Israel’s Netanyahu Takes Heat in Polls as Judicial Crisis Deepens 

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu looks on as Israeli lawmakers vote on a bill that would limit some Supreme Court power, in the Knesset plenum in Jerusalem July 24, 2023. (Reuters)
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu looks on as Israeli lawmakers vote on a bill that would limit some Supreme Court power, in the Knesset plenum in Jerusalem July 24, 2023. (Reuters)

Israel’s Netanyahu Takes Heat in Polls as Judicial Crisis Deepens 

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu looks on as Israeli lawmakers vote on a bill that would limit some Supreme Court power, in the Knesset plenum in Jerusalem July 24, 2023. (Reuters)
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu looks on as Israeli lawmakers vote on a bill that would limit some Supreme Court power, in the Knesset plenum in Jerusalem July 24, 2023. (Reuters)

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu suffered a hit in the polls over a judicial law his hard-right coalition has championed as he attempts to navigate his gravest domestic crisis.

Surveys published late on Tuesday by two main Israeli news broadcasters showed that if an election was held now, the number of seats held by Netanyahu's governing coalition in the 120-seat Knesset would fall from 64 to 52 or 53.

Seats held by Netanyahu's Likud party would fall from 32 to 28, according to N12 News, and to as low as 25 seats in a survey by broadcaster Reshet 13.

On Monday, Netanyahu's nationalist-religious coalition, formed after an election on Nov. 1 last year, gave parliamentary approval to legislation that will limit some of the Supreme Court's powers, despite mass street protests.

It was the first ratification of a bill that is part of a government bid to overhaul the judiciary.

Israel's close ally the United States called the Knesset vote "unfortunate" and urged work toward a broad consensus. But it offered no hint that Netanyahu’s government could face practical consequences, exposing the limits of President Joe Biden’s ability to rein in the long-serving right-wing leader.

Israeli doctors declared a strike on Tuesday and more army reservists have asked to halt service in a public backlash over the hard-right government's moves.

Israel's military took its first known internal disciplinary action over the protests. One reservist was fined 1,000 shekels ($270) and another given a suspended 15-day jail sentence for ignoring call-ups.

"There has been an increase in requests to halt reserve duty," Brigadier General Daniel Hagari told Israeli reporters in remarks confirmed by a military spokesman.

"If reservists do not report for duty for a long duration, there will be damage done to the preparedness of the military," Hagari said, adding this would be "a gradual process".

Protest leaders said growing numbers of military reservists would no longer report for duty if the government pressed ahead with its plans.

Israel's enemies have convened top-level meetings to consider the turmoil and how they might capitalize on it, sources familiar with the discussions told Reuters.

The crisis has split Israeli society and hit the economy hard by triggering foreign investor flight, weakening the shekel and raising the specter of a general strike by the Histadrut public sector union.

Germany Arrests Five Suspected of War Crimes in Syria

German police secure the main train station in Munich, Germany, January 1, 2016. REUTERS/Michaela Rehle
German police secure the main train station in Munich, Germany, January 1, 2016. REUTERS/Michaela Rehle

Germany Arrests Five Suspected of War Crimes in Syria

German police secure the main train station in Munich, Germany, January 1, 2016. REUTERS/Michaela Rehle
German police secure the main train station in Munich, Germany, January 1, 2016. REUTERS/Michaela Rehle

German police arrested four stateless Syrian Palestinians and one Syrian national suspected of committing crimes against humanity and war crimes in Syria some 10 years ago, prosecutors said.
The men, identified in line with German privacy laws only as Jihad A., Mahmoud A., Sameer S. and Wael S. are suspected to have been affiliated with the Free Palestine Movement in Syria. Mazhar J. is suspected to have been a Syrian Intelligence Officer, said prosecutors in a statement on Wednesday.
"The individuals ... are strongly suspected of killing and attempting to kill civilians (which) qualified as crimes against humanity and war crimes," the statement said.
Jihad A., Mazhar J. and Sameer S. were arrested in Berlin, Mahmoud A. in Frankenthal in the south-western state of Rhineland-Palatinate and Wael S. in the north-eastern state of Mecklenburg Vorpommern, said prosecutors.
The individuals are suspected of participating in a violent crackdown on a peaceful anti-government protest in Al Yarmouk in July 2012, in which civilian protesters were targeted and shot at. Six individuals died and others were seriously injured, Reuters quoted prosecutors as saying.
The suspected militia members are also accused of punching and kicking civilians between 2012 and 2014 at checkpoints and beating them with rifle butts, according to prosecutors.
One individual was handed over to the Syrian Military Intelligence Service to be imprisoned and tortured, they said. In addition, one of the suspects is suspected of having turned in to authorities three people killed in a mass execution of 41 civilians in April 2013.
The arrests were made thanks to Germany's universal jurisdiction laws, which allow courts to prosecute crimes against humanity committed anywhere in the world. Authorities coordinated with Sweden in a joint investigation.
The Swedish Prosecution Authority said in a separate statement it had arrested three people in Sweden for crimes against international law committed in Syria in 2012.