Prince Faisal bin Bandar: Saudi Arabia Aims to Lead Global Esports

Prince Faisal bin Bandar bin Sultan, chairman of Saudi Esports Federation and the Arab eSports Federation (AFP)
Prince Faisal bin Bandar bin Sultan, chairman of Saudi Esports Federation and the Arab eSports Federation (AFP)

Prince Faisal bin Bandar: Saudi Arabia Aims to Lead Global Esports

Prince Faisal bin Bandar bin Sultan, chairman of Saudi Esports Federation and the Arab eSports Federation (AFP)
Prince Faisal bin Bandar bin Sultan, chairman of Saudi Esports Federation and the Arab eSports Federation (AFP)

Prince Faisal bin Bandar bin Sultan, chairman of Saudi Esports Federation and the Arab eSports Federation, revealed Saudi Arabia’s ambition to develop its video game sector in an interview with AFP, affirming the Kingdom’s desire to become a global hub for video games and esports.

In 2022, the Kingdom announced a $38 billion investment strategy aimed at creating 39,000 job opportunities related to the gaming or esports sector, with the goal of these sectors representing 1% of the total GDP by 2030.

This summer, Riyadh will host the Esports World Cup, with over $60 million in prizes, aiming to attract millions of viewers.

Prince Faisal explained that video games and esports “naturally evoke” countries like Japan or South Korea, but “we want Saudi Arabia to be part of” this equation.

He sees esports as a “gateway” to much larger ambitions like building a comprehensive industry for video games.

To achieve this, the Kingdom acquired last year, for $4.9 billion, the “Scopely” studio in California, specializing in mobile games. Its game “Monopoly Go,” launched last year, generated revenues of $2 billion in just ten months.

Saudi Arabia’s recent acquisition spree in the gaming industry is just the beginning, according to Brian Ward, CEO of the Riyadh-based Savvy Games Group, a key player in the Kingdom’s national strategy for video games.

Ward, a former executive at “Call of Duty” maker Activision Blizzard, emphasized, “We don’t pause. We don’t do neutral.”

“It’s a good time to be in the market, looking for good teams in studios,” said Ward.

Ward also hopes that Savvy Games will ultimately benefit from investments in major international studios and companies such as Activision Blizzard, Nintendo, and Capcom.

The CEO said his group will find ways to establish more meaningful partnerships with the studios, going beyond mere financial returns. He also affirmed the desire to help these entities in expanding their presence in the Middle East.

Prince Faisal expressed ambitions for the Kingdom having an impact over the next ten years, not just by becoming a global hub, but also by being a regional center, which will stimulate growth in the entire region.

Besides mobile games, Saudi Arabia also aims to produce a high-budget console game by 2030.

Americans Favored to Top Overall Medal Count in Paris Olympics

Paris 2024 Olympics - Preview - Eiffel Tower, Paris, France - June 25, 2024 Olympic rings are displayed on the Eiffel Tower, ahead of the Paris 2024 Olympic games in Paris REUTERS/Pawel Kopczynski
Paris 2024 Olympics - Preview - Eiffel Tower, Paris, France - June 25, 2024 Olympic rings are displayed on the Eiffel Tower, ahead of the Paris 2024 Olympic games in Paris REUTERS/Pawel Kopczynski

Americans Favored to Top Overall Medal Count in Paris Olympics

Paris 2024 Olympics - Preview - Eiffel Tower, Paris, France - June 25, 2024 Olympic rings are displayed on the Eiffel Tower, ahead of the Paris 2024 Olympic games in Paris REUTERS/Pawel Kopczynski
Paris 2024 Olympics - Preview - Eiffel Tower, Paris, France - June 25, 2024 Olympic rings are displayed on the Eiffel Tower, ahead of the Paris 2024 Olympic games in Paris REUTERS/Pawel Kopczynski

The United States is strongly favored to win the most overall medals when the Paris Olympics open in a month. The big question is this: will the Americans also top the gold-medal tally in a close race with China?
The United States is projected to win 123 medals overall — 37 gold, 34 silver, and 52 bronze. China is forecast to win 87 overall — 36 gold, 29 silver, and 22 bronze.
This forecast is done by Nielsen’s Gracenote Sports, which supplies statistical analysis for sports leagues around the world. It also tracks major competitions involving Olympic sports leading up to the Games, The Associated Press reported.
The United States and China finished 1-2 in both categories in 2021 in the pandemic-delayed Tokyo Olympics.
Gracenote’s ranking is based on overall medals won, although others focus the rankings on gold totals. The International Olympic Committee does not compile rankings, leaving this to nations and local media.
This would be the eighth straight time the United States has won the most overall medals in the Summer Games. In 1992 at Barcelona, the so-called Unified team topped the overall count. Those athletes were from the former Soviet Union, which had just broken up as a sovereign state.
The last time the United States did not top the gold-medal count in the Summer Games was in the 2008 Olympics in Beijing, where China invested heavily and saw dividends.
Next in line with overall and gold totals for Paris are: Britain (62-14), France (56-29), Australia (48-13), Japan (46-12), Italy (46-11), Germany (37-10), Netherlands (34-17), South Korea (29-8).
The next 10 are: Hungary (23-7), Canada (20-6), Spain (18-4), Ukraine (17-2), Brazil (16-7), New Zealand (16-4), Poland (15-5), Denmark (14-5), Türkiye (14-4), Ethiopia (13-2).
And 21 through 30 are: Sweden (12-6), Georgia (12-3), Serbia (11-5), Belgium (11-3), Uzbekistan (11-3), Kazakhstan (10-2), Iran (9-4), Croatia (9-3), Romania (9-2), Ireland (9-2).
Host nations always get a bump in medals, and France is expected to get a big one and increase its overall total from 33 in Tokyo. France is forecast to nearly triple its gold-medal output from Tokyo, where Japan picked up a record haul.
Performing at home is an advantage, partly because host nations invest more heavily in training athletes. Then, of course, there are adoring home crowds and the familiar surroundings.
The unknown factor is the presence of Russian and — to a lesser extent — Belarusian athletes. They have been absent from most international competitions over the last two years because of the war in Ukraine. It's still unclear how many will participate, and their influence is difficult to factor into the forecast, Gracenote acknowledges.