Saudi Arabia, Türkiye Agree to Create Favorable Business Environment, Empower Private Sector

Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman meets with President Recep Tayyip Erdogan at the al-Salam Palace in Jeddah (SPA)
Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman meets with President Recep Tayyip Erdogan at the al-Salam Palace in Jeddah (SPA)

Saudi Arabia, Türkiye Agree to Create Favorable Business Environment, Empower Private Sector

Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman meets with President Recep Tayyip Erdogan at the al-Salam Palace in Jeddah (SPA)
Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman meets with President Recep Tayyip Erdogan at the al-Salam Palace in Jeddah (SPA)

Saudi Arabia and Türkiye stressed the importance of enhancing cooperation between the two sides in the economic, trade, and investment fields by reviewing the significant challenges facing the global economy and the role of Saudi Arabia and Turkiye in addressing them.

Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman bin Abdulaziz met with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan at the Royal Court at al-Salam Palace in Jeddah.

During the meeting, they conducted official talks, reviewing the historical relations between the two brotherly countries and discussing ways to enhance them.

They also exchanged views on the current regional and international situation.

The Crown Prince congratulated President Erdogan on his recent election victory in Turkiye.

The Turkish delegation appreciated the efforts of the Saudi government, the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, and the Crown Prince in serving the Two Holy Mosques, pilgrims, Umrah performers, and visitors.

They commended the high level of coordination between the two countries, which contributed to the comfort of Turkish pilgrims.

Furthermore, the Turkish side expressed gratitude for the support extended by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia following the catastrophic earthquake that occurred on February 6, 2023.

Both parties praised the positive outcomes of the Crown Prince's visit to Turkiye in June 2022 and the President of Turkiye's visit to Saudi Arabia in April 2022.

The visits expanded cooperation between the two nations across various fields and strengthened their close relations.

A joint statement was issued after the official visit of Erdogan to Saudi Arabia.

They emphasized the importance of accelerating cooperation in the commercial and investment sectors, underscoring their commitment to supporting opportunities for economic integration in various targeted sectors, such as infrastructure, construction, engineering, environment, and renewable energy.

The two sides discussed strategies to enhance and diversify intra-trade by fostering communication between the private sectors of both countries.

They focused on developing an enabling investment environment for the private sector and exploring prominent investment opportunities, including empowering the private sector, creating a favorable business environment, equipping with necessary capabilities, and addressing any challenges they may face.

Both parties stressed the private sector's pivotal role in strengthening economic relations and reaching higher levels of cooperation.

The statement commended the outcomes of the Saudi-Turkish Investment Forum, which took place during the visit of the Saudi Minister of Investment in December 2022.

The Investment Forum saw participation from over 280 prominent Saudi and Turkish companies, signing 12 agreements and memoranda of understanding (MoU) across the government and private sectors.

Both sides also welcomed the upcoming Saudi-Turkish Investment Forum (focused on tourism) scheduled to be held in Istanbul in August 2023.

They emphasized the significance of maintaining stability in global energy markets.

Türkiye appreciated the Kingdom's role in supporting the balance of global oil markets, which serves the interests of both producing and consuming countries and promotes sustainable economic growth.

They expressed a mutual desire to strengthen cooperation in the energy field, including renewable energy, including initiatives such as electrical interconnection between the two countries, exporting electricity from the Kingdom to Turkiye and Europe, energy efficiency, innovation, clean technologies for hydrocarbon resources, and low-carbon fuels, including hydrogen.

The talks also addressed opportunities for cooperation in the peaceful use of nuclear energy and its regulatory aspects and enhancing collaboration in developing projects and supply chains in the energy sectors to ensure their sustainability.

Moreover, both sides underscored the importance of enhancing cooperation in various energy-related fields. It includes the supply of petroleum, petroleum derivatives, and petrochemicals.

Discussions were held on potential joint venture opportunities across the entire petrochemical sector value chain, including innovative and specialized uses of hydrocarbons.

The two sides stressed the importance of finalizing the procedures for activating the Saudi-Turkish Coordination Council. Both sides affirmed the need to work together to develop joint projects and initiatives within the framework of the Council.

Both reaffirmed the significance of adhering to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change principles and the Paris Agreement.

