North Korea Plans Satellite Launch as Seoul, US Hold Drills

A man watches a television screen showing a news broadcast with file footage of North Korea's leader Kim Jong Un, at the Seoul Railway Station in Seoul in May 2023. Jung Yeon-je / AFP
A man watches a television screen showing a news broadcast with file footage of North Korea's leader Kim Jong Un, at the Seoul Railway Station in Seoul in May 2023. Jung Yeon-je / AFP

North Korea Plans Satellite Launch as Seoul, US Hold Drills

A man watches a television screen showing a news broadcast with file footage of North Korea's leader Kim Jong Un, at the Seoul Railway Station in Seoul in May 2023. Jung Yeon-je / AFP
A man watches a television screen showing a news broadcast with file footage of North Korea's leader Kim Jong Un, at the Seoul Railway Station in Seoul in May 2023. Jung Yeon-je / AFP

North Korea is planning to launch another satellite just three months after its first attempt to put a military eye in the sky failed, prompting condemnation from Tokyo and Seoul on Tuesday and demands to call it off.

The launch is set to take place between August 24 and 31, Pyongyang told Japan's coast guard Tuesday, prompting Tokyo to mobilize ships and its PAC-3 missile defense system in case it were to land in their territory.

Seoul said the launch would be "an illegal act" as it violates UN sanctions prohibiting the North from tests using ballistic technology, AFP reported.

"North Korea's so-called 'satellite launch' is a clear violation of UN Security Council resolutions... No matter what excuses North Korea tries to make, it cannot justify this illegal act," South Korea's Unification Ministry said in a statement.

There is significant technological overlap between the development of intercontinental ballistic missiles and space launch capabilities, experts say.
Prime Minister Fumio Kishida urged Pyongyang to call off the launch, saying his country was working with South Korea and the United States to gather more information.

Tokyo is taking "all possible measures to prepare for any unforeseen eventuality", Kishida said.

Japan's Coast Guard said Pyongyang had informed them of three designated danger areas: the Yellow Sea, East China Sea and waters east of the Philippines' Luzon island.

In May, Pyongyang launched what it described as its first military reconnaissance satellite, the "Malligyong-1", but the rocket carrying it, the "Chollima-1" -- named after a mythical horse that often features in official propaganda -- plunged into the sea minutes after takeoff.

Soon after, Kim Jong Un's regime vowed to successfully launch its spy satellite "in the near future", saying it was a necessary counterbalance to the growing US military presence in the region.

Pyongyang's new launch plan follows Seoul and Washington kicking off their major annual joint military drills on Monday.

Known as Ulchi Freedom Shield, the exercises, which are aimed at countering growing threats from the nuclear-armed North, will run through August 31.

Pyongyang views all such drills as rehearsals for an invasion and has repeatedly warned it would take "overwhelming" action in response.

Suspected North Korean hackers have already targeted the exercises, with email attacks on South Korean contractors working at the allies' combined exercise war simulation center.

On Tuesday, North Korea's state news agency condemned "the aggressive character" of the US-South Korea drills.

In a commentary, KCNA warned that if the drills involve a "nuclear provocation", the possibility "of a thermonuclear war on the Korean peninsula will become more realistic".

Launch soon
The announcement also came shortly after leaders from Washington, Seoul and Tokyo met at Camp David in the US, with North Korea's growing nuclear threats a key item on the agenda.

South Korea's spy agency told lawmakers last week that Pyongyang could launch a reconnaissance satellite ahead of the 75th anniversary of the regime's founding on September 9, member of parliament Yoo Sang-bum told reporters after the briefing.

"Pyongyang appears to be timing its next satellite launch with the ongoing joint Ulchi Freedom Shield exercise, having improved and supplemented technical aspects of the launch over the past three months," Choi Gi-il, professor of national security at Sangji University, told AFP.

"Given the nature of the North Korean regime, three months seems sufficient enough to find flaws from its failed May launch and apply fixes -- though we have to see whether it can pull it off this time," he added.

North Korea's Kim has made the development of a military spy satellite a top priority.

The crash of the satellite in May sparked a complex, 36-day South Korean salvage operation involving a fleet of naval rescue ships, mine sweepers and deep-sea divers.

The retrieved parts of the rocket and the satellite were analyzed by experts in South Korea and the United States, with Seoul's defense ministry subsequently saying the satellite had no military utility.

