G7 Tells Taliban to ‘Urgently Reverse’ Ban on Women Aid Workers 

Commuters make their way along a street during snowfall in Kabul on December 29, 2022. (AFP)
Commuters make their way along a street during snowfall in Kabul on December 29, 2022. (AFP)

G7 Tells Taliban to ‘Urgently Reverse’ Ban on Women Aid Workers 

Commuters make their way along a street during snowfall in Kabul on December 29, 2022. (AFP)
Commuters make their way along a street during snowfall in Kabul on December 29, 2022. (AFP)

G7 foreign ministers on Thursday called on the Taliban to "urgently reverse" a ban on women working in Afghanistan's aid sector.  

The ban is the latest blow against women's rights in Afghanistan since the Taliban reclaimed power last year.  

The hardliners also barred women from attending universities earlier this month, prompting global outrage and protests in some Afghan cities. 

The G7 ministers along with those of Australia, Denmark, Norway, Switzerland and the Netherlands said in a joint statement they were "gravely concerned that the Taliban's reckless and dangerous order... puts at risk millions of Afghans who depend on humanitarian assistance for their survival". 

"We call on the Taliban to urgently reverse this decision," they said in the statement issued by Britain's foreign ministry. 

It comes after six aid bodies suspended operations in Afghanistan in response to the ban. 

They included Christian Aid, ActionAid, Save the Children, the Norwegian Refugee Council and CARE. 

The International Rescue Committee, which provides emergency response in health, education and other areas and employs 3,000 women across Afghanistan, also said it was suspending services. 

"Women are absolutely central to humanitarian and basic needs operations. Unless they participate in aid delivery in Afghanistan, NGOs will be unable to reach the country's most vulnerable people to provide food, medicine, winterization, and other materials and services they need to live," the G7 statement said.  

Rights undermined 

"The Taliban continue to demonstrate their contempt for the rights, freedoms, and welfare of the Afghan people, particularly women and girls," it added.  

Christian Aid has warned that millions of people in Afghanistan are on the "verge of starvation".  

"Reports that families are so desperate they have been forced to sell their children to buy food are utterly heartbreaking," said Christian Aid's head of global programs Ray Hasan.  

A ban on women aid workers would "only curtail our ability to help the growing number of people in need", he added.  

The Taliban's ban has come at a time when millions across the country are dependent on humanitarian aid provided by international donors through a vast network of NGOs.  

Afghanistan's economic crisis has only worsened since the Taliban seized power in August last year, which led to Washington freezing billions of dollars of its assets and foreign donors cutting aid.  

After the minister of higher education banned women from universities, charging that they too were not properly dressed, protests were forcefully dispersed by the authorities.  

Since returning to power in August last year, the Taliban had already barred teenage girls from secondary school.  

Women have also been pushed out of many government jobs, prevented from travelling without a male relative and ordered to cover up outside of the home, ideally with a burqa.  

Adding their voice to the call to reverse the ban, UN agency chiefs said female staff were "key to every aspect of the humanitarian response in Afghanistan".  

"They are teachers, nutrition experts, team leaders, community health workers, vaccinators, nurses, doctors and heads of organizations.  

"They have access to populations that their male colleagues cannot reach.... They save lives," said the Inter-Agency Standing Committee on Afghanistan, which brings together UN and other international humanitarian aid organizations, in a statement late Wednesday.  

"Their participation in aid delivery is not negotiable and must continue."  

The G7 grouping takes in Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the UK, US as well as the European Union. 

Keir Starmer Officially Takes Power as British PM after Landslide Victory

King Charles III officially appointed Keir Starmer as prime minister on Friday during an audience at Buckingham Palace - AFP
King Charles III officially appointed Keir Starmer as prime minister on Friday during an audience at Buckingham Palace - AFP

Keir Starmer Officially Takes Power as British PM after Landslide Victory

King Charles III officially appointed Keir Starmer as prime minister on Friday during an audience at Buckingham Palace - AFP
King Charles III officially appointed Keir Starmer as prime minister on Friday during an audience at Buckingham Palace - AFP

Britain's head of state King Charles III officially appointed Keir Starmer as prime minister on Friday during an audience at Buckingham Palace, a few hours after his Labour party swept to power.

Labour leader Keir Starmer officially became British prime minister on Friday hours after his Labour Party swept to power in a landslide victory after more than a decade in opposition, AFP reported.

Starmer was elevated to the nation's leader after a private ceremony with King Charles III in Buckingham Palace.

In the merciless choreography of British politics, Starmer is taking charge in 10 Downing St. shortly after Conservative leader Rishi Sunak and his family left the official residence and King Charles III accepted his resignation at Buckingham Palace.

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“This is a difficult day, but I leave this job honored to have been prime minister of the best country in the world,” Sunak said in his farewell address.

Sunak had conceded defeat earlier in the morning, saying the voters had delivered a “sobering verdict.”

In a reflective farewell speech in the same place where he had called for the snap election six weeks earlier, Sunak wished Starmer all the best but also acknowledged his missteps.

“I have heard your anger, your disappointment, and I take responsibility for this loss,” Sunak said. "To all the Conservative candidates and campaigners who worked tirelessly but without success, I’m sorry that we could not deliver what your efforts deserved.”

With almost all the results in, Labour had won 410 seats in the 650-seat House of Commons and the Conservatives 118.”

Speaking as dawn broke in London, he said Labour would offer “the sunlight of hope, pale at first but getting stronger through the day.”

For Starmer, it's a massive triumph that will bring huge challenges, as he faces a weary electorate impatient for change against a gloomy backdrop of economic malaise, mounting distrust in institutions and a fraying social fabric.

“Nothing has gone well in the last 14 years,” said London voter James Erskine, who was optimistic for change in the hours before polls closed. “I just see this as the potential for a seismic shift, and that’s what I’m hoping for.”

And that's what Starmer promised, saying “change begins now."

Anand Menon, professor of European Politics and Foreign Affairs at King’s College London, said British voters were about to see a marked change in political atmosphere from the tumultuous “politics as pantomime” of the last few years.

“I think we’re going to have to get used again to relatively stable government, with ministers staying in power for quite a long time, and with government being able to think beyond the very short term to medium-term objectives,” he said.

Britain has experienced a run of turbulent years – some of it of the Conservatives’ own making and some of it not – that has left many voters pessimistic about their country’s future. The UK divorce from the European Union followed by the COVID-19 pandemic and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine battered the economy, while lockdown-breaching parties held by then-Prime Minister Boris Johnson and his staff caused widespread anger.

Rising poverty, crumbling infrastructure and overstretched National Health Service have led to gripes about “Broken Britain.”