Overnight Protests Rock Tehran, Other Iranian Cities, Videos Show

Iranians chat in a street in downtown Tehran, Iran, 15 February 2023. (EPA)
Iranians chat in a street in downtown Tehran, Iran, 15 February 2023. (EPA)

Overnight Protests Rock Tehran, Other Iranian Cities, Videos Show

Iranians chat in a street in downtown Tehran, Iran, 15 February 2023. (EPA)
Iranians chat in a street in downtown Tehran, Iran, 15 February 2023. (EPA)

Protests rocked Iran again overnight Thursday after seeming to have dwindled in recent weeks, with marchers calling for the overthrow of the Islamic Republic, online video posts purportedly showed on Friday.

The marches in numerous cities including Tehran that began on Thursday evening and went on into the night marked 40 days since the execution of two protesters last month.

Mohammad Mehdi Karami and Mohammad Hosseini were hanged on Jan. 8. Two others were executed in December.

The protests that have swept across Iran began last September after the death in custody of 22-year-old Kurdish Iranian woman Mahsa Amini for flouting the hijab policy, which requires women to entirely cover their hair and bodies.

Videos on Friday showed demonstrations in several neighborhoods in Tehran as well as in the cities of Karaj, Isfahan, Qazvin, Rasht, Arak, Mashhad, Sanandaj, Qorveh, and Izeh in Khuzestan province.

Reuters was able to confirm three of the videos on the protests in Zahedan and one of those in Tehran.

An online video purportedly from the city of Mashhad in the northeast showed protesters chanting: "My martyred brother, we shall avenge your blood."

Other videos showed large protests on Friday in Zahedan, capital of southeastern Sistan-Baluchistan province, home to Iran's Baluchi minority.

Meanwhile, the judiciary said a court had dismissed and jailed a police commander accused of raping a girl. The incident fueled anger ahead of protests on Sept. 30 which faced a crackdown in Zahedan in which at least 66 people were killed, according to Amnesty International.

The long wave of unrest has posed one of the strongest challenges to the republic since the 1979 revolution. Openly defying the hijab rules, women have waved and burned their scarves or cut their hair.

While the unrest appeared to have tapered off in recent weeks, probably because of the executions or the crackdown, acts of civil disobedience have continued.

Nightly anti-government chants reverberate across Tehran and other cities. Youths spray graffiti at night denouncing the republic or burn pro-government billboards or signs on main highways. Unveiled women appear in the streets, malls, shops and restaurants despite warnings from officials.

Many of the women among the dozens of recently released prisoners have posed unveiled in front of cameras.

Authorities have not backed down on the compulsory hijab policy, a pillar of the republic.

In recent weeks Iranian media have reported closures of several businesses, restaurants and cafes for failure to observe the hijab rules.

Last week, Iranian officials called on trade unions for stricter enforcement of hijab regulations in Tehran’s stores and businesses.

"Improperly" veiled female students were warned last month they would be barred from entering Tehran University, while local media reported that about 50 students were prevented from entering Urmia University in the northwest for flouting the hijab rules.

Rights activists say more than 500 protesters have been killed since September, including 71 minors. Nearly 20,000 have been detained. At least four people have been hanged, according to the judiciary.

Karami, a 22-year-old karate champion, and Hosseini were convicted of killing a member of the Basij paramilitary force militia.

Amnesty International said the court that convicted Karami relied on forced confessions. Hosseini's lawyer said his client had been tortured.

Two others were executed on Dec. 8 and 12 respectively.

Five women activists released on Thursday said they owed their freedom to the solidarity of "the freedom-loving people and youths of Iran", according to social media posts.

"The day of freedom is near," they said in a statement.

