Saudi FM: Two-State Solution Basis for Peace, Security in the Region 

Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Faisal bin Farhan bin Abdullah addresses the joint press conference in Brussels on Sunday. (SPA)
Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Faisal bin Farhan bin Abdullah addresses the joint press conference in Brussels on Sunday. (SPA)

Saudi FM: Two-State Solution Basis for Peace, Security in the Region 

Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Faisal bin Farhan bin Abdullah addresses the joint press conference in Brussels on Sunday. (SPA)
Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Faisal bin Farhan bin Abdullah addresses the joint press conference in Brussels on Sunday. (SPA)

Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Faisal bin Farhan bin Abdullah stressed on Sunday that the two-state solution to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict would form the foundation for permanent peace and security in the region.

The FM, along with foreign ministers and representatives from European countries, was in Brussels to attend a meeting of the Ministerial Committee assigned by the Joint Arab-Islamic Extraordinary Summit on Developments in the Gaza Strip.

The meeting stressed the urgent need to end the Gaza conflict and take necessary steps toward implementing a two-state solution.

Prince Faisal co-chaired the meeting with his Norwegian counterpart, Espen Barth Eide, in cooperation with the High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Josep Borrell. The meeting was a follow up to a previous one for the committee held in Riyadh on April 29.

Speaking at a press conference with his Norwegian counterpart and Borrell, Prince Faisal said Saudi Arabia focused during the Riyadh and Brussels meetings on keeping the two-state solution alive.

The international community appears to be reaching a consensus over the solution that guarantees the security and rights of the Palestinian people, he remarked.

Prince Faisal warned that the situation in the Gaza Strip has become “critical”, demanding an immediate ceasefire.

The international community is in agreement on the need to reach a ceasefire and the release of hostage, he went on to say.

“The humanitarian situation in Gaza continues to deteriorate rapidly and this is completely unacceptable,” he added.

Furthermore, Prince Faisal praised Norway, Spain and Ireland for recognizing the State of Palestine, noting that some other European countries are also considering such a move.

In addition, he stressed the importance of bolstering state institutions within the Palestinian Authority, which would demonstrate that the Palestinian state has the ability to rise up to its responsibilities in guaranteeing the security of its neighbors.

Prince Faisal said that should the international community uphold international law, including humanitarian laws, then that would send an important signal to Israel that it cannot act with impunity and cannot undermine the Palestine state forever.

Ministers and representatives from Algeria, Austria, Bahrain, Belgium, Denmark, Egypt, Germany, Indonesia, Ireland, Jordan, Latvia, Portugal, Qatar, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Palestine, Sweden, Switzerland, Türkiye, the United Arab Emirates, the United Kingdom, and the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) attended the Brussels meeting.

It emphasized its support for efforts aimed at achieving an immediate ceasefire, releasing detainees and hostages, and ending the war in Gaza.

It also underscored the importance of addressing all illegal unilateral actions and violations in the occupied Palestinian territories, including control over the Rafah crossing, as well as tackling the catastrophic humanitarian crisis.

Prince Faisal also attended in Brussels a ministerial-level meeting with Arab countries and international partners to support the Palestinian Authority.

Palestinian Prime Minister Dr. Mohammad Mustafa and representatives from the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund (IMF), and the Office of the Quartet regarding Palestine presented a reform plan and assessed the deteriorating economic conditions and humanitarian situation in the Palestinian territories.

The meeting welcomed the reform plan, with Prince Faisal reiterating the Kingdom’s support for the Palestinian government. He emphasized the importance of removing all obstacles, including those imposed by Israel, and called for lifting the seizure of Palestinian funds and refraining from any measures that hinder the work of the Palestinian government.

Penalties Imposed on Hajj Fraudsters

Saudi Arabia has commended several countries for their strict actions against tour companies that issued unauthorized Hajj visas.Photo: Bashir Salih
Saudi Arabia has commended several countries for their strict actions against tour companies that issued unauthorized Hajj visas.Photo: Bashir Salih

Penalties Imposed on Hajj Fraudsters

Saudi Arabia has commended several countries for their strict actions against tour companies that issued unauthorized Hajj visas.Photo: Bashir Salih
Saudi Arabia has commended several countries for their strict actions against tour companies that issued unauthorized Hajj visas.Photo: Bashir Salih

Several countries, whose citizens died during this year’s Hajj season, have revealed a joint effort with Saudi Arabia to tackle companies issuing unauthorized Hajj visas.

Despite Saudi Arabia’s extensive media campaigns warning against performing Hajj without proper permits and highlighting strict penalties, some pilgrims didn’t abide by the regulations which led to unfortunate outcomes.

Saudi Arabia on Monday commended several countries for their strict actions against tour companies that issued unauthorized Hajj visas. These countries have taken steps to prevent future violations.

Meanwhile, Riyadh is treating both authorized and unauthorized pilgrims for heat exhaustion, with high temperatures causing the deaths of 1,301 pilgrims, most of whom were unauthorized.

Saudi Arabia and Jordan have accused tour companies of deceiving visitors by issuing unauthorized Hajj visas.

Saudi Interior Ministry spokesman Col. Talal Al-Shalhoub said these companies encouraged visitors to break the rules by staying in Makkah two months before the Hajj season.

Jordanian government spokesman Muhannad Mubaideen confirmed that investigations found some citizens were deceived by unscrupulous individuals and certain offices, as reported by the Jordan News Agency (Petra).

On Tuesday, the Jordanian Judicial Council revealed the results of an investigation into unauthorized Hajj trips by Jordanians, which resulted in 99 deaths this year.

The council ordered the closure of companies that facilitated these illegal trips and seized their illegal earnings.

Meanwhile, Egyptian authorities have revoked the licenses of 16 tour companies for illegally organizing Hajj trips without providing services to pilgrims.

The officials of these companies have been referred to the public prosecutor, and the companies have been fined to compensate the families of deceased pilgrims, according to the Egyptian Cabinet.

Egyptian Ambassador to Saudi Arabia Ahmed Farouk praised the excellent cooperation between Saudi and Egyptian authorities. He noted the high-level coordination on Hajj matters and other bilateral issues.

On his part, Tunisian President Kais Saied dismissed Minister of Religious Affairs Brahim Chaibi following the deaths of 60 Tunisian pilgrims, as reported by the Tunisian Consulate in Jeddah.

Indonesian Minister of Religious Affairs Yaqut Cholil Qoumas praised Saudi Arabia’s successful organization of this year’s Hajj. He thanked the Saudi leadership for ensuring a smooth Hajj experience and highlighted the efficiency of the “Makkah Route” initiative.

Saudi Arabia emphasized that Hajj permits are not just entry passes but crucial tools for locating and providing timely care and services to pilgrims.

The Saudi Interior Ministry explained that the absence of permits made it challenging to reach some unauthorized pilgrims and obstructed the delivery of necessary services and care.