Iran Summons Russian Ambassador Over Statement on Three Gulf Islands

Amirabdollahian receiving Lavrov in Tehran, June 2022 (EPA)

 Amirabdollahian welcoming Lavrov in Tehran, June 2022 (EPA)
Amirabdollahian receiving Lavrov in Tehran, June 2022 (EPA) Amirabdollahian welcoming Lavrov in Tehran, June 2022 (EPA)

Iran Summons Russian Ambassador Over Statement on Three Gulf Islands

Amirabdollahian receiving Lavrov in Tehran, June 2022 (EPA)

 Amirabdollahian welcoming Lavrov in Tehran, June 2022 (EPA)
Amirabdollahian receiving Lavrov in Tehran, June 2022 (EPA) Amirabdollahian welcoming Lavrov in Tehran, June 2022 (EPA)

Tehran will not negotiate over three Gulf islands disputed with the United Arab Emirates, and instead summoned Russia’s ambassador on Wednesday after Moscow released a joint statement with Arab countries earlier this week challenging Iran’s claim to the islands.

On Monday, Russia and the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) issued a joint statement in which foreign ministers expressed their support for UAE's initiative to reach a peaceful solution to the issue of the islands through bilateral negotiations or the International Court of Justice.

The statement came after the sixth ministerial meeting of strategic dialogue between Russia and the GCC in Moscow.

Iran's Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Nasser Kanaani condemned the Russia-GCC statement as contrary to friendly relations between Iran and its neighbours, adding “the three islands belong to Iran forever.”

Later, Iran’s Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian tweeted, “We never stand upon ceremony with any side over Iran’s independence, sovereignty and integrity,” without naming Russia.

Government spokesman Ali Bahadori-Jahromi made a similar assertion.

- Moscow’s Opponents

The positions of government officials close to conservative President Ibrahim Raisi came at a time when their opponents, especially supporters of the previous government headed by the relatively moderate President Hassan Rouhani, criticized the Iranian-Russian rapprochement.

The officials especially condemned Iran’s official position with regard to the Ukraine war, which they said harmed the indirect negotiations between Tehran and Washington and halted chances to revive the 2015 nuclear deal and to lift US sanctions.

“We were not surprised by Russia’s position, particularly that Moscow had committed unforgivable betrayals over more than 100 years,” wrote reformist political activist Hamid Abu Talebi, an adviser to the former Iranian president.

“It is strange that despite the Russian aggressions against Iran, Moscow was capable again to deceive Tehran, by making us lose the nuclear agreement, fall into the Russian war trap, and realize the desire of the tsarist Russia to free Moscow from isolation and global sanctions,” he wrote.

Abu Talebi then lashed out at the foreign policy enforced by the current government, describing it as “a no goal policy,” especially in its relations with the east.

Meanwhile, Former MP Heshmatollah Falahatpisheh wrote on Twitter, “We will see a bigger betrayal by the Russians when the dictator is forced to deescalate with NATO.”

For his part, reformist political analyst, Ahmed Zaidabadi, wrote on his Telegram channel, “Iranian officials ignore the need to follow a correct and balanced foreign policy that serves national interests.”

Man Convicted of Terrorism for Planning Attack on UK Military Base

Metropolitan Police officers are seen in London. EPA file photo
Metropolitan Police officers are seen in London. EPA file photo

Man Convicted of Terrorism for Planning Attack on UK Military Base

Metropolitan Police officers are seen in London. EPA file photo
Metropolitan Police officers are seen in London. EPA file photo

A British man was convicted on Tuesday of planning an attack on a military base after being arrested with an explosive device in the grounds of a hospital, Britain's Crown Prosecution Service said.

Mohammad Farooq was found guilty of preparing acts of terrorism following a trial at Sheffield Crown Court, in northern England.

The 28-year-old had previously pleaded guilty to possession of an explosive substance with intent to endanger life, possession of an explosive substance in suspicious circumstances, possession of information likely to be useful to a terrorist, and other offences.

Farooq was arrested outside St. James's Hospital in Leeds, where he had previously worked as a student nurse, after showing a member of the public a gun and saying he "felt like killing everyone", the CPS said.

Police who attended the scene discovered in Farooq's bag a pressure cooker with wires attached, which bomb disposal experts found to be a viable explosive device.

The CPS said Farooq's electronic devices revealed evidence of his interest in radical ideology and research into RAF Menwith Hill, a nearby Royal Air Force base in North Yorkshire.

Farooq had pleaded not guilty to but was convicted of preparing a terrorist attack at RAF Menwith Hill. He will be sentenced at a later date.

Bethan David, head of the CPS Counter Terrorism Division, said in a statement: "Farooq is an extremely dangerous individual who amassed a significant amount of practical and theoretical information that enabled him to produce a viable explosive device.

"He then took that homemade explosive device to a hospital where he worked with the intention to cause serious harm. Examination of his electronic devices revealed a hatred towards his colleagues at work and those he considered non-believers.

"It is clear from his internet searches that he was also conducting extensive research of RAF Menwith Hill, with a view to launching a potential attack."