New Israeli Settlement Outpost Near Nablus

Settlers targeting Palestinian olive farmers in Huwara in the West Bank on Wednesday, October 7, 2020. AFP
Settlers targeting Palestinian olive farmers in Huwara in the West Bank on Wednesday, October 7, 2020. AFP

New Israeli Settlement Outpost Near Nablus

Settlers targeting Palestinian olive farmers in Huwara in the West Bank on Wednesday, October 7, 2020. AFP
Settlers targeting Palestinian olive farmers in Huwara in the West Bank on Wednesday, October 7, 2020. AFP

Dozens of settlers set on Wednesday a new settlement outpost on Palestinian territories in Beit Dajan village near Nablus city.

The settlers arrived late at night and began setting up the new outpost on private Palestinian lands belonging to the residents of the village, five kilometers away from their homes, eyewitnesses said.

They installed an animal barn and extended water pipelines to supply the new outpost with water from the Alon Moriah Israeli settlement near the village.

They also built a several-kilometer road, causing damages and confiscating hundreds of dunums of Palestinian lands.

Meanwhile, the Land Research Center of the Arab Studies Society in Jerusalem reported that the Israeli army issued 63 military orders to close areas and lands planted with olive trees in separate parts of the West Bank, coinciding with the beginning of the harvest season in the Palestinian territories.

The orders target about 3,000 dunums of lands planted with olive trees in separate areas of the governorates of Hebron, Bethlehem, Ramallah, Nablus.

The army considered them as part of or belonging to the settlements.

According to the orders, nobody is allowed to enter these areas, and whoever is present therein shall immediately leave. They also claimed that they exclude holders of permits issued by the occupation authorities.

This means that many Palestinian families and farmers will not have access to their lands and would not be unable to harvest their trees or make olive oil.

Palestinians considered the military orders an official support from the occupation authorities for settlers who usually wait for the olive harvest season to prevent farmers from accessing their lands.

In Wednesday, Israelis of Leshem settlement burned nearly 50 olive trees in Deir Samaan area, east of Deir Ballut.

Türkiye Criticizes Some NATO Countries’ Support for Kurdish Units in Syria

Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan met with his Czech counterpart, Jan Lipavsky, in Ankara on Tuesday (Turkish Foreign Ministry)
Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan met with his Czech counterpart, Jan Lipavsky, in Ankara on Tuesday (Turkish Foreign Ministry)

Türkiye Criticizes Some NATO Countries’ Support for Kurdish Units in Syria

Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan met with his Czech counterpart, Jan Lipavsky, in Ankara on Tuesday (Turkish Foreign Ministry)
Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan met with his Czech counterpart, Jan Lipavsky, in Ankara on Tuesday (Turkish Foreign Ministry)

Türkiye criticized the support provided by some of its allies in NATO to the Kurdish People’s Protection Units, the largest component of the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF).

“The countries we have problems with... are America, England, and a little bit with France,” Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan said in a televised interview on Monday.

He added: “The United States maintains its presence there, and we are putting this problem on the agenda at all levels... Türkiye is continuing the highest level of diplomacy possible” as “it can no longer live with such a reality.”

The foreign minister went on to say: “We carry more sensitivity in our fight against the PKK than you (the US and the UK) do in your fight against terrorism, just on the other side of our border. It is out of the question for us to engage in any negotiations here.”

On the other hand, Fidan considered that stopping the armed conflict between the Syrian army and the opposition is currently the main “achievement” of his country and Russia.

“The most important thing that we were able to achieve in Syria along with the Russians is that there is no war currently between the army and the opposition, and the Astana negotiations and others made that possible at the present time,” he stated.

He added that Damascus needs to “use this period of calm wisely, as an opportunity to return millions of Syrians who have fled abroad to rebuild their country and revive its economy.”

The minister revealed that he discussed this matter during his recent meeting with President Vladimir Putin in Moscow.

“We are studying this matter. The return of refugees is important,” Fidan said, adding: “We want the Syrian government to exploit this period of calm, rationally... as an opportunity to solve constitutional problems and achieve peace with the opposition. But we do not see that Damascus is benefiting from this sufficiently.”