Masks Are Back, Construction Banned and Schools Shut as Toxic Air Engulfs New Delhi 

Motorcyclists drive wearing pollution masks amid smog in New Delhi, India, Tuesday, Nov. 7, 2023. (AP)
Motorcyclists drive wearing pollution masks amid smog in New Delhi, India, Tuesday, Nov. 7, 2023. (AP)

Masks Are Back, Construction Banned and Schools Shut as Toxic Air Engulfs New Delhi 

Motorcyclists drive wearing pollution masks amid smog in New Delhi, India, Tuesday, Nov. 7, 2023. (AP)
Motorcyclists drive wearing pollution masks amid smog in New Delhi, India, Tuesday, Nov. 7, 2023. (AP)

A toxic blanket of grey smog hangs over New Delhi’s monuments and high-rises. Schools have been ordered shut and construction banned. People are back to wearing masks.

In the Indian capital, it is that time of the year again. Authorities are struggling to rein in severe air pollution levels, an annual and chronic health crisis that disrupts the lives of over 20 million in the city every year.

On Tuesday, the air quality index veered close to the 400 mark for tiny particulate matter, a level considered hazardous and more than 10 times the global safety threshold, according to SAFAR, India’s main environmental monitoring agency. It’s the fifth consecutive day of bad air in the region.

“There’s too much smog. I’m watching the air quality index and I’m scared about this climate,” said Srinivas Rao, a visitor from Andhra Pradesh state who donned a mask as he took a morning walk near the city's India Gate monument.

Authorities have deployed water sprinklers and anti-smog guns to control the haze and announced a fine of 20,000 rupees ($240) for drivers found using gasoline and diesel cars, buses and trucks that create smog. Meanwhile, doctors have advised residents to wear masks and avoid outdoors as much as possible because the smog could trigger respiratory infections, flu and asthma attacks.

The pollution also threatens to disrupt the ongoing Cricket World Cup, hosted by India, after the Sri Lankan team had to cancel their training session in New Delhi over the weekend, before they faced Bangladesh on Monday at the Arun Jaitley Stadium.

Demand for air purifiers has risen in the past week, local media reported.

Residents like Renu Aggarwal, 55, are worried the smog will worsen as Diwali, the Hindu festival of light that features the lighting of firecrackers, approaches this weekend. Her daughter has a pollen allergy that worsens with pollution.

“She cannot breathe. Even though we keep the doors and windows shut in our home, the pollution still affects her so much that even going to the washroom is difficult for her. And she gets breathless,” she said.

New Delhi tops the list almost every year of many Indian cities with poor air quality, particularly in the winter, when the burning of crop residues in neighboring states coincides with cooler temperatures that trap hazardous smoke.

The burning of crop remnants at the start of the winter wheat-sowing season is a key contributor to the pollution in north India. Authorities have been trying to discourage farmers by offering cash incentives to buy machines to do the job. But smoke from crop burning still accounts for 25% of the pollution in New Delhi, according to the Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology in Pune.

New Delhi saw a sharp 32% rise in tiny particles in the air between 2019 and 2020, a dip of 43.7 % in 2021, and a steady increase in 2022 and 2023, according to Respirer Living Sciences, an organization that monitors air quality and other environmental factors.

The severe air pollution crisis affects every resident in the city, but the millions who work outdoors are even more vulnerable.

Gulshan Kumar, who drives an auto rickshaw, said his nose, throat and eyes regularly fill up with dirt in the air.

His children plead with him to return to his hometown in Bihar state. “They ask me why I work in this polluted and diseased city,” he said. “If I had had employment back home, I wouldn’t have come to Delhi to work.”

Infants Remember More than You Think, New Study Reveals

A girl plays in a day care center in Recklinghausen, western Germany on February 24, 2021. Ina FASSBENDER / AFP/File
A girl plays in a day care center in Recklinghausen, western Germany on February 24, 2021. Ina FASSBENDER / AFP/File

Infants Remember More than You Think, New Study Reveals

A girl plays in a day care center in Recklinghausen