Saudi Private Sector Prepares Comprehensive File on Challenges Facing Investors in Egypt

Saudi-Egyptian efforts to increase trade volume between the two countries (Asharq Al-Awsat)
Saudi-Egyptian efforts to increase trade volume between the two countries (Asharq Al-Awsat)

Saudi Private Sector Prepares Comprehensive File on Challenges Facing Investors in Egypt

Saudi-Egyptian efforts to increase trade volume between the two countries (Asharq Al-Awsat)
Saudi-Egyptian efforts to increase trade volume between the two countries (Asharq Al-Awsat)

Asharq Al-Awsat has learned that the Saudi private sector is currently preparing a comprehensive report on the challenges encountered by investors in Egypt. The objective is to overcome these obstacles through collaboration with relevant entities in Cairo.

Saudi Arabia and Egypt have established over 160 bilateral agreements that promote economic growth between the two nations. Trade volume between the countries reached a historic high of approximately SAR 54 billion ($14.4 billion) in 2021, reflecting an impressive growth rate of 87% compared to 2020.

As per information obtained by Asharq Al-Awsat, the Council of Saudi Chambers has urged all companies and institutions operating in the Kingdom to identify the hurdles faced by investors in Egypt.

This initiative is part of the final preparations for the inaugural Gulf-Egyptian Business Forum, set to take place in November. The event is under the auspices of Egyptian President Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi.

The new measures were implemented under the directives of the General Secretariat of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) Chambers of Commerce, which aim to overcome all the difficulties faced by Gulf companies in collaboration with relevant authorities in Egypt prior to the forum.

The Council of Saudi Chambers has set a deadline of July 20 to address all the challenges faced by investors, in order to take necessary actions and enhance the economic relations between the two countries.

Saudi exports to the Egyptian market reached approximately SAR 38.6 billion ($10.2 billion) in 2021, while Egyptian imports to the Saudi market amounted to SAR 15.7 billion ($4.1 billion), marking a record growth of 60%.

The Kingdom’s investments in Egypt have surpassed $32 billion, with more than 6,800 Saudi companies involved.

On the other hand, Egyptian investments in Saudi Arabia reached around $5 billion, with over 802 Egyptian companies operating in the Kingdom.

Saudi Arabia Continues Campaign against Violations of Car Dealers, Showrooms

Vehicle prices in Saudi Arabia have witnessed a significant increase. Asharq Al-Awsat
Vehicle prices in Saudi Arabia have witnessed a significant increase. Asharq Al-Awsat

Saudi Arabia Continues Campaign against Violations of Car Dealers, Showrooms

Vehicle prices in Saudi Arabia have witnessed a significant increase. Asharq Al-Awsat
Vehicle prices in Saudi Arabia have witnessed a significant increase. Asharq Al-Awsat

The Saudi General Authority for Competition (GAC) continues its campaign to crack down on violations committed by car dealers and showrooms.

On Tuesday, GAC issued decisions to initiate criminal lawsuits against 107 institutions and to study settlement requests submitted by 17 others.

This came after vehicle prices in Saudi Arabia witnessed a significant increase, prompting the concerned government agencies to verify and stop market manipulation.

According to information made available to Asharq Al-Awsat, the Authority investigated last year 155 establishments operating in the automobile sector, and found that 124 institutions have violated the provisions of the Competition Law and its executive regulations.

Violations included agreements between firms on fixing vehicle prices and dividing markets on the basis of geographical areas.

The Authority noted that these violations led to reducing competition and affecting consumer well-being, forcing the Board of Directors to initiate criminal lawsuits against 107 establishments, and to study settlement requests submitted by 17 others.

In January, the Authority approved filing charges against 79 firms, including agents, distributors, and car showrooms, for violating the law and its executive regulations.

The GAC Board held its 85th meeting on Tuesday and decided to initiate a criminal case against a number of establishments, due to allegations of price-fixing, market division, and other anticompetitive practices.

Moreover, the Board reviewed the results of an investigation in the education and industry sectors, and approved taking the necessary measures against six institutions.

It also decided to approve settlement requests submitted by two firms serving cold and hot beverages and pastries, after reviewing the results of the relevant study and investigation.