IRGC Special Force Backs Quds Force in Fierce Battles

A battalion from the Saberin Special Forces Unit participates in a military parade in Tehran (Tasnim)
A battalion from the Saberin Special Forces Unit participates in a military parade in Tehran (Tasnim)

IRGC Special Force Backs Quds Force in Fierce Battles

A battalion from the Saberin Special Forces Unit participates in a military parade in Tehran (Tasnim)
A battalion from the Saberin Special Forces Unit participates in a military parade in Tehran (Tasnim)

Chief of an Iranian Revolutionary Guardian Corps (IRGC) special unit has announced that his forces “continue to support the Quds Force and carry out combat missions in fierce battles.”

Commander of Saberin ground special operation forces unit Mohammad Taheri told IRGC’s Tasnim News Agency that his forces enjoy “combat capabilities and are supplied with advanced equipment” during battles fought within Iranian territory or alongside the Quds Force in battles it leads abroad.

In 2016, the IRGC officially announced the presence of Sabrin Brigade in Syria after affirming the death of one of its senior leaders and a number of its members.

Taheri said his forces lost 30 fighters during military battles, without specifying the number of dead in foreign missions, adding that 100 have been disabled.

Saberin forces were engaged in military confrontations with opposition factions on the borders of Syria’s northwest and southeast region, Taheri noted.

He pointed to battles against the Kurdistan Free Life Party (PJAK), the Kurdish-Iranian ally of the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK), the Komala factions, and the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP), as well as armed factions in Balochistan region.

According to Tehran, opposition parties that raise the banner of defending the rights of nationalisms are “anti-revolution” and “terrorist organizations.”

Taheri said his forces constitute the “best ground forces in the IRGC,” adding that they carried out significant and influential operations in maintaining the country’s security.

The establishment of Saberin Unit dates back to 1999 and 2000, when the IRGC gathered elite figures to counter activities of the Kurdish PJAK, which inflicted heavy losses on the IRGC in the border triangle between Iran, Iraq, and Turkey.

In July 2012, back then Saberin Commander Brigadier General Morteza Mirian said the IRGC had relied on the training bases for special forces in the British army.

According to media sources, the unit uses a US-manufactured M-16 rifle, which the IRGC calls “Zulfiqar.”

Meanwhile, General Mohsen Sasani has been appointed by Chief of Staff of the Iranian Armed forces Major-General Mohammad Bagheri as Deputy Head of Iran’s Passive Defense Organization, Iranian media reported.

His appointment is considered the first military shuffle after an explosion at Natanz nuclear facility in late July.

Deputy Coordinator of the General Staff of Iran’s Armed Forces General Ali Abdullahi said: “promoting resilience and protecting critical infrastructure of the country are considered strategic issues in the country’s defense system.”

“In order to face new cyber and electronic threats in the future wars, we need to adopt new approaches and strategies,” he stressed.

Attacker Wounds Policeman Guarding Israel's Embassy in Serbia before Being Shot Dead

Police officers block off traffic at an intersection close to the Israeli embassy in Belgrade, Serbia, Saturday, June 29, 2024. (AP Photo/Marko Drobnjakovic)
Police officers block off traffic at an intersection close to the Israeli embassy in Belgrade, Serbia, Saturday, June 29, 2024. (AP Photo/Marko Drobnjakovic)

Attacker Wounds Policeman Guarding Israel's Embassy in Serbia before Being Shot Dead

Police officers block off traffic at an intersection close to the Israeli embassy in Belgrade, Serbia, Saturday, June 29, 2024. (AP Photo/Marko Drobnjakovic)
Police officers block off traffic at an intersection close to the Israeli embassy in Belgrade, Serbia, Saturday, June 29, 2024. (AP Photo/Marko Drobnjakovic)

An attacker with a crossbow wounded a Serbian police officer guarding the Israeli Embassy in Belgrade on Saturday, Serbia’s interior ministry said. The officer responded by fatally shooting the assailant.
Both Serbian and Israeli officials said that initial indications are that it was a terror-motivated attack.
Interior Minister Ivica Dacic said in a statement that the attacker fired a bolt at the officer, hitting him in the neck. He said the officer then "used a weapon in self-defense to shoot the attacker, who died as a result of his injuries.”
The policeman was conscious when he was transported to Belgrade's main emergency hospital, where an operation to remove the bolt from his neck will be performed, the statement added.

The policeman is in a life-threatening condition and is undergoing surgery, Serbian news agency Tanjug quoted Dacic as saying.
A spokesman with the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs said that “today there was an attempted terrorist attack in the vicinity of the Israeli Embassy in Belgrade.” The spokesman said the embassy is closed and no employee of the embassy was injured.
Dacic told reporters that “we are still talking about possible motives."
He added, however: “There are now all indications that the motives relate to terrorism. Because there is no other motive why someone would attack a gendarme outside the Israeli Embassy.”
He said one person was arrested near the scene of the shooting. Police are investigating a possible network and ties with foreign terrorist groups, he added.
The identity of the attacker was still being determined.
Authorities raised the security alert in Belgrade, including for foreign embassies and government buildings but also public places such as shopping malls and other busy areas.