Jordan King: Gaza War Will Not Bring Stability to the World, but More Violence

Jordan's King Abdullah during the Arab League Summit in Manama - Asharq Al-Awsat
Jordan's King Abdullah during the Arab League Summit in Manama - Asharq Al-Awsat

Jordan King: Gaza War Will Not Bring Stability to the World, but More Violence

Jordan's King Abdullah during the Arab League Summit in Manama - Asharq Al-Awsat
Jordan's King Abdullah during the Arab League Summit in Manama - Asharq Al-Awsat

Jordan's King Abdullah said on Thursday during his speech at the Arab League Summit in Manama that what Gaza went through will not bring stability to the region or the world, but more violence and conflict.

“This war must stop, and the world must shoulder its moral and humanitarian responsibility to end an ongoing conflict that is over seven decades old.”

The King stressed that the destruction that Gaza witnesses today will leave grave consequences in its wake for the generations that have witnessed death and injustice, and Gaza will need years to recover.

He also reiterated the need to maintain support for UNRWA to enable it to provide its humanitarian services.

The Jordanian King highlighted the importance of mobilizing the international community to prevent the separation of the West Bank and Gaza, or the displacement of Palestinians, calling for putting an end to the escalation in the West Bank due to unilateral Israeli measures.

US Delivers 4 Advanced Reconnaissance Aircraft to Tunisia

One of the four C208 aircraft donated by the United States (TAP)
One of the four C208 aircraft donated by the United States (TAP)

US Delivers 4 Advanced Reconnaissance Aircraft to Tunisia

One of the four C208 aircraft donated by the United States (TAP)
One of the four C208 aircraft donated by the United States (TAP)

Tunisia on Monday took delivery of four C208 aircraft donated by the US and equipped with control, surveillance and reconnaissance systems.

“The aircraft are endowed with modern systems which will strengthen the National Army's military and operational capabilities in countering terrorism and cross-border crime,” Tunisian Defense Minister Khaled Shili said at a ceremony held Monday at the Aouina airbase with the attendance of US Ambassador Joey Hood.

The C208 will strengthen operational and logistical capacities in intelligence, reconnaissance and aerial surveillance, he added, considering the accuracy of execution and speedy data processing and analysis.

They will thus contribute to improving security and peace at home and in the region.

The delivery takes place under the Tunisia-US cooperation and in application of the military cooperation program agreed during the 34th session of the Tunisia-US Joint Military Commission held in 2020.

Shili commended coordination with the US which led to the conclusion of what he called a “successful transaction,” as was the case in previous transactions involving C130 aircraft, training aircraft and speedboats.