Egyptian-Chinese Summit Focuses on Renaissance Dam, Palestinian Cause

Sisi and Xi agreed in Beijing to enhance cooperation in combating terrorism. (Egyptian presidency)
Sisi and Xi agreed in Beijing to enhance cooperation in combating terrorism. (Egyptian presidency)

Egyptian-Chinese Summit Focuses on Renaissance Dam, Palestinian Cause

Sisi and Xi agreed in Beijing to enhance cooperation in combating terrorism. (Egyptian presidency)
Sisi and Xi agreed in Beijing to enhance cooperation in combating terrorism. (Egyptian presidency)

Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi and Chinese President Xi Jinping agreed, at their summit in Beijing on Saturday, to strengthen cooperation in fighting terrorism and reviewed developments regarding the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam and the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.

A statement by the Egyptian presidency said: “The Chinese president welcomed the Egyptian president’s visit to Beijing, which would contribute to strengthening the distinguished bilateral relations between the two countries, especially with regard to joint development cooperation.”

Sisi was in Beijing to attend the opening of the Winter Olympic Games.

He stressed his country’s keenness to build on the momentum resulting from the regular meetings held between senior officials in Egypt and China, in an effort to consolidate bilateral cooperation, especially economy and trade, and to attract more Chinese investments, taking advantage of the promising opportunities currently available in Egypt.

Presidential spokesman Bassam Rady said that the meeting saw discussions on strengthening the existing cooperation between the two countries in a number of fields, including scientific research and technology transfer in pharmaceutical industries and the manufacture of Covid-19 vaccines, as well as in communications, information technology, and electric vehicles.

The talks also touched on development priorities in Africa based on the African Development Agenda 2063 and the UN Sustainable Development Goals, as well as continuous coordination to achieve optimal benefit for the countries of the continent within the framework of the Belt and Road initiative.

The Chinese and Egyptian leaders reviewed the developments pertaining to the Renaissance Dam file, the Palestinian cause and the crises in Libya, Syria and Yemen. They agreed on the importance of maintaining bilateral coordination and consultation within the framework of international organizations and forums, as well as strengthening mutual cooperation in fighting terrorism.

Egypt, Sudan and Ethiopia have been negotiating intermittently for more than 10 years, without result, in the hope of reaching an agreement on filling and operating the Renaissance Dam. The last session of negotiations between them was held in April.

In remarks earlier this month, Sisi stressed the importance of reaching a just, balanced and binding legal agreement that would regulate the process of filling and operating the dam, according to international law and the outcomes of the relevant Security Council meetings.

Five ISIS Bombs Found Hidden in Iconic Mosul Mosque in Iraq

(FILES) This picture taken on January 18, 2022 shows renovations at the al-Nuri mosque in the old town of Iraq's northern city Mosul. (Photo by Zaid AL-OBEIDI / AFP)
(FILES) This picture taken on January 18, 2022 shows renovations at the al-Nuri mosque in the old town of Iraq's northern city Mosul. (Photo by Zaid AL-OBEIDI / AFP)

Five ISIS Bombs Found Hidden in Iconic Mosul Mosque in Iraq

(FILES) This picture taken on January 18, 2022 shows renovations at the al-Nuri mosque in the old town of Iraq's northern city Mosul. (Photo by Zaid AL-OBEIDI / AFP)
(FILES) This picture taken on January 18, 2022 shows renovations at the al-Nuri mosque in the old town of Iraq's northern city Mosul. (Photo by Zaid AL-OBEIDI / AFP)

A United Nations agency said it has discovered five bombs in a wall of Mosul's iconic Al-Nuri mosque, planted years ago by ISIS militants, during restoration work in the northern Iraqi city.

Five "large-scale explosive devices, designed to trigger a massive destruction of the site," were found in the southern wall of the prayer hall on Tuesday by the UNESCO team working at the site, a representative for the agency told AFP late Friday.

Mosul's Al-Nuri mosque and the adjacent leaning minaret nicknamed Al-Hadba or the "hunchback", which dates from the 12th century, were destroyed during the battle to retake the city from ISIS.

Iraq's army accused ISIS, which occupied Mosul for three years, of planting explosives at the site and blowing it up.

UNESCO, the UN cultural agency, has been working to restore the mosque and other architectural heritage sites in the city, much of it reduced to rubble in the battle to retake it in 2017.

"The Iraqi armed forces immediately secured the area and the situation is now fully under control," UNESCO added.

One bomb was removed, but four other 1.5-kilogram devices "remain connected to each other" and are expected to be cleared in the coming days, it said.

"These explosive devices were hidden inside a wall, which was specially rebuilt around them: it explains why they could not be discovered when the site was cleared by Iraqi forces" in 2020, the agency said.

Iraqi General Tahseen al-Khafaji, spokesperson for the Joint Operations Command of various Iraqi forces, confirmed the discovery of "several explosive devices from ISIS militants in Al-Nuri mosque."

He said provincial deminers requested help from the Defense Ministry in Baghdad to defuse the remaining munitions because of their "complex manufacturing".

Construction work has been suspended at the site until the bombs are removed.

It was from Al-Nuri mosque that Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi, the then-leader of ISIS, proclaimed the establishment of the group's "caliphate" in July 2014.