Viral Disease Killing Felines on ‘Cat Island’ Cyprus 

A domestic cat suffering from Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP) is in quarantine at a veterinary clinic in Nicosia on June 20, 2023. (AFP)
A domestic cat suffering from Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP) is in quarantine at a veterinary clinic in Nicosia on June 20, 2023. (AFP)

Viral Disease Killing Felines on ‘Cat Island’ Cyprus 

A domestic cat suffering from Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP) is in quarantine at a veterinary clinic in Nicosia on June 20, 2023. (AFP)
A domestic cat suffering from Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP) is in quarantine at a veterinary clinic in Nicosia on June 20, 2023. (AFP)

A sickly ginger kitten named Bebe is pulled out of a cat carrier at a veterinary clinic in the Cypriot capital, Nicosia.

The six-month-old is suffering from a strain of feline coronavirus that is wreaking havoc on the prolific cat population of Cyprus.

Cats are everywhere on the eastern Mediterranean island, home to the earliest evidence of the animal's domestication and known by some as the "island of cats".

Many of the island's felines are strays. They wander at will into people's gardens, sit expectantly beside restaurant diners in hopes of a tasty morsel, and loiter near garbage bins.

Feline infectious peritonitis (FIP), which is not transmittable to humans, has rapidly spread across Cyprus in recent months, being "highly contagious" among cats, veterinarian Kostis Larkou said as he gently examined the visibly disoriented Bebe.

Animal advocates say the number of cats dying from disease is significantly higher than the 107 cases of FIP officially reported by the agriculture ministry in the southern part of the island.

"We have lost 300,000 cats since January" from FIP, said Dinos Ayiomamitis, head of Cats PAWS Cyprus and vice-president of Cyprus Voice for Animals.

Cyprus has been split since a 1974 Turkish invasion in response to a Greek-sponsored coup. The self-proclaimed Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, which covers the northern third of the island, is recognized only by Ankara.

But cats on both sides of the United Nations-patrolled buffer zone are dying from the illness.

Experts say the island's cat population is equal to or even exceeds the human population of a little more than one million.

In the south, Ayiomamitis estimates that a third of the cats have succumbed to the virus. Cats with FIP have symptoms including fever, abdominal swelling, weakness, and sometimes even aggressiveness.

But with so many stray cats, the contagion has proven difficult to diagnose and document.

Ancient cat history

Cypriots have a long and intertwined history with their furry friends.

Legend has it that a Roman empress, Helena, first brought cats to Cyprus to do away with poisonous snakes about 1,700 years ago.

But archaeological evidence of cats' domestication on the island dates back further than anywhere else in the world -- to 9,500 years ago at the Neolithic village of Shillourokambos, where the remains of a cat and a human were found deliberately buried together.

That bond between feline and human has continued through the millennia, leaving animal lovers like Ayiomamitis taking care of the island's cats today.

He has fears, though, for the roughly 60 cats he has been feeding at a cemetery in the capital for a quarter of a century.

"The colony is doing well, but we are worried because if one is infected, the others will be too," says the retiree, 70, as cats scampered up marble tombstones.

Several people who feed stray cats told AFP that many of their regulars are disappearing, and very few corpses are found, noting that when cats are sick, they often self-isolate and die alone.

An outbreak is suspected to be also spreading across cat populations in nearby Lebanon, Israel and Türkiye, but in the absence of studies, that cannot be confirmed, said Demetris Epaminondas, vice president of the Pancyprian Veterinary Association.

To contain the spread, two treatment options have been considered. One is molnupiravir, an anti-Covid pill which officials say could not be authorized for use on animals in Cyprus.

Another antiviral tablet, GS-441524, chemically similar to the Covid-19 treatment remdesivir, is approved for animal use in Britain and for importation to Cyprus, with restrictions.

But its cost, at 3,000 to 7,000 euros (about $3,300-$7,700) per cat, is prohibitive, and there is no supply in Cyprus.

Black market

For weeks, Epaminondas has been trying to obtain government authorization for molnupiravir, which would cost a far more affordable 200 euros per cat.

The agriculture ministry told AFP it was examining all possible means of addressing the issue through "various therapeutic preparations available on the European market".

Some have resorted to clandestine methods to save their pets.

"We bought our medicines on the black market online, or from Facebook groups. But we keep our suppliers secret so that we can continue to treat our animals," said one Cypriot, requesting anonymity because of the questionable legality of her actions.

Vasiliki Mani, 38, a member of several animal welfare organizations, is demanding a swift solution.

In January, she spent 3,600 euros to treat two stray cats with FIP.

