Jordan Warns of All-Out Regional War After Attack in Golan Heights

A view of the devastation resulting from the attack on the Golan Heights, which left 12 dead (AP)
A view of the devastation resulting from the attack on the Golan Heights, which left 12 dead (AP)

Jordan Warns of All-Out Regional War After Attack in Golan Heights

A view of the devastation resulting from the attack on the Golan Heights, which left 12 dead (AP)
A view of the devastation resulting from the attack on the Golan Heights, which left 12 dead (AP)

Jordan warned on Sunday of the risk of an all-out regional war after a deadly attack that killed 12 young people in the Golan Heights and was attributed by Israel to the Lebanese Hezbollah, according to Agence France Presse.

Jordan's Foreign Ministry said in a statement that it warned against the dangerous escalation in southern Lebanon and the repercussions of igniting a new war in the region.
The Ministry also warned that the escalation in southern Lebanon could lead to the expansion of the war into a comprehensive regional war.

The Ministry's Spokesperson Sufyan Al-Qudah stressed the importance of supporting Lebanon, its security, stability, and the safety of its people and institutions.
He emphasized that the continued Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip pushes towards further escalation and tension and threatens to expand the conflict regionally.
He affirmed the need to launch an effective international action that imposes an immediate cessation of the aggression and ends the resulting humanitarian catastrophe to protect the Palestinian people from further massacres and destruction and to protect regional and international security and stability.

On Sunday, Israel vowed to “hit the enemy hard” after rocket fire from Lebanon killed 12 young people in the Israeli-annexed Golan Heights and again raised fears that the war in Gaza will spread.

Berlin Calls on Iran and Others to Prevent Middle East Escalation 

Israeli security forces and medics transport casualties along with local residents, at a site where a reported strike from Lebanon fell in Majdal Shams village in the Israeli-annexed Golan area on July 27, 2024. (AFP)
Israeli security forces and medics transport casualties along with local residents, at a site where a reported strike from Lebanon fell in Majdal Shams village in the Israeli-annexed Golan area on July 27, 2024. (AFP)

Berlin Calls on Iran and Others to Prevent Middle East Escalation 

Israeli security forces and medics transport casualties along with local residents, at a site where a reported strike from Lebanon fell in Majdal Shams village in the Israeli-annexed Golan area on July 27, 2024. (AFP)
Israeli security forces and medics transport casualties along with local residents, at a site where a reported strike from Lebanon fell in Majdal Shams village in the Israeli-annexed Golan area on July 27, 2024. (AFP)

The German government has called on all parties to the Middle East conflict, in particular Iran, to prevent an escalation after a rocket attack in the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights killed 12 children and teenagers last week, a spokesperson said on Monday.

Berlin "assumes with certainty" that the deadly attack on a football field in the Golan Heights was conducted by Lebanon-based Hezbollah, which is backed by Iran, a Foreign Ministry spokesperson said during a regular press conference.

Recent actions by the Yemen-based Houthi militias, also backed by Iran, had also contributed significantly to instability in the region in recent weeks, he added.

The strike over the weekend has raised fears of a wider conflict in the region, where tensions have intensified due to Israel's war in Gaza, which began more than nine months ago.

German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock has talked to several people including her Lebanese counterpart in an effort to "mitigate the situation and prevent it from escalating", the spokesperson said.

German citizens in Lebanon, of which there are estimated to be about 1,300, are "urgently advised" to leave the country while still possible, the spokesperson said.

"We are very concerned about the situation of the Germans on the ground and are preparing what needs to be prepared," he added.