Kuwait’s Health Minister Tests Positive for COVID-19

Nurses await to admit expatriates in a makeshift coronavirus testing center at the Mishref Fair Grounds in Kuwait city, Kuwait March 12, 2020. REUTERS/Stephanie McGehee
Nurses await to admit expatriates in a makeshift coronavirus testing center at the Mishref Fair Grounds in Kuwait city, Kuwait March 12, 2020. REUTERS/Stephanie McGehee

Kuwait’s Health Minister Tests Positive for COVID-19

Nurses await to admit expatriates in a makeshift coronavirus testing center at the Mishref Fair Grounds in Kuwait city, Kuwait March 12, 2020. REUTERS/Stephanie McGehee
Nurses await to admit expatriates in a makeshift coronavirus testing center at the Mishref Fair Grounds in Kuwait city, Kuwait March 12, 2020. REUTERS/Stephanie McGehee

Kuwait’s Minister of Health Khaled al-Saeed has tested positive for COVID-19, the Health Ministry said on Thursday.

He is now in isolation following protocols stipulated by the ministry in case of infection, the Ministry tweeted, adding that he will carry out his duties remotely.

It said Kuwait recorded 2,413 new coronavirus cases on Thursday, upping the total number of confirmed infections since the outbreak began in the country to 425,455.

Health Ministry spokesman Dr. Abdullah al-Sanad told KUNA that no new deaths due to COVID-19 complications were reported, keeping the number of fatalities at 2,469, while 264 recoveries were recorded.

The increase in the number of infections is “expected,” in light of the significant rise in cases of the Omicron variant in the world, sources said.

On Jan. 3, the cabinet decided to temporarily ban public events in closed spaces until Feb. 28, in an effort to curb the pandemic.

It also made taking PCR tests 72 hours before arriving in the country compulsory as of Jan. 4.

Saudi, Chinese Defense Ministers Discuss Bolstering Strategic Partnership

The Saudi and Chinese delegations meet in Beijing on Tuesday. (Saudi Defense Minister on X)
The Saudi and Chinese delegations meet in Beijing on Tuesday. (Saudi Defense Minister on X)

Saudi, Chinese Defense Ministers Discuss Bolstering Strategic Partnership

The Saudi and Chinese delegations meet in Beijing on Tuesday. (Saudi Defense Minister on X)
The Saudi and Chinese delegations meet in Beijing on Tuesday. (Saudi Defense Minister on X)

Saudi Defense Minister Prince Khalid bin Salman bin Abdulaziz held talks in Beijing on Tuesday with his Chinese counterpart Lieutenant General Dong Jun as part of his official visit to China.

The officials discussed bilateral relations between their countries and means to bolster them within the framework of their strategic defense partnership to meet common interests and the aspirations of the Saudi and Chinese leaderships.

They also discussed joint coordination efforts to preserve international peace and security.

The meeting was attended by Saudi Chief of the General Staff Lt. Gen. Fayyad bin Hamid Al-Ruwaili, Saudi Ambassador to China Abdulrahman bin Ahmed Al-Harbi; Commander of the Strategic Missile Force Lt. Gen. Jarallah bin Mohammed Al-Alweet, Director General of the Office of the Minister of Defense Hisham bin Abdulaziz bin Saif, head of the Armed Forces Operations Authority Maj. Gen. Misfer Al-Ghanem, and Military Attaché at the Saudi Embassy in Beijing Commodore Salem bin Saleh Al-Maliki.

The Chinese delegation at the talks included Deputy Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the Central Military Commission Lt. Gen. Jing Jianfeng, Director of the Office of International Military Cooperation at the Central Military Commission Maj. Gen. Li Bin, and several other senior officials.

Earlier, Prince Khalid met with China's Minister of National Defense, Admiral Dong Jun for discussions on ways to strengthen Saudi-Chinese relations as part of their strategic defense partnership.

They also tackled ways to boost defense and military cooperation and reviewed regional and international developments.