Documentary About Sudan Wins Award at GFF

Photo showing all the participants in the Final Cut Venice 2023
Photo showing all the participants in the Final Cut Venice 2023 workshop

Documentary About Sudan Wins Award at GFF

Photo showing all the participants in the Final Cut Venice 2023
Photo showing all the participants in the Final Cut Venice 2023 workshop

The documentary “Sudan, When Poems Fall Apart” has won the GFF Award at the Final Cut Venice 2023, an initiative aimed at supporting films in post-production phase. This year’s edition of the initiative saw the participation of seven works from the Middle East and North Africa.

El Gouna Film Festival (GFF) described the winning documentary as an “extraordinary” project. “The documentary draws a deep picture of Sudan by seamlessly narrating the stories of four women: Shajan, Marmal, Maha, and Rafida. The documentary is a sincere love poem about Sudan. It uses the overlapping stories of the four women to recreate the image of an ongoing revolution,” GFF said in a statement on Tuesday.

The documentary is a French-Tunisian co-production, directed by Hind Meddeb who has an impressive work record including films like “Paris, Stalingrad”, and “Tunisian Clash”, which shed lights on the reality of rappers in Tunisia after the fall of Ben Ali’s regime. In appreciation of the project, GFF offers a money prize of $5,000 to support the post-production stages.

“We are delighted to screen and support the extraordinary project ‘Sudan, When Poems Fall Apart’ at the Final Cut Venice 2023. This award emphasizes the festival’s commitment to the creative voices in the Arabic cinema, and to building sustainable connections in the Arabic cinema industry,” said Intishal al-Timimi, GFF director. He also congratulated the talented teams behind the film project “She Was not Alone”, scheduled to participate in the festival next month.

Young Sudanese actor, Mustafa Shehata, said El Gouna Film Festival shed lights on the Sudanese cinema and celebrates it. “This interest manifested in the participation of the film ‘You Die at Twenty’ in the 2019 edition, during which it won the Golden Award for Best Feature Film. That edition also screened the film ‘Talk About Trees’ by director Suhaib Qasim al-Bari, which also won the Best Documentary Film Award,” he told Asharq Al-Awsat.

Shehata, the lead actor in ‘You Will Die at Twenty’, said “the interest in Sudanese cinema in the upcoming edition of GFF means a lot to us in light of the war circumstances in our country,” especially since the Sudanese cinema had started to recover in the few past years. He also said ‘You Will Die at Twenty’ by director Amjad Abu al-Ala was a great comeback opportunity for the Sudanese cinema, along with ‘Tree Talk’ and ‘Offside Khartoum’ by Marwa Zein. This celebration from GFF reflects “the solidarity with the Sudanese cinema, which insists on surviving despite everything.”

The festival announced that the film project “She Was Not Alone” also won the GFF Award. It’s an Iraqi-Saudi-US co-production, directed by Hussein Al-Assadi, and produced by Ishtar Iraq Film Production. The film is a poetic contemplation of the life of a Bedouin woman named Fatima, who lives alone in the wetlands of Iraq with her beloved animals. The film explores the difficult choices that the character faces. It was selected to participate in the GFF post-production category, and compete for awards and grants provided by the festival and a number of influential partners in the film industry.

Blood Tests Allow 30-year Estimates of Women's Cardio Risks, New Study Says

A woman jogs in a park in Saint-Sebastien-sur-Loire near Nantes, France January 19, 2024. REUTERS/Stephane Mahe/File Photo Purchase Licensing Rights
A woman jogs in a park in Saint-Sebastien-sur-Loire near Nantes, France January 19, 2024. REUTERS/Stephane Mahe/File Photo Purchase Licensing Rights

Blood Tests Allow 30-year Estimates of Women's Cardio Risks, New Study Says

A woman jogs in a park in Saint-Sebastien-sur-Loire near Nantes, France January 19, 2024. REUTERS/Stephane Mahe/File Photo Purchase Licensing Rights
A woman jogs in a park in Saint-Sebastien-sur-Loire near Nantes, France January 19, 2024. REUTERS/Stephane Mahe/File Photo Purchase Licensing Rights

Women’s heart disease risks and their need to start taking preventive medications should be evaluated when they are in their 30s rather than well after menopause as is now the practice, said researchers who published a study on Saturday.

Presenting the findings at the European Society of Cardiology annual meeting in London, they said the study showed for the first time that simple blood tests make it possible to estimate a woman’s risk of cardiovascular disease over the next three decades.

"This is good for patients first and foremost, but it is also important information for (manufacturers of) cholesterol lowering drugs, anti-inflammatory drugs, and lipoprotein(a)lowering drugs - the implications for therapy are broad," said study leader Dr. Paul Ridker of Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston, Reuters reported.

Current guidelines “suggest to physicians that women should generally not be considered for preventive therapies until their 60s and 70s. These new data... clearly demonstrate that our guidelines need to change,” Ridker said. “We must move beyond discussions of 5 or 10 year risk."

The 27,939 participants in the long-term Women’s Health Initiative study had blood tests between 1992 and 1995 for low density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C or “bad cholesterol”), which are already a part of routine care.

They also had tests for high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hsCRP) - a marker of blood vessel inflammation - and lipoprotein(a), a genetically determined type of fat.

Compared to risks in women with the lowest levels of each marker, risks for major cardiovascular events like heart attacks or strokes over the next 30 years were 36% higher in women with the highest levels of LDL-C, 70% higher in women with the highest levels of hsCRP, and 33% higher in those with the highest levels of lipoprotein(a).

Women in whom all three markers were in the highest range were 2.6 times more likely to have a major cardiovascular event and 3.7 times more likely to have a stroke over the next three decades, according to a report of the study in The New England Journal of Medicine published to coincide with the presentation at the meeting.

“The three biomarkers are fully independent of each other and tell us about different biologic issues each individual woman faces,” Ridker said.

“The therapies we might use in response to an elevation in each biomarker are markedly different, and physicians can now specifically target the individual person’s biologic problem.”

While drugs that lower LDL-C and hsCRP are widely available - including statins and certain pills for high blood pressure and heart failure - drugs that reduce lipoprotein(a) levels are still in development by companies, including Novartis , Amgen , Eli Lilly and London-based Silence Therapeutics.

In some cases, lifestyle changes such as exercising and quitting smoking can be helpful.

Most of the women in the study were white Americans, but the findings would likely “have even greater impact among Black and Hispanic women for whom there is even a higher prevalence of undetected and untreated inflammation,” Ridker said.

“This is a global problem,” he added. “We need universal screening for hsCRP ... and for lipoprotein(a), just as we already have universal screening for cholesterol.”