Sudanese Banks Take First Steps to End Decades of Isolation

Banknotes are displayed on a roadside currency exchange stall along a street in Juba. (Reuters)
Banknotes are displayed on a roadside currency exchange stall along a street in Juba. (Reuters)

Sudanese Banks Take First Steps to End Decades of Isolation

Banknotes are displayed on a roadside currency exchange stall along a street in Juba. (Reuters)
Banknotes are displayed on a roadside currency exchange stall along a street in Juba. (Reuters)

Sudanese banks have started moves to re-establish relations with foreign banks as the United States prepares to remove Sudan from its state sponsor of terrorism (SSOT) list, although bankers and analysts say the process will likely be slow.

Restoring international banking links could provide a vital boost to an economy still in crisis more than 18 months into a political transition following the overthrow of former president Omar al-Bashir.

Banks have been blocked from correspondence relationships involving US dollars and have had difficulty dealing in other major currencies for nearly two decades, forcing them to rely mainly on the United Arab Emirates dirham for transactions.

Importers have depended on expensive brokers, mainly in Dubai, to source foreign currency, passing on the extra cost to local consumers and helping to exacerbate inflation, now running at 220%.

On Oct. 27, Albaraka Bank Sudan completed Sudan’s first dollar-denominated cash transfer in years, bringing in dollars sourced in New York through its Cairo-based sister bank Albaraka Bank Egypt, its general manager said.

The transfer, for a Sudanese trading company, was the first in almost two decades, Elrasheed Abdel Rahman Ali said. “I think from the early years of the 2000s,” he told Reuters.

Most major foreign banks began gradually pulling out in the 2000s as the United States cracked down on transactions with Khartoum.

Washington formally lifted economic sanctions against Sudan in 2017, but continued to classify the country as a state sponsor of terrorism, in part because of its suppression of a rebellion in Darfur.

Foreign banks have been waiting for the country to be removed from the SSOT list before re-establishing banking relations, wary they may run afoul of secondary sanctions in place against individuals connected with the Darfur war.

“This has been a major impediment to the private sector,” said Ibrahim Elbadawi, who stepped down as Sudan’s finance minister in July. “It has been very costly because they have to deal with intermediary banks in the region, and this entails costs in terms of time and in the service these banks provide.”

Sudan’s technocratic government, which serves under a military-civilian ruling council, had been pressing hard for the delisting since last year.

US President Donald Trump on Oct. 20 announced his decision to remove Sudan from the SSOT list as he pushed the country to agree to normalize relations with Israel, and later sent the decision to Congress, which has 45 days to approve or reject it.

Sudan’s acting finance minister, Hiba Mohamed Ali, said on Oct. 27 that banks could begin working the following week to establish relations with US and European banks.

“This is definitely going to be very valuable in terms of reducing costs as well as the time for the transactions,” said Elbadawi.

Yousif El Tinay, chief executive officer of Khartoum-based United Capital Bank, said Sudanese banks’ first step would be to contact former correspondents in Europe and the United States, but cautioned that many banks may not find Sudan’s tiny market attractive just yet for the legal and compliance effort involved.

“If you just look at banks just having to change their website, by removing Sudan from the list of countries,” you can’t deal with, including North Korea, Syria and Iran, he said.

“Time is needed by banks worldwide to change their internal communications on markets, to train people and change their compliance records and systems, to say that transactions from Sudan are okay,” El Tinay said.

Bankers hope that a preliminary deal that Sudan signed with General Electric in October to boost power generation will spur at least some American banks to speed up the process.

In the agreement, General Electric agreed to quickly install mobile turbines and to rehabilitate existing power plants to increase power generation by up to 470 megawatts.

“We’re going to write all of the major ones, We’re talking about JP Morgan, Citibank, Bank of America, and we’ll see and go through the process,” El Tinay said.

Finance minister Ali has said Sudanese citizens would feel an immediate benefit once correspondent relations were in place by being able to directly receive remittances from Sudanese working abroad.

Fire, Smoke Upend Western Canada’s Summer Tourism Season

 A helicopter works a forest fire outside of Jasper, Alberta, Canada, on Friday July 26, 2024. (Reuters)
A helicopter works a forest fire outside of Jasper, Alberta, Canada, on Friday July 26, 2024. (Reuters)

Fire, Smoke Upend Western Canada’s Summer Tourism Season

 A helicopter works a forest fire outside of Jasper, Alberta, Canada, on Friday July 26, 2024. (Reuters)
A helicopter works a forest fire outside of Jasper, Alberta, Canada, on Friday July 26, 2024. (Reuters)

Severe wildfire seasons are increasingly hurting western Canada's lucrative tourism industry, with some visitors beginning to avoid the busy late-summer months due to concerns about uncontrolled blazes, smoke-filled skies and road closures.

After a scorching start to July, nearly 600 wildfires are now ablaze across British Columbia and Alberta, including a huge fire that this week devastated the picturesque tourist town of Jasper in the Canadian Rockies.

Dozens of communities, including popular holiday spots in British Columbia's Kootenay region, are under evacuation orders and several highways are closed.

This year's surge in wildfire activity comes after Canada endured its worst-ever year for wildfires in 2023, when more than 15 million hectares (37 million acres) burned, including parts of the city of West Kelowna in the heart of British Columbia's wine region.

Ellen Walker-Matthews, head of the Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association, said the industry was seeing a lot more last-minute travel decisions instead of booking in advance.

"It's a huge blow. July and August are traditionally the busiest months in the region," said Walker-Matthews, adding that while her region has been relatively unscathed by wildfires this summer, some visitors are choosing to avoid interior British Columbia altogether.

The members of the British Columbia Lodging and Campgrounds Association are reporting a 5-15% drop in bookings from a year ago, with the biggest declines coming from the hotter Okanagan and Cariboo regions, said Joss Penny, who heads the association.

"The concern is that this is something we have to live with and we have it every year now," said Penny.

Although wildfires in Canada's forests are natural and common, scientists say drier, hotter conditions fueled by climate change are leading to more volatile and frequent blazes.


Some events, like the Salmon Arm Roots and Blues Festival, usually held in August, have now been rescheduled to earlier in the summer to avoid what is now seen as peak smoke season. The festival, which was cancelled last year due to nearby wildfires, was this year moved to July to benefit from "less smokey skies."

Wildfires and extreme climatic events are prompting tourists to "change their plans not just temporarily, but permanently," said Elizabeth Halpenny, a tourism researcher and professor at the University of Alberta, noting that seasonal workers in the sector are often the hardest hit as they have few protections during a bad season or amid a cataclysmic fire.

Tourism contributed C$7.2 billion to the British Columbia economy in 2022, and C$9.9 billion to Alberta in 2023, according to the latest government data.

Jasper National Park is one of Canada's premier tourist destinations, with more than 2 million visitors a year flocking to see its pristine mountain landscapes and abundant wildlife, including grizzly bears, moose and elk.

Kelly Torrens, vice-president of product at international tour company Kensington Tours, described western Canada as a bucket-list destination. But the company now has 49 trips that were supposed to pass through Jasper this season in limbo. Six others were forced to evacuate the park when the fire hit.

Parks Canada has cancelled all camping reservations within Jasper National Park until Aug. 6 and with potentially 50% of the town's structures destroyed by fire, the cleanup and rebuild could take years.

Halpenny is among those hedging their bets.

"I've booked a campsite stay in the mountain parks but at the same time, I booked a campsite out on the prairie somewhere and that's my backup plan because I don't want to miss out on my vacation with my family."