Saudi Relief Efforts to Help Palestinians in Gaza Continue

Saudi Arabia has continued its relief and humanitarian assistance to the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip. SPA
Saudi Arabia has continued its relief and humanitarian assistance to the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip. SPA

Saudi Relief Efforts to Help Palestinians in Gaza Continue

Saudi Arabia has continued its relief and humanitarian assistance to the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip. SPA
Saudi Arabia has continued its relief and humanitarian assistance to the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip. SPA

Saudi Arabia, represented by King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Center (KSrelief), has continued its relief and humanitarian assistance to the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip to alleviate their suffering.

In implementation of the directives of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud and Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman bin Abdulaziz, KSrelief on November 2 launched a fundraising campaign through "Sahem" platform for the relief of the Palestinian people in Gaza.

Advisor at the Royal Court and Supervisor General of KSrelief Dr. Abdullah bin Abdulaziz Al Rabeeah announced a donation of SAR30 million to this campaign by the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques and SAR20 million by the Crown Prince, while donations from the public totaled SAR544,710,000, and the number of donors participating in the campaign has exceeded one million.

In this context, KSrelief operated an airlift to El Arish International Airport in Egypt, which included 24 relief planes carrying food baskets, shelter bags, tents, blankets, mattresses, winter clothing bags, dried baby formula, dates and medical materials, weighing a total of 573 tons. The center also sent ambulances, including 14 that entered the Palestinian enclave, out of 20 that will arrive in Gaza.

The KSrelief also sent three ships from Jeddah Islamic Port to Port Said Port in Egypt carrying 401 containers, 258 of which contained medical supplies to meet the needs of hospitals there, and 143 stocked with foodstuffs and shelter materials (tents, blankets, mattresses, shelter bags), to be transported to the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip.

Furthermore, KSrelief signed four cooperation agreements with the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA), the World Health Organization (WHO), the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and the World Food Program, with a total value of SAR150 million to provide relief to the Palestinian people in Gaza.

KSrelief signed the agreement with the UNRWA to fund the agency's food, shelter, water, and environmental sanitation activities in the Gaza Strip.

With a total value exceeding SAR56 million, the agreement aims to provide ready-to-eat meals, distribute blankets, mattresses and personal care and hygiene kits, procure medications, provide doctors and nurses in the 97 UNRWA shelters in Gaza, and ensure the physical and mental well-being of the residents and displaced individuals.

The second agreement was signed with the World Food Program (WFP) to support emergency response in providing food to displaced Palestinians in the territory. The aim is to fulfil their food and nutrition needs by distributing meals and food baskets. The agreement was valued at SAR18.75 million.

The third agreement, valued at SAR37.5 million, was signed to support WHO in treating malnutrition and improving health in the Gaza Strip. The objective is to provide life-saving medicines, medical supplies, and support for urgent health interventions. This aid includes strengthening primary and secondary health care programs, treating malnutrition in vulnerable groups and supporting mental health.

The fourth agreement was signed between KSrelief and the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) in response to an urgent humanitarian appeal for aiding Palestinians in the Gaza Strip. Valued at SAR 37.5 million, the agreement primarily focuses on supporting hospitals, providing medical personnel, offering medical care for the wounded and burn victims, supplying intensive care kits and ambulances, ensuring water purification and access to clean drinking water, and raising awareness about the risks of explosive remnants.

These efforts are part of the Kingdom's ongoing humanitarian projects through KSrelief, assisting the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip. They affirm the historical role played by the Kingdom in extending support during crises, demonstrating its unwavering commitment to helping those in need.

Saudi Arabia Emphasizes Peaceful Cooperation to Achieve Global Security

Ambassador Abdul Mohsen bin Khothaila speaks during the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty Review Conference. (Photo: Saudi Mission in Geneva)
Ambassador Abdul Mohsen bin Khothaila speaks during the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty Review Conference. (Photo: Saudi Mission in Geneva)

Saudi Arabia Emphasizes Peaceful Cooperation to Achieve Global Security

Ambassador Abdul Mohsen bin Khothaila speaks during the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty Review Conference. (Photo: Saudi Mission in Geneva)
Ambassador Abdul Mohsen bin Khothaila speaks during the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty Review Conference. (Photo: Saudi Mission in Geneva)

Saudi Arabia emphasized peaceful international cooperation as a means to achieve global prosperity, stability and security, stressing the importance of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons and the necessity of its full implementation.

Ambassador Abdul Mohsen bin Khothaila, the Permanent Saudi Representative to the United Nations and international organizations in Geneva, participated in the second session of the Preparatory Committee for the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) Review Conference.

The ambassador called for more effective international efforts to achieve the goals and universality of the NPT, urging non-party states to join the treaty and subject all their nuclear facilities to the comprehensive safeguards of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).

Affirming the right to the peaceful use of nuclear technology under Article 4 of the Treaty, he underlined the importance of adhering to the highest standards of transparency and reliability, calling on all parties to cooperate to promote peaceful use for the benefit of global development and well-being.

He stated that the responsibility for making the Middle East a nuclear-weapon-free zone lies with the international community, especially the sponsors of the 1995 resolution on the Middle East.

Bin Khothaila condemned the recent statements and threats made by a member of the Israeli government regarding the use of nuclear weapons against the Palestinians, describing his words as violations of international law and a threat to global peace and security.

He further called for intensifying cooperation between the parties to the NPT to attain positive results at the next “review conference” in 2026, with the aim of achieving a safe world free of nuclear weapons.