Top Democrats Rule out Replacing Biden amid Calls for Him to Quit 2024 Race

 President Joe Biden, left, talks on the phone as he walks to board Air Force One at McGuire Air Force Base, Saturday, June 29, 2024, in Burlington County, N.J. (AP)
President Joe Biden, left, talks on the phone as he walks to board Air Force One at McGuire Air Force Base, Saturday, June 29, 2024, in Burlington County, N.J. (AP)

Top Democrats Rule out Replacing Biden amid Calls for Him to Quit 2024 Race

 President Joe Biden, left, talks on the phone as he walks to board Air Force One at McGuire Air Force Base, Saturday, June 29, 2024, in Burlington County, N.J. (AP)
President Joe Biden, left, talks on the phone as he walks to board Air Force One at McGuire Air Force Base, Saturday, June 29, 2024, in Burlington County, N.J. (AP)

Top Democrats on Sunday ruled out the possibility of replacing President Joe Biden as the Democratic nominee after a feeble debate performance and called on party members to focus instead on the consequences of a second Donald Trump presidency.

After days of hand-wringing about Biden and the outcome of the Nov. 5 election, Democrat leaders firmly rejected calls for their party to choose a younger presidential candidate. Biden, 81, was huddling with family members at the Camp David presidential retreat, with his political future a likely topic of discussion.

But the drumbeat of calls for Biden to step aside continued, and a post-debate CBS poll showed a 10-point jump in the number of Democrats who believe Biden should not be running for president, to 46% from 36% in February.

"The unfortunate truth is that Biden should withdraw from the race, for the good of the nation he has served so admirably for half a century," the Atlanta Journal-Constitution said in an editorial on Sunday. "The shade of retirement is now necessary for President Biden."

"Absolutely not," responded Georgia Democratic Senator Raphael Warnock, one of several Democrats seen as a possible replacement for Biden.

"Bad debates happen," he told NBC's Meet the Press program. "The question is, 'Who has Donald Trump ever shown up for other than himself and people like himself?' I'm with Joe Biden, and it's our assignment to make sure that he gets over the finish line come November."

House of Representatives Democratic leader Hakeem Jeffries, who could become speaker next year if his party can take control of the House in November, acknowledged that Biden suffered a setback in his debate with former President Trump, the Republican candidate.

"I believe a setback is nothing more than a setup for a comeback," he told MSNBC. "So the moment that we're in right now is a comeback moment, and it's going to require all of us to lean in, articulate a forward-looking message as to why the Democratic platform is best equipped to deal with the challenges facing the American people."

Another top House Democrat, Representative James Clyburn, agreed.

"He should stay in this race. He should demonstrate it going forward his capacity to lead the country," he told CNN.

During the debate, a hoarse-sounding Biden delivered a shaky, halting performance in which he stumbled over his words on several occasions. Some Democrats later said privately that the showing could prove to be a disqualifying factor.


Republicans blasted Democratic claims that Biden's poor debate performance was a one-off.

"This idea that Biden had a bad night, that's not the story. He's had a bad presidency, had a disastrous debate," Senator Lindsey Graham, a South Carolina Republican, told CNN.

But in his own debate performance, Trump unleashed a barrage of criticisms, many of which were well-worn falsehoods he has long repeated, including claims that migrants have carried out a crime wave, that Democrats support infanticide and that he actually won the 2020 election.

After a frenzied run of seven campaign events across four states since Thursday's debate, Biden headed to Camp David on Saturday for a pre-planned family gathering that includes a family photo shoot, according to two people familiar with the scheduling. The attendees include his wife, Jill Biden, as well as the Biden children and grandchildren.

While the trip had been planned for months, the timing and circumstances of Biden being surrounded by family members who have weighed heavily in his past decisions to run for the presidency have added to the scrutiny around the visit.

With Democratic leaders rallying around his candidacy, it will be up to Biden to decide whether he wants to end his re-election bid.

Democratic National Committee Chairman Jaime Harrison and Biden campaign manager Julie Chavez Rodriguez held a Saturday afternoon call with dozens of committee members across the country, a group of some of the most influential members of the party.

The call was part pep talk, part planning meeting for the upcoming national convention, according to two people who were on the call who requested anonymity to discuss private discussions.