Saudi Ministry of Culture Launches Camel Studies Grant

Saudi Ministry of Culture Launches Camel Studies Grant

Saudi Ministry of Culture Launches Camel Studies Grant

Saudi Ministry of Culture Launches Camel Studies Grant

The Saudi Ministry of Culture, in partnership with the Ministry of Environment, Water, and Agriculture, launched the Camel Studies Grant, which aims to shine a light on the vital role camels play in Saudi Arabia's cultural, social, and economic fields through scientific research.

The grant welcomes proposals exploring various aspects of camel significance, encompassing historical, cultural, social, economic, environmental, and health dimensions, reported the Saudi Press Agency on Monday.

The historical field encourages research that preserves the rich cultural heritage surrounding camels. This includes studies comparing the importance of camels across civilizations, historical and ethnographic analysis of camel-related traditions, and exploration of archival methods for safeguarding this heritage.

The cultural field focuses on the artistic and literary representation of camels. Researchers can delve into critical and literary studies on camels in Arabic and Saudi literature, including children's books. The field welcomes studies on camel-related vocabulary and their portrayal in various artistic mediums, from visual and cinematic arts to engravings and sculptures.

The social field investigates the place of camels in Arab and Islamic societies. Research can explore the local significance of camels, their social impact, traditions associated with ownership, and the influence of national camel events on communities, both locally and globally.

The economic field examines the economic contributions of camels and products derived from them. Researchers can analyze the use of camel wool and leather in fashion and furniture industries. The field encourages studies on sustaining the economic viability of camel products and measuring the financial impact of camel festivals and related institutions.

The environmental field focuses on the impact of camels on the environment. Research can explore sustainable land-use for camel grazing, analyze carbon dioxide emissions, and investigate the role of camels in maintaining ecological balance in arid lands.

The health field delves into the potential health benefits of camel products. Researchers can investigate the medical and therapeutic applications of these products. The field welcomes studies on developing technologies for measuring camel meat quality and projects focusing on camel breed preservation and genetic mapping.

The launch of the Camel Studies Grant coincides with the UN declaration of 2024 as the International Year of Camelids. It also celebrates the Kingdom's designation of 2024 as the Year of the Camel.

Japan’s Sado Mines Added to World Heritage List

This photo taken on May 9, 2022 shows a mine on Sado island. (AFP)
This photo taken on May 9, 2022 shows a mine on Sado island. (AFP)

Japan’s Sado Mines Added to World Heritage List

This photo taken on May 9, 2022 shows a mine on Sado island. (AFP)
This photo taken on May 9, 2022 shows a mine on Sado island. (AFP)

A network of mines on a Japanese island infamous for using conscripted wartime labor was added to UNESCO's World Heritage register Saturday after South Korea dropped earlier objections to its listing.

The Sado gold and silver mines, now a popular tourist attraction, are believed to have started operating as early as the 12th century and produced until after World War II.

Japan had put a case for World Heritage listing because of their lengthy history and the artisanal mining techniques used there at a time when European mines had turned to mechanization.

The proposal was opposed by Seoul when it was first put because of the use of involuntary Korean labor during World War II, when Japan occupied the Korean peninsula.

UNESCO confirmed the listing of the mines at its ongoing committee meeting in New Delhi on Saturday after a bid highlighting its archaeological preservation of "mining activities and social and labor organization".

"I would like to wholeheartedly welcome the inscription... and pay sincere tribute to the long-standing efforts of the local people which made this possible," Japanese Foreign Minister Yoko Kamikawa said in a statement.

The World Heritage effort was years in the making, inspired in part by the successful recognition of a silver mine in western Japan's Shimane region.

South Korea's foreign ministry said it had agreed to the listing "on the condition that Japan faithfully implements the recommendation... to reflect the 'full history' at the Sado Gold Mine site and takes proactive measures to that end."

Historians have argued that recruitment conditions at the mine effectively amounted to forced labor, and that Korean workers faced significantly harsher conditions than their Japanese counterparts.

"Discrimination did exist," Toyomi Asano, a professor of history of Japanese politics at Tokyo's Waseda University, told AFP in 2022.

"Their working conditions were very bad and dangerous. The most dangerous jobs were allocated to them."

Also added to the list on Saturday was the Beijing Central Axis, a collection of former imperial palaces and gardens in the Chinese capital.

The UNESCO committee meeting runs until Wednesday.