Taha Abdul Wahed
World Moscow: 2018’s Mission is Eradicating 'Nusra'

Moscow: 2018’s Mission is Eradicating 'Nusra'

Russian Chief of Staff, Army General Valery Gerasimov, said the elimination of Al-Nusra Front terrorist group in Syria would be completed in 2018. In an…

Taha Abdul Wahed (Moscow)
Arab World Moscow Hints at ‘International Sponsorship’ to Guarantee Sochi Talks Success

Moscow Hints at ‘International Sponsorship’ to Guarantee Sochi Talks Success

In a move that aims to convince some Syrian opposition parties that asked for international sponsorship as a condition to attend the Congress of Syrian Peoples…

Taha Abdul Wahed (Moscow)
Arab World Moscow: Assad Remaining in Power Condition for Attending Sochi Congress

Moscow: Assad Remaining in Power Condition for Attending Sochi Congress

Russia’s Foreign Ministry affirmed that the work is ongoing to determine the list of participants in the Syrian National Dialogue Congress that will be held in…

Taha Abdul Wahed (Moscow)
Arab World Astana 8 Sets Sochi Congress Date, Keeps Kurds Away

Astana 8 Sets Sochi Congress Date, Keeps Kurds Away

The eighth round of the Astana Syrian talks held between the three guarantor countries, Russia, Turkey and Iran, resulted on Friday in setting January 29 and…

Taha Abdul Wahed (Moscow)
Arab World Astana 8 Kicks Off with Expectations to Focus on Sochi

Astana 8 Kicks Off with Expectations to Focus on Sochi

The 8th round of consultations in Astana on the Syrian crisis will kick off on Thursday, with the participation of UN Special Envoy Staffan de Mistura and…

Taha Abdul Wahed (Moscow)
Varieties Closed Auction to Sell Special Collection of Russian Diamonds

Closed Auction to Sell Special Collection of Russian Diamonds

Russia’s Alrosa PJSC for diamond production held its first auction for a unique Dynasty collection of diamonds. The collection is composed of five diamonds…

Taha Abdul Wahed (Moscow)
Varieties Russian Santa Claus Prefers Christmas to Presidency, Pension

Russian Santa Claus Prefers Christmas to Presidency, Pension

The Russian Santa Claus has refused to leave his magical Christmas world despite the temptations that surround him. He rejected his pension, but not just…

Taha Abdul Wahed (Moscow)
Arab World Lavrov

Moscow Prioritizes Syrian Congress in Sochi despite Geneva Talks

The Russian Defense Ministry has announced the total defeat of ISIS organization in Syria amid preparations to hold the "Syrian Congress" in the Russian city…

Taha Abdul Wahed (Moscow)