Trump: Biden 'Like a Palestinian' in Exchange on Israel

Donald Trump and US President Joe Biden during their presidential debate - The AP.
Donald Trump and US President Joe Biden during their presidential debate - The AP.

Trump: Biden 'Like a Palestinian' in Exchange on Israel

Donald Trump and US President Joe Biden during their presidential debate - The AP.
Donald Trump and US President Joe Biden during their presidential debate - The AP.

Donald Trump on Thursday accused US President Joe Biden of siding with Palestinians in the brutal Gaza conflict for allegedly refusing to help Israel "finish the job" in the war against Hamas.

"He doesn't want to do it. He's become like a Palestinian -- but they don't like him because he's a very bad Palestinian, he's a weak one," Trump said during their presidential debate at CNN headquarters in Atlanta.

According to AFP, Trump's many invectives and sarcasm targeting the Democratic president were met with laughter and shouts of approval, while Biden's every hesitation and throat-clearing was a moment of triumph for most.

Republican supporters were reveling in sharing public space around politics in San Francisco.

"Did Trump win?" asked a beaming John Dennis, the party chairman for the Californian city.

"I was afraid Trump would be too aggressive from the start, but he did very well," he told AFP.

"You just have to give someone enough rope to hang themselves and that's what Trump did with Biden."

Man Convicted of Terrorism for Planning Attack on UK Military Base

Metropolitan Police officers are seen in London. EPA file photo
Metropolitan Police officers are seen in London. EPA file photo

Man Convicted of Terrorism for Planning Attack on UK Military Base

Metropolitan Police officers are seen in London. EPA file photo
Metropolitan Police officers are seen in London. EPA file photo

A British man was convicted on Tuesday of planning an attack on a military base after being arrested with an explosive device in the grounds of a hospital, Britain's Crown Prosecution Service said.

Mohammad Farooq was found guilty of preparing acts of terrorism following a trial at Sheffield Crown Court, in northern England.

The 28-year-old had previously pleaded guilty to possession of an explosive substance with intent to endanger life, possession of an explosive substance in suspicious circumstances, possession of information likely to be useful to a terrorist, and other offences.

Farooq was arrested outside St. James's Hospital in Leeds, where he had previously worked as a student nurse, after showing a member of the public a gun and saying he "felt like killing everyone", the CPS said.

Police who attended the scene discovered in Farooq's bag a pressure cooker with wires attached, which bomb disposal experts found to be a viable explosive device.

The CPS said Farooq's electronic devices revealed evidence of his interest in radical ideology and research into RAF Menwith Hill, a nearby Royal Air Force base in North Yorkshire.

Farooq had pleaded not guilty to but was convicted of preparing a terrorist attack at RAF Menwith Hill. He will be sentenced at a later date.

Bethan David, head of the CPS Counter Terrorism Division, said in a statement: "Farooq is an extremely dangerous individual who amassed a significant amount of practical and theoretical information that enabled him to produce a viable explosive device.

"He then took that homemade explosive device to a hospital where he worked with the intention to cause serious harm. Examination of his electronic devices revealed a hatred towards his colleagues at work and those he considered non-believers.

"It is clear from his internet searches that he was also conducting extensive research of RAF Menwith Hill, with a view to launching a potential attack."