Literature Commission Highlights Saudi Arabia’s Role in Teaching Arabic in South Korea

The Saudi Literature, Publishing, and Translation Commission organized a seminar titled "The Role of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in Teaching Arabic in Korea" at the Seoul International Book Fair 2024. (SPA)
The Saudi Literature, Publishing, and Translation Commission organized a seminar titled "The Role of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in Teaching Arabic in Korea" at the Seoul International Book Fair 2024. (SPA)

Literature Commission Highlights Saudi Arabia’s Role in Teaching Arabic in South Korea

The Saudi Literature, Publishing, and Translation Commission organized a seminar titled "The Role of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in Teaching Arabic in Korea" at the Seoul International Book Fair 2024. (SPA)
The Saudi Literature, Publishing, and Translation Commission organized a seminar titled "The Role of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in Teaching Arabic in Korea" at the Seoul International Book Fair 2024. (SPA)

The Saudi Literature, Publishing, and Translation Commission organized a seminar titled "The Role of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in Teaching Arabic in Korea" at the Seoul International Book Fair 2024, where the Kingdom was the guest of honor.

Cultural attaché at the Saudi embassy, Dr. Abdulaziz bin Abdulrahman Al-Dayel attended the event.

Al-Dayel highlighted the history of the Arabic language and the great attention the Kingdom pays to serving this language.

He noted that Arabic is one of the Semitic languages and was divided into several languages until the Holy Quran was revealed in classical Arabic. This language was spoken by the tribes of Quraysh, Tamim, Hawazin, and Azd, thus ending linguistic differences in the Arabian Peninsula.

Saudi Arabia has shown immense interest in the Arabic language, as evidenced by Article 1 of the Basic Law of Governance, which identifies the Kingdom as an Arab Islamic state, he continued.

He stressed that the Kingdom had played a prominent and significant role in recognizing Arabic as a global language at the UN, making it one of the six official languages globally. This led to celebrating the UN Arabic Language Day, held annually on December 18.

Saudi Culture Ministry Receives Nominations for National Cultural Awards Initiative

The Saudi Ministry of Culture logo
The Saudi Ministry of Culture logo

Saudi Culture Ministry Receives Nominations for National Cultural Awards Initiative

The Saudi Ministry of Culture logo
The Saudi Ministry of Culture logo

The Saudi Ministry of Culture announced the opening of nominations for the general public to submit their choices and nominations for creative names that have achieved excellence in various cultural sectors.

This can be done through the electronic platform dedicated to the fourth edition of the National Cultural Awards Initiative via the link:

Nominations can be submitted for 11 awards through Thursday, July 11. After the deadline, there will be a sorting, evaluation, and arbitration stage for the nominations through specialized committees. The winners will be announced at the initiative's closing ceremony, which will be held in September.

The 11 awards include the Film Award, the Fashion Award, the Music Award, the National Heritage Award, the Literature Award, the Theater and Performing Arts Award, the Visual Arts Award, the Architecture and Design Arts Award, the Culinary Arts Award, the Publishing Award, and the Translation Award. Through the electronic platform, nominations from the general public will be received for distinguished intellectuals who have achieved excellence in one of these categories.

The National Cultural Awards Initiative, launched in 2020, is part of the National Culture Strategy under the Kingdom's Vision 2030. It aims to acknowledge the achievements of individuals and cultural institutions and support the Kingdom's international roles in stimulating international cultural exchange. In its previous three rounds, the initiative honored a group of local and international individuals and cultural institutions in appreciation of their cultural and artistic efforts.