Iraq Aims to Boost Crude Export Capacity to 6m Bpd

An Iraqi oil worker at an oil refinery in the town of Nasiriyah, Iraq. (File/AFP)
An Iraqi oil worker at an oil refinery in the town of Nasiriyah, Iraq. (File/AFP)

Iraq Aims to Boost Crude Export Capacity to 6m Bpd

An Iraqi oil worker at an oil refinery in the town of Nasiriyah, Iraq. (File/AFP)
An Iraqi oil worker at an oil refinery in the town of Nasiriyah, Iraq. (File/AFP)

Iraq aims to increase crude oil export capacity from its southern ports to 6 million barrels per day from the current 3.5 million barrels a day capacity, Karim Hattab, deputy oil minister for distribution affairs said in a statement.

Hattab said the increased capacity would be after 2023 and that the plan includes building 24 storage tanks.

In a statement, he revealed that “the ministry is keen to expedite the completion and implementation of projects to develop oil warehouses in Al-Faw district in Basra Governorate, which aim to enhance and maintain oil exports from southern ports.”

The deputy oil minister added that the ministry is working on developing the Al-Faw oil depot.

He indicated that “the aim is to raise the export capacity of the current system ranges from (3.5) million cubic meters to (6) million barrels per day after 2023.”

Hattab stressed the need to “differentiate between the export capacity available for the export system and the actual export determined by the ministry according to the requirements of the actual need in the future.”

The ministry’s plans also aim to implement the marine pipeline project from the Faw warehouse, he pointed out.

In another context, the Head of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) in Iraq, Tokhir Mirzoev welcomed the Council of Ministers’ approval of a draft of the 2021 Federal Budget Law and expressed the fund’s readiness to support reform efforts by the government.

He said that, according to their understanding, the approval of the draft envisaged the implementation of important financial reforms.

Mirzoev continued that despite the difficulty of those reforms and the recently announced devaluation of the currency exchange rate, they constitute critical steps to help reduce significant imbalances in payments and public finances and ensure economic stability.

Saudi Arabia Launches Investment and Acquisition Facilitation Program to Provide Liquidity to Industrial Firms

A factory in Madinah. (SPA)
A factory in Madinah. (SPA)

Saudi Arabia Launches Investment and Acquisition Facilitation Program to Provide Liquidity to Industrial Firms

A factory in Madinah. (SPA)
A factory in Madinah. (SPA)

The Saudi Ministry of Industry and Mineral Resources has launched the Investment Facilitation and Acquisition Program, which aims to offer diverse investment opportunities that align with investors’ goals, while also assisting industrial companies in expanding their production or addressing challenges in business development.

In a statement on Tuesday, the ministry said the program provides three key advantages: facilitating acquisitions within the industrial sector, offering liquidity to industrial companies, and presenting suitable opportunities for investors.

The ministry added that the program’s launch reflects its commitment to expanding and promoting industrial investment opportunities, creating an attractive business environment, and providing programs that help industrial companies increase production and enhance their competitiveness.

The process for applicants to the Investment Facilitation and Acquisition Program involves several steps, including submitting applications from both investors and companies, attaching the necessary documents through a designated electronic registration form, and analyzing the submitted applications to identify interested parties and determine compatibility.

If a match is found between an investor’s interests and a participating company, the two sides are connected. The investor then conducts an analysis and evaluation of the company and may submit an investment or acquisition offer to the owner if the evaluation aligns with their investment strategy.