Turkiye expressed its support for the Kingdom's endeavors in addressing climate change.

They acknowledged the importance of cooperation in developing circular carbon economy applications.

It involves promoting policies that employ the circular carbon economy as a tool to manage emissions and work towards achieving climate change objectives while considering individual priorities and varying national circumstances.

The two sides stressed strengthening cooperation in the industrial and mining sectors, working to activate the signed MoU in the fields of export and import, attracting investments in the industrial sector, and enhancing future areas of cooperation in the industrial and metal sector.

Both sides welcomed the private sector's involvement in investment partnerships in the agriculture and food industries.

They agreed on the importance of cooperation in the environment, water, agriculture, and food security.

The two sides wanted to strengthen cooperation and partnership in telecommunications, technology, the digital economy, innovation, and space.

They also stressed the importance of activating and strengthening cooperation in the various fields of transport and logistics and discussed increasing the number of flights between the two countries.

The two delegations expressed their determination to enhance cooperation and coordination in the defense and military industry and activate the agreements signed between them to serve common interests and contribute to achieving regional and global security and peace.

The two sides agreed on strengthening existing security cooperation and coordination on combating all forms of crimes, enhancing cooperation in tackling terrorism and extremism, and exchanging information, expertise, and training in a way that contributes to achieving security and stability in the two countries.

They affirmed their determination to strengthen cooperation in combating cross-border corruption crimes in all its forms and their keenness to enhance effective communication between concerned authorities, especially in investigating corruption cases.

The two sides also confirmed the importance of strengthening cooperation against violent extremism, which leads to terrorism, extremism, hatred discourse, and terrorism in all its forms and manifestations, and the importance of spreading the culture of moderation and tolerance.

The two sides expressed aspirations to enhance cooperation in tourism, sustainable tourism, and tourism development between the two countries, explore tourism attractions in each country, and exchange expertise in industry development.

The Saudi and Turkish sides expressed their aspirations to enhance cooperation in scientific and educational fields, encourage their universities to bolster direct relations, increase research and scientific cooperation levels in vital areas, use modern technologies in education, conduct joint research, and develop educational materials, e-learning, and distance learning.

They discussed opportunities to develop media cooperation in radio and television, news sharing, and exchange of visits between the two countries.

In the health field, the two sides expressed keenness to enhance cooperation supporting global initiatives to combat current and future pandemics, risks, and challenges.

They also agreed to work with international organizations and G20 countries to face global health challenges, cooperate in developing vaccines, medicines, and diagnostic tools and coordinate global efforts to combat antimicrobial resistance.

The Turkish side welcomed the Kingdom's hosting of the Fourth Ministerial Conference on Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR), scheduled to be held in November 2024.

The two sides stressed the importance of cooperation and coordination between the two countries in international forums and organizations such as the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the World Bank, and the G20 to support international efforts in facing global economic challenges.

They welcomed signing the executive plan for cooperation in defense capabilities, industries, research and development, two acquisition contracts between the Ministry of Defence and the Turkish defense firm Baykar, MoU for collaboration in direct investment, media, and energy.

They also lauded the signing of nine memoranda of understanding between both countries public and private sectors during the Saudi-Turkish Investment Forum, held on the sidelines of the visit.

Both parties are determined to continue coordinating and increasing their efforts to uphold international peace and security.

The parties discussed various regional and global issues of mutual concern. They emphasized their commitment to strengthening cooperation and coordination to promote regional and international peace and stability.

Furthermore, the two sides once again condemned the deliberate abuse of the Holy Quran. They emphasized the significance of concerted efforts to promote values such as dialogue, tolerance, coexistence, and the rejection of hatred and extremism.

The two sides addressed the Yemeni issue and underscored the importance of fully supporting the UN and regional initiatives to achieve a comprehensive political solution to the Yemeni crisis.

The Turkish delegation praised the Kingdom's extensive efforts and initiatives in promoting dialogue and reconciliation among the Yemeni parties and its role in facilitating the delivery of humanitarian aid to all regions of Yemen.

Both parties expressed their unwavering support for the Presidential Leadership Council of Yemen.

They also commended the UN's efforts to strengthen compliance with the ceasefire and stressed the importance of the Houthis engaging constructively with international and UN efforts to end the Yemeni crisis.