Top Democrats Rule out Replacing Biden amid Calls for Him to Quit 2024 Race

 President Joe Biden, left, talks on the phone as he walks to board Air Force One at McGuire Air Force Base, Saturday, June 29, 2024, in Burlington County, N.J. (AP)
President Joe Biden, left, talks on the phone as he walks to board Air Force One at McGuire Air Force Base, Saturday, June 29, 2024, in Burlington County, N.J. (AP)

Top Democrats Rule out Replacing Biden amid Calls for Him to Quit 2024 Race

 President Joe Biden, left, talks on the phone as he walks to board Air Force One at McGuire Air Force Base, Saturday, June 29, 2024, in Burlington County, N.J. (AP)
President Joe Biden, left, talks on the phone as he walks to board Air Force One at McGuire Air Force Base, Saturday, June 29, 2024, in Burlington County, N.J. (AP)

Top Democrats on Sunday ruled out the possibility of replacing President Joe Biden as the Democratic nominee after a feeble debate performance and called on party members to focus instead on the consequences of a second Donald Trump presidency.

After days of hand-wringing about Biden and the outcome of the Nov. 5 election, Democrat leaders firmly rejected calls for their party to choose a younger presidential candidate. Biden, 81, was huddling with family members at the Camp David presidential retreat, with his political future a likely topic of discussion.

But the drumbeat of calls for Biden to step aside continued, and a post-debate CBS poll showed a 10-point jump in the number of Democrats who believe Biden should not be running for president, to 46% from 36% in February.

"The unfortunate truth is that Biden should withdraw from the race, for the good of the nation he has served so admirably for half a century," the Atlanta Journal-Constitution said in an editorial on Sunday. "The shade of retirement is now necessary for President Biden."

"Absolutely not," responded Georgia Democratic Senator Raphael Warnock, one of several Democrats seen as a possible replacement for Biden.

"Bad debates happen," he told NBC's Meet the Press program. "The question is, 'Who has Donald Trump ever shown up for other than himself and people like himself?' I'm with Joe Biden, and it's our assignment to make sure that he gets over the finish line come November."

House of Representatives Democratic leader Hakeem Jeffries, who could become speaker next year if his party can take control of the House in November, acknowledged that Biden suffered a setback in his debate with former President Trump, the Republican candidate.

"I believe a setback is nothing more than a setup for a comeback," he told MSNBC. "So the moment that we're in right now is a comeback moment, and it's going to require all of us to lean in, articulate a forward-looking message as to why the Democratic platform is best equipped to deal with the challenges facing the American people."

Another top House Democrat, Representative James Clyburn, agreed.

"He should stay in this race. He should demonstrate it going forward his capacity to lead the country," he told CNN.

During the debate, a hoarse-sounding Biden delivered a shaky, halting performance in which he stumbled over his words on several occasions. Some Democrats later said privately that the showing could prove to be a disqualifying factor.


Republicans blasted Democratic claims that Biden's poor debate performance was a one-off.

"This idea that Biden had a bad night, that's not the story. He's had a bad presidency, had a disastrous debate," Senator Lindsey Graham, a South Carolina Republican, told CNN.

But in his own debate performance, Trump unleashed a barrage of criticisms, many of which were well-worn falsehoods he has long repeated, including claims that migrants have carried out a crime wave, that Democrats support infanticide and that he actually won the 2020 election.

After a frenzied run of seven campaign events across four states since Thursday's debate, Biden headed to Camp David on Saturday for a pre-planned family gathering that includes a family photo shoot, according to two people familiar with the scheduling. The attendees include his wife, Jill Biden, as well as the Biden children and grandchildren.

While the trip had been planned for months, the timing and circumstances of Biden being surrounded by family members who have weighed heavily in his past decisions to run for the presidency have added to the scrutiny around the visit.

With Democratic leaders rallying around his candidacy, it will be up to Biden to decide whether he wants to end his re-election bid.

Democratic National Committee Chairman Jaime Harrison and Biden campaign manager Julie Chavez Rodriguez held a Saturday afternoon call with dozens of committee members across the country, a group of some of the most influential members of the party.

The call was part pep talk, part planning meeting for the upcoming national convention, according to two people who were on the call who requested anonymity to discuss private discussions.