KAUST Launches Training Program on Applications of AI Technologies

The program aims to drive transformation across global industries like electronics and advanced manufacturing. - SPA
The program aims to drive transformation across global industries like electronics and advanced manufacturing. - SPA

KAUST Launches Training Program on Applications of AI Technologies

The program aims to drive transformation across global industries like electronics and advanced manufacturing. - SPA
The program aims to drive transformation across global industries like electronics and advanced manufacturing. - SPA

King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) has completed its preparations to launch a training program focused on the latest AI technologies.

The program, named the Alat-KAUST Artificial Intelligence Training Program, is developed in collaboration with Al-Alat company, a subsidiary of the Public Investment Fund (PIF). It targets science and engineering specialists in Saudi universities who either hold excellent bachelor’s degrees or are nearing completion, according to SPA.
Scheduled to span eight weeks, the program aims to drive transformation across global industries like electronics and advanced manufacturing. Participants will gain comprehensive knowledge of foundational AI concepts and tools crucial in this rapidly advancing field. Selection of qualified candidates will be conducted jointly by the university and the company through a committee.
The Alat-KAUST Artificial Intelligence Training Program also includes training camps hosted at the University of Oxford, providing participants with hands-on experience in AI projects related to computer vision and reinforcement learning. This initiative equips them to contribute effectively to research and apply their AI knowledge across various applications.

Temu, Shein Ordered to Provide Info on EU Tech Rules Compliance by July 12

Temu, Shein Ordered to Provide Info on EU Tech Rules Compliance by July 12

Temu, Shein Ordered to Provide Info on EU Tech Rules Compliance by July 12

Temu, Shein Ordered to Provide Info on EU Tech Rules Compliance by July 12

Chinese fast-fashion e-commerce retailer Temu and China-founded peer Shein were ordered by EU tech regulators to provide details on how they comply with EU online content rules by July 12 following complaints by consumer bodies.

Both companies are subject to tougher requirements under the Digital Services Act such as doing more to tackle illegal and harmful content on their platforms after they were designated as Very Large Online Platforms due to their large number of users.

The European Commission said it has sent requests for information to the companies, asking how they allow users to notify them of illegal products and manage their online interfaces to prevent users from being deceived or manipulated via so called dark patterns.

It also wanted more details on how the companies protect minors, the transparency of their recommendation systems, the traceability of traders, and compliance by design, Reuters reported.

"This enforcement action is also based on a complaint submitted to the Commission by consumer organisations. Both Temu and Shein must provide the requested information by 12 July, 2024," it said in a statement.

Temu said it was cooperating with the Commission.

"We'd also like to reiterate that we are fully committed to complying with all applicable laws and regulations in the markets where we operate," a spokesperson said in an email.

Shein did not have any immediate comment.

DSA violations can result in fines of as much as 6% of a company's global turnover.