The Turkish side welcomed the resumption of diplomatic relations between the Kingdom and Iran, hoping it would strengthen regional security and stability in a way that preserves the sovereignty of states and non-interference in their internal affairs.

The two sides stressed the importance of Iran's adherence to the peaceful nature of its nuclear program, transparent cooperation with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), and active participation in comprehensive negotiations involving regional countries.

The negotiations addressed the sources of threats to regional and international peace and security.

US Locks in Steep Tariff Hikes on Chinese Imports

Stacked containers and cranes are shown at the Port of Los Angeles in Los Angeles, California (AFP)
Stacked containers and cranes are shown at the Port of Los Angeles in Los Angeles, California (AFP)

US Locks in Steep Tariff Hikes on Chinese Imports

Stacked containers and cranes are shown at the Port of Los Angeles in Los Angeles, California (AFP)
Stacked containers and cranes are shown at the Port of Los Angeles in Los Angeles, California (AFP)

The Biden administration on Friday locked in steep tariff hikes on Chinese imports, including a 100% duty on electric vehicles, to strengthen protections for strategic domestic industries from China's state-driven excess production capacity.

The US Trade Representative's office told Reuters that many of the tariffs, including a 100% duty on Chinese EVs, 50% on solar cells and 25% on steel, aluminium, EV batteries and key minerals, would go into effect on Sep 27.

The USTR determination showed a 50% duty on Chinese semiconductors, which now include two new categories - polysilicon used in solar panels and silicon wafers - are due to start in 2025.

Adjustments to the punitive “Section 301” tariffs on $18 billion worth of goods announced in May by President Joe Biden were minimal and disregarded auto industry pleas for lower tariffs on graphite and critical minerals needed for EV battery production because they are still too dependent on Chinese supplies.

USTR left unchanged the tariff increase to 25% from zero on lithium-ion batteries, minerals and components, with the increase for batteries for EVs taking effect Sep 27 and those for all other devices, including laptops and cell phones, on Jan 1, 2026.

Lael Brainard, the top White House economic adviser, told Reuters that the decision was made to ensure that the US EV industry diversifies away from China's dominant supply chain.

She said such “tough, targeted” tariffs are needed to counteract China's state-driven subsidies and technology transfer policies that have led to over-investment and excess production capacity.

But Washington is investing hundreds of billions of dollars worth of its own tax subsidies to develop domestic EV, solar and semiconductor sectors.

“The 100% tariff on electric vehicles here does reflect the very significant unfair cost advantage that Chinese electric vehicles in particular are using to dominate car markets at a breathtaking pace in other parts of the world,” Brainard said.

China has vowed retaliation against the “bullying” tariff hikes and argued that its EV industry's success is due to innovation, not government support.

The higher US tariffs take effect as Vice President Kamala Harris and former President Donald Trump are both courting voters in auto and steel producing states, trying to position themselves as tough on China ahead of the November presidential election.

Trump has vowed to impose 60% tariffs on all Chinese imports.

The European Union and Canada also have announced new import tariffs on Chinese EVs, the latter matching the 100% US duties.

The final tariff decision does provide some temporary relief for US port operators who were facing a new 25% tariff on massive ship-to-shore cranes, an industry that China dominates with no US producers.

The duty would add millions of dollars to the cost of each crane.

USTR said it will allow exclusions from the tariffs for any Chinese port cranes that were ordered prior to the May 14 initial tariff announcements, as long as they are delivered by May 14, 2026.

USTR raised tariffs to 50% on medical face masks and surgical gloves, from an initially proposed 2%, but delayed their start to allow a shift to non-Chinese suppliers.

The planned duty on Chinese syringes, which were in short supply during the COVID-19 pandemic, will immediately rise to 100% from a previously planned 50%, but USTR will allow a temporary exclusion for enteral syringes, used to feed infants, for a year.

The agency also said it will consider requests for tariff exclusions for five Chinese industrial machinery categories, including those for machinery for purifying or filtering liquids, industrial robots and printing machinery.

It will allow tariff exclusions for Chinese solar wafer and cell manufacturing equipment, but not for equipment used to make full solar modules.