Saturday, and managed to herd them out into deeper water, said the International Fund for Animal Welfare.
Scouts also found a second group of 25 dolphins swimming close to the shore near Eastham, the organization said, with herding efforts there ongoing as the tide dropped throughout the morning.
Ten dolphins died during the stranding Friday at The Gut — or Great Island — in Wellfleet, at the Herring River.
The organization said it was the largest mass-stranding it had dealt with on the Cape during its 26-year history in the area, The Associated Press reported. The Gut is the site of frequent strandings, which experts believe is due in part to its hook-like shape and extreme tidal fluctuations.
Misty Niemeyer, the organization's stranding coordinator, said rescuers faced many challenges Friday including difficult mud conditions and the dolphins being spread out over a large area.
“It was a 12-hour exhausting response in the unrelenting sun, but the team was able to overcome the various challenges and give the dolphins their best chance at survival," Niemeyer said in a statement.
The team started out on foot, herding the creatures into deeper waters and then used three small boats equipped with underwater pingers, according to the organization.
Those helping with the rescue effort include more than 25 staff from the organization and 100 trained volunteers. The group also had the support of Whale and Dolphin Conservation, the Center for Coastal Studies, AmeriCorps of Cape Cod and the New England Aquarium.