Egypt's Schools, Universities Tighten COVID-19 Restrictions

Egyptian Health Ministry continues to vaccinate citizens (Ministry of Health Spokesman's Facebook page)
Egyptian Health Ministry continues to vaccinate citizens (Ministry of Health Spokesman's Facebook page)

Egypt's Schools, Universities Tighten COVID-19 Restrictions

Egyptian Health Ministry continues to vaccinate citizens (Ministry of Health Spokesman's Facebook page)
Egyptian Health Ministry continues to vaccinate citizens (Ministry of Health Spokesman's Facebook page)

Universities and schools in Egypt have tightened the coronavirus-related restrictions ahead of the final exams of the academic year.

This came as the Egyptian Health Ministry reported 861 new COVID-19 cases on Friday, raising the total number of infections to 266,350.

The Ministry said the death toll also rose to 15,268, while the number of recoveries reached 195,072.

So far, Egypt has prepared 400 vaccination centers and set mobile clinics that will be stationed outside post and insurance offices in all governorates to make it easier for the elderly and those suffering from chronic diseases to receive the jabs.

The Egyptian Ministry of Education stressed that students should apply physical distancing and wear face-masks, while classrooms should be sanitized regularly.

Member of the Supreme Committee for Viruses in the Egyptian Ministry of Higher Education Jaida Anwar stressed the importance of adhering to the preventative precautions.

She said that the first dose of the vaccine provides only a 50-percent immunity.

Anwar urged everyone who has received both doses to continue to adhere to the precautions.

Egypt, Syria Warn of Danger of Regional Spillover of Gaza War

Egypt's Sisi and Syria's Assad meet in Riyadh in November. (Egyptian presidency)
Egypt's Sisi and Syria's Assad meet in Riyadh in November. (Egyptian presidency)

Egypt, Syria Warn of Danger of Regional Spillover of Gaza War

Egypt's Sisi and Syria's Assad meet in Riyadh in November. (Egyptian presidency)
Egypt's Sisi and Syria's Assad meet in Riyadh in November. (Egyptian presidency)

Egypt and Syria warned on Saturday of the danger of the spillover of the war in Gaza into the region.

Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi and Syrian President Bashar al-Assad held telephone talks to congratulate each other on the occasion of the Muslim new year.

They discussed regional developments, expressing their rejection of the displacement of Palestinians inside or outside their territories.

They hoped that relations between Cairo and Damascus would be restored to the way they were before the eruption of the Syrian conflict in 2011.

Both sides had achieved some rapprochement following the devastating earthquake that struck Syria and Türkiye in 2023.

An Egyptian presidency spokesman said Sisi and Assad underscored the need to prevent the Gaza conflict from expanding into the region. They also stressed the need to maintain regional security and stability.

The Syrian presidency said Assad congratulated Sisi on the occasion of the victory of the June 30 revolution during which the Egyptian people defeated extremism.

The Syrian and Egyptian people constantly stand against extremism, which has helped protect the countries of the region and their people, it added according to the Syrian state news agency SANA.

Egypt and Syria have developed their relations in wake of the 2023 earthquake. Their foreign ministers have traded mutual visits and Sisi and Assad held telephone talks after the quake. They also met for the first time in November on the sidelines of the Arab-Islamic summit in Riyadh.

Former aide to the Egyptian foreign minister Hussein Haridi told Asharq Al-Awsat that the telephone call between Sisi and Assad was a “step in the right direction that reflects the political will to consolidate relations between their countries.”

The normalization of ties between Egypt and Syria will help restore stability and security in the region and rein in the Israeli aggression against the Palestinian people, he added.