Gargash: UAE Hails Efforts to Bolster Gulf Unity

UAE State Minister for Foreign Affairs Dr. Anwar Gargash. (AFP)
UAE State Minister for Foreign Affairs Dr. Anwar Gargash. (AFP)

Gargash: UAE Hails Efforts to Bolster Gulf Unity

UAE State Minister for Foreign Affairs Dr. Anwar Gargash. (AFP)
UAE State Minister for Foreign Affairs Dr. Anwar Gargash. (AFP)

United Arab Emirates State Minister for Foreign Affairs Dr. Anwar Gargash said on Tuesday that his country appreciates efforts by Kuwait and the United States to strengthen Gulf Arab unity.

In a Twitter post, he also praised Saudi Arabia’s “good endeavors on behalf of the four states” – a reference to the Gulf row.

In June 2017, Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Bahrain and Egypt severed diplomatic, trade and travel ties with Qatar over its support and financing of terrorism. Saudi Arabia and Kuwait said last Friday that progress had been made towards resolving the dispute.

Gargash added that the UAE looked forward to a “successful” Gulf Arab summit, which is due to take place this month.

An Egyptian foreign ministry spokesman said in a statement on Tuesday that Cairo hoped the recent efforts to end the rift would result in a “comprehensive solution that addresses all causes behind the crisis and guarantees serious and strict commitment”.

Saudi Arabia Condemns Israeli Approval of Settlement Expansion in West Bank

The flag of Saudi Arabia. Asharq Al-Awsat
The flag of Saudi Arabia. Asharq Al-Awsat

Saudi Arabia Condemns Israeli Approval of Settlement Expansion in West Bank

The flag of Saudi Arabia. Asharq Al-Awsat
The flag of Saudi Arabia. Asharq Al-Awsat

Saudi Arabia condemned on Saturday the approval by Israel’s security cabinet to expand settlements in the occupied West Bank.

A statement by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said “the Kingdom firmly rejects the continuous Israeli violations of international law and resolutions of international legitimacy.”

It also cautioned about “the severe consequences of the practices of the Israeli occupation authorities, given the lack of international accountability.”

The ministry said the Israeli violations undermine the prospects for peace and exacerbate conflicts, destabilizing the region and the world.