MWL Inaugurates Welfare, Development Projects in Mauritania

Secretary-General of the Muslim World League Dr. Mohammed al-Issa inaugurates the medical center in Mauritania. (Asharq Al-Awsat)
Secretary-General of the Muslim World League Dr. Mohammed al-Issa inaugurates the medical center in Mauritania. (Asharq Al-Awsat)

MWL Inaugurates Welfare, Development Projects in Mauritania

Secretary-General of the Muslim World League Dr. Mohammed al-Issa inaugurates the medical center in Mauritania. (Asharq Al-Awsat)
Secretary-General of the Muslim World League Dr. Mohammed al-Issa inaugurates the medical center in Mauritania. (Asharq Al-Awsat)

Muslim World League (MWL) Secretary-General and head of the Saudi Muslim Scholars Association Dr. Mohammd al-Issa inaugurated several relief, welfare, and development projects in Nouakchott, Mauritania.

Al-Issa visited the final phase of the Muslim World League's project to build the Grand Mosque in Nouakchott.

He inspected the mosque's facilities, evaluated the quality of the work, and ensured it adhered to the highest architectural and quality standards.

The official was in Nouakchott for an official multi-day visit, where he was received by the Mauritanian Minister of Islamic Affairs, government officials and senior scholars.

Al-Issa inaugurated the advanced medical center affiliated with the MWL during an official ceremony attended by high-ranking government officials and community members.

He toured the center's facilities, reviewed its organizational structure, and observed the ongoing works of the MWL’s health initiatives and medical programs.

He also toured the newly established ophthalmology department and specialty clinics.

He met several orphans, covered by the "Orphan Sponsorship" program in Africa, as they received their annual financial allowances, which provide them with security, comprehensive care and health and education programs. The program serves tens of thousands of orphans across the continent.

Additionally, he handed over house keys to widows, a venture coordinated officially with relevant government entities and in collaboration with several UN-affiliated international organizations.

Al-Issa emphasized that these charitable efforts, coordinated with national government bodies and UN-affiliated international organizations, align with the MWL’s mission.

He noted that the MWL is one of the many benevolent gestures Saudi Arabia offers to the Islamic world within the broader context of humanitarian work.

Saudi Arabia Emphasizes Peaceful Cooperation to Achieve Global Security

Ambassador Abdul Mohsen bin Khothaila speaks during the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty Review Conference. (Photo: Saudi Mission in Geneva)
Ambassador Abdul Mohsen bin Khothaila speaks during the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty Review Conference. (Photo: Saudi Mission in Geneva)

Saudi Arabia Emphasizes Peaceful Cooperation to Achieve Global Security

Ambassador Abdul Mohsen bin Khothaila speaks during the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty Review Conference. (Photo: Saudi Mission in Geneva)
Ambassador Abdul Mohsen bin Khothaila speaks during the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty Review Conference. (Photo: Saudi Mission in Geneva)

Saudi Arabia emphasized peaceful international cooperation as a means to achieve global prosperity, stability and security, stressing the importance of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons and the necessity of its full implementation.

Ambassador Abdul Mohsen bin Khothaila, the Permanent Saudi Representative to the United Nations and international organizations in Geneva, participated in the second session of the Preparatory Committee for the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) Review Conference.

The ambassador called for more effective international efforts to achieve the goals and universality of the NPT, urging non-party states to join the treaty and subject all their nuclear facilities to the comprehensive safeguards of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).

Affirming the right to the peaceful use of nuclear technology under Article 4 of the Treaty, he underlined the importance of adhering to the highest standards of transparency and reliability, calling on all parties to cooperate to promote peaceful use for the benefit of global development and well-being.

He stated that the responsibility for making the Middle East a nuclear-weapon-free zone lies with the international community, especially the sponsors of the 1995 resolution on the Middle East.

Bin Khothaila condemned the recent statements and threats made by a member of the Israeli government regarding the use of nuclear weapons against the Palestinians, describing his words as violations of international law and a threat to global peace and security.

He further called for intensifying cooperation between the parties to the NPT to attain positive results at the next “review conference” in 2026, with the aim of achieving a safe world free of nuclear weapons.