"I have spent all my savings," she said, denouncing the cruelty of "allowing animals to die" in Cyprus.

If FIP continues to spread, Mani lamented, Cyprus will become "the island of dead cats".

Cars, Chlamydia Threaten Australian Koalas

This picture taken on October 4, 2024 shows an orphaned koala joey named Ajooni clinging to a fluffy toy during feeding time in Sydney. (Photo by Saeed KHAN / AFP)
This picture taken on October 4, 2024 shows an orphaned koala joey named Ajooni clinging to a fluffy toy during feeding time in Sydney. (Photo by Saeed KHAN / AFP)

Cars, Chlamydia Threaten Australian Koalas

This picture taken on October 4, 2024 shows an orphaned koala joey named Ajooni clinging to a fluffy toy during feeding time in Sydney. (Photo by Saeed KHAN / AFP)
This picture taken on October 4, 2024 shows an orphaned koala joey named Ajooni clinging to a fluffy toy during feeding time in Sydney. (Photo by Saeed KHAN / AFP)

Clinging to a fluffy toy twice her size, orphaned koala joey Ajooni made a snuffling noise as she drank milk from a tiny syringe.

Weighing about the same as a mango, she was found by the side of a Sydney road where her mother was hit by a car and died.

It is a familiar tale for wildlife carer Emma Meadows, AFP reported.

Over the past two years, Meadows and other volunteers have recovered 40 koalas hit by cars in their neighborhood. The number left for dead is likely much higher.

Koalas are shy and notoriously difficult to count.

There are anywhere between 95,000 and 524,000 left in Australia, possibly down from millions before European settlement.

There is little doubt that expanding cities, land clearance and the spread of chlamydia are devastating the populations of one of Australia's most iconic animals.

East Coast koalas were officially listed as "endangered" by the Australian government in 2022.

"I actually, truly, believe we're heading towards extinction," said Meadows, a volunteer with WIRES.

"I don't know if there is any coming back from this. I'm scared it's too late."

Chlamydia was first observed in koalas about 50 years ago. In the decades since, it has wiped out entire local populations.

The bacteria leads to blindness, bladder infections, infertility, and death.

Although some chlamydia-free koala populations exist -- such as the area where Ajooni was found -- scientists fear these pockets may soon disappear.

- World's 'extinction capital' -

Annabelle Olsson, director of the University of Sydney Wildlife Health and Conservation Hospital, has regularly examined rescued koalas -- including seven-month-old Ajooni.

On the day AFP visited the center, a sedated three-year-old koala lay on an operation table, while Olsson and her team took the marsupial's blood, did X-rays and examined the koala's face.

The koala was chlamydia-free but had a head injury that impacted her reflexes and would require further attention.

Olsson said without better koala protections "our grandchildren, or at least their grandchildren, are going to see maybe koalas in a zoo if they're lucky.”

"Australia is an island nation with an incredibly high biodiversity and incredibly unique wildlife species and floral species that need to be preserved," she said.

Scientists believe Australia has the highest rate of mammal extinction in the world, with about 100 of the country's unique flora and fauna species wiped out in the last 123 years.

Environment minister Tanya Plibersek has said Australia is "the mammal extinction capital of the world. "

While there are some rules and guidelines to protect koala habitats, koala bushland continues to be cleared.

- Vaccine hopes -

Some have instead focused their conservation efforts on quelling the spread of koala chlamydia.

University of the Sunshine Coast researcher Samuel Phillips is part of a team working on a potential vaccine.

They have vaccinated and monitored 165 koalas over 10 years and found inoculated marsupials developed chlamydia later in life and their mortality was reduced by 64 percent.

A Queensland trial of the vaccination, used in conjunction with traffic and predator controls, was so successful that a local koala population doomed for extinction within 10 years rebounded.

Some marsupials will even need to be translocated to stop overpopulation, Phillips said.

"It's been a really positive story," he said.

However, Phillips warns that more needs to be done to address the other key drivers of koala decline, particularly the deforestation of their habitats.

"We can keep protecting these small populations, but without increasing the habitat and protecting it, then they won't be living."

- 'Make a difference' -

Ajooni will remain in Meadow's care until she is big enough to be released back into the wild.

It will be a "bittersweet" moment for Meadow, but she says seeing any koala successfully released is the best feeling.

That feeling is what keeps her going through the awful parts of her volunteer role: scraping dead koala bodies off the road in the middle of the night, or finding animals that are so severely injured that they need to be put down.

"I continue to do what I do because somebody needs to make a difference, and I feel that this is one way in the world that I can make a difference," Meadows said.