Algeria Economy Rocked by Virus Crisis, Falling Oil Revenues

Algeria's capital Algiers during a curfew at the end of June aimed at preventing the spread of COVID-19 | AFP
Algeria's capital Algiers during a curfew at the end of June aimed at preventing the spread of COVID-19 | AFP

Algeria Economy Rocked by Virus Crisis, Falling Oil Revenues

Algeria's capital Algiers during a curfew at the end of June aimed at preventing the spread of COVID-19 | AFP
Algeria's capital Algiers during a curfew at the end of June aimed at preventing the spread of COVID-19 | AFP

Currency depreciation, inflation, negative growth, businesses closed: Algeria's economy has been battered by the one-two punch of the coronavirus crisis and tumbling oil revenues.

And unless remedial action is taken on a massive scale, a slide into foreign debt will become inevitable, economists warn.

The National Office of Statistics (ONS) has reported a 3.9 percent fall in Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in the first quarter alone, with unemployment nearing 15 percent -- "alarming" figures, according to Mansour Kedidir, associate professor at the Higher School of Economics in Oran.

Excluding the energy sector, GDP fell by 1.5 percent year-on-year in the 1st quarter, against an increase of 3.6 percent last year compared to Q1 2018.

With confinement measures in place since March 19 to curb the spread of the novel coronavirus, sectors such as services and freight have come to a virtual standstill.

The construction sector, a major provider of jobs, has been paralyzed for months.

Finance Minister Aymen Benabderahmane estimates the losses of state-owned enterprises at nearly one billion euros ($1.17 billion).

Private sector losses have yet to be assessed, but many closed businesses, including restaurants, cafes and travel agencies, risk bankruptcy.

Algeria faces an "unprecedented economic situation", said Prime Minister Abdelaziz Djerad, who has also blamed mismanagement under the rule of ousted longtime president Abdelaziz Bouteflika.

- Recession -

Due to a lack of diversification, the Maghreb region's largest economy is highly dependent on oil revenues and exposed to fluctuations in crude prices.

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) forecast that Algeria's economy will shrink 5.2 percent this year.

Kedidir predicts that unless reforms are brought in, "a Pandora's box will be opened... riots, irredentism, religious extremism".

President Abdelmadjid Tebboune has already ruled out seeking loans from the IMF or other international financial agencies, in the name of "national sovereignty".

Algeria has painful memories of its 1994 recourse to the IMF and a structural adjustment plan that resulted in massive job cuts, shutdowns, and privatizations.

- 'New governance' -

The government is about to launch an economic recovery plan and decided at the start of May to halve the state's operating budget.

A 2020 complementary finance act is based on a decrease in revenues to around 38 billion euros, against the 44 billion euros initially forecast.

Experts say any solution will require drastic reforms.

Kedidir urged authorities to introduce lower interest rates, accounting for the informal sector and tax cuts based on the number of new jobs created.

He called for major projects such as agro-industrial zones in the country's vast desert south, with processing infrastructure, extended railways lines and new towns to service them -- all built with local manpower.

While acknowledging that hydrocarbons will remain the main revenue source for the next 5-10 years, an exit from the economic crisis must be based on new national and decentralized governance, says economist Abderahmane Mebtoul.

Algeria must "bring together all political, economic and social forces... (and) avoid division on secondary issues", he said.

Mebtoul appealed for "a state-citizen symbiosis involving elected officials, companies, banks, universities, and civil society in order to fight against a paralyzing bureaucracy".

Fire, Smoke Upend Western Canada’s Summer Tourism Season

 A helicopter works a forest fire outside of Jasper, Alberta, Canada, on Friday July 26, 2024. (Reuters)
A helicopter works a forest fire outside of Jasper, Alberta, Canada, on Friday July 26, 2024. (Reuters)

Fire, Smoke Upend Western Canada’s Summer Tourism Season

 A helicopter works a forest fire outside of Jasper, Alberta, Canada, on Friday July 26, 2024. (Reuters)
A helicopter works a forest fire outside of Jasper, Alberta, Canada, on Friday July 26, 2024. (Reuters)

Severe wildfire seasons are increasingly hurting western Canada's lucrative tourism industry, with some visitors beginning to avoid the busy late-summer months due to concerns about uncontrolled blazes, smoke-filled skies and road closures.

After a scorching start to July, nearly 600 wildfires are now ablaze across British Columbia and Alberta, including a huge fire that this week devastated the picturesque tourist town of Jasper in the Canadian Rockies.

Dozens of communities, including popular holiday spots in British Columbia's Kootenay region, are under evacuation orders and several highways are closed.

This year's surge in wildfire activity comes after Canada endured its worst-ever year for wildfires in 2023, when more than 15 million hectares (37 million acres) burned, including parts of the city of West Kelowna in the heart of British Columbia's wine region.

Ellen Walker-Matthews, head of the Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association, said the industry was seeing a lot more last-minute travel decisions instead of booking in advance.

"It's a huge blow. July and August are traditionally the busiest months in the region," said Walker-Matthews, adding that while her region has been relatively unscathed by wildfires this summer, some visitors are choosing to avoid interior British Columbia altogether.

The members of the British Columbia Lodging and Campgrounds Association are reporting a 5-15% drop in bookings from a year ago, with the biggest declines coming from the hotter Okanagan and Cariboo regions, said Joss Penny, who heads the association.

"The concern is that this is something we have to live with and we have it every year now," said Penny.

Although wildfires in Canada's forests are natural and common, scientists say drier, hotter conditions fueled by climate change are leading to more volatile and frequent blazes.


Some events, like the Salmon Arm Roots and Blues Festival, usually held in August, have now been rescheduled to earlier in the summer to avoid what is now seen as peak smoke season. The festival, which was cancelled last year due to nearby wildfires, was this year moved to July to benefit from "less smokey skies."

Wildfires and extreme climatic events are prompting tourists to "change their plans not just temporarily, but permanently," said Elizabeth Halpenny, a tourism researcher and professor at the University of Alberta, noting that seasonal workers in the sector are often the hardest hit as they have few protections during a bad season or amid a cataclysmic fire.

Tourism contributed C$7.2 billion to the British Columbia economy in 2022, and C$9.9 billion to Alberta in 2023, according to the latest government data.

Jasper National Park is one of Canada's premier tourist destinations, with more than 2 million visitors a year flocking to see its pristine mountain landscapes and abundant wildlife, including grizzly bears, moose and elk.

Kelly Torrens, vice-president of product at international tour company Kensington Tours, described western Canada as a bucket-list destination. But the company now has 49 trips that were supposed to pass through Jasper this season in limbo. Six others were forced to evacuate the park when the fire hit.

Parks Canada has cancelled all camping reservations within Jasper National Park until Aug. 6 and with potentially 50% of the town's structures destroyed by fire, the cleanup and rebuild could take years.

Halpenny is among those hedging their bets.

"I've booked a campsite stay in the mountain parks but at the same time, I booked a campsite out on the prairie somewhere and that's my backup plan because I don't want to miss out on my vacation with my family."