Radical Preacher Anjem Choudary Convicted Again in UK

Anjem Choudary speaks at a rally outside London's Regents Park mosque in April 2015 (AP)
Anjem Choudary speaks at a rally outside London's Regents Park mosque in April 2015 (AP)

Radical Preacher Anjem Choudary Convicted Again in UK

Anjem Choudary speaks at a rally outside London's Regents Park mosque in April 2015 (AP)
Anjem Choudary speaks at a rally outside London's Regents Park mosque in April 2015 (AP)

Radical British preacher Anjem Choudary was found guilty Tuesday by a London jury of directing a terrorist group.

Born in the UK to parents of Pakistani descent, Choudary, 56, was convicted in London of directing the banned organization, al-Muhajiroun, or ALM, for a significant period of time from 2014 and for drumming up support for the group.

ALM was outlawed by the British government in 2010 as a group involved in committing, preparing for or promoting terrorism.

Choudary also encouraged support for the group by addressing online meetings of the Islamic Thinkers Society (ITS), the US branch of the group based in New York, prosecutors claimed.

Rebecca Weiner, NYPD deputy commissioner in charge of intelligence and counterterrorism, described Choudary as a “shameless, prolific radicalizer.” She called the case historic.
“It is usually the foot soldiers, the individuals who are brought into the network who go on to commit the attacks who are brought to justice. And it’s rarely the leader, which is what makes this a particularly important moment,” Weiner said.

Choudary, who was detained in east London on July 17 last year, will be sentenced on July 30.

During his trial, the radical British preacher said the ITS does not exist and that al-Muhajiroun organization was dismantled in 2004.


Choudary acted as one of the main representatives of the “Londonistan” circles that emerged in the British capital in the early 2000s.

His followers have been linked to numerous plots across the world.

The man became known to the authorities and the media through the demonstrations he organized in front of mosques, embassies and police stations in the UK.

Choudary said his ultimate goal was to hoist the flag of Islam over the British Prime Minister's office in Downing Street.

In 2016, he was sentenced for five years in prison for inviting support for ISIS and was released early in October 2018 but remained under observation for the remaining period.

Ukraine Seeking 'Common Ground' with China in Talks on Ending War with Russia

In this image taken from video released by the Ukraine Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ukraine's Foreign Ministry Dmytro Kuleba, third from left holds talks with China's Foreign Minister Wang Yi at a meeting in the southern Chinese city of Guangzhou on Wednesday, July 24, 2024. (Ukraine's Ministry of Foreign Affairs via AP)
In this image taken from video released by the Ukraine Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ukraine's Foreign Ministry Dmytro Kuleba, third from left holds talks with China's Foreign Minister Wang Yi at a meeting in the southern Chinese city of Guangzhou on Wednesday, July 24, 2024. (Ukraine's Ministry of Foreign Affairs via AP)

Ukraine Seeking 'Common Ground' with China in Talks on Ending War with Russia

In this image taken from video released by the Ukraine Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ukraine's Foreign Ministry Dmytro Kuleba, third from left holds talks with China's Foreign Minister Wang Yi at a meeting in the southern Chinese city of Guangzhou on Wednesday, July 24, 2024. (Ukraine's Ministry of Foreign Affairs via AP)
In this image taken from video released by the Ukraine Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ukraine's Foreign Ministry Dmytro Kuleba, third from left holds talks with China's Foreign Minister Wang Yi at a meeting in the southern Chinese city of Guangzhou on Wednesday, July 24, 2024. (Ukraine's Ministry of Foreign Affairs via AP)

Ukraine's Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba has said he is seeking “common ground” in talks this week with his Chinese counterpart on ending his country's war with Russia.

Kuleba met Wednesday with Foreign Minister Wang Yi in Guangzhou, a major commercial and manufacturing center in southern China. It is the first visit to the country by a Ukrainian foreign minister since Russia's invasion of Ukraine, which has strained Ukraine's relations with China.

“I am convinced that a just peace in Ukraine is in China’s strategic interests, and China’s role as a global force for peace is important,” Kuleba said in opening remarks.

China has close ties with Russia and has pushed for an end to the war that would take into account the interests of both sides. That position has put it at odds not only with Ukraine but also Western European countries and the United States, which are demanding a Russian withdrawal as the basis for any settlement.

China did not participate in a peace conference in Switzerland last month that did not include Russia.
Kuleba was expected to lobby Chinese officials to attend another peace conference planned for sometime before the American presidential election in early November. His visit reflects a calculation that any peace deal favorable to Ukraine would likely be a non-starter without China on board.

Chinese officials maintained that the two countries have friendly and cooperative relations. Noting the growth in trade between them, Wang said in his opening remarks that ties have continued to develop normally “despite complex and ever-changing international and regional situations.”

Kuleba arrived in China on Tuesday and is scheduled to depart on Friday. In a video posted late Tuesday on his social media accounts, Kuleba said he would have extensive negotiations to look for common ground in the pursuit of peace in Ukraine.

“We need to move to a just and stable peace,” he said, according to a translation posted by Euromaiden Press, an English-language news site on Ukraine. “China can play a significant role in this. Let’s go," The Associated Press quoted him as saying.

His visit follows a rare public rebuke of China by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy in June. Zelenskyy accused China of helping Russia block countries from participating in the Swiss peace conference. China denied pressuring others.

It was the first time Zelenskyy had departed from careful attempts to court Beijing away from its strong relationship with Moscow.

China published a separate six-point peace plan with Brazil ahead of the conference. The move and the timing likely angered Ukrainian officials who were in the midst of seeking support for their peace proposal.

"We must avoid the competition of peace plans," Kuleba said in his social media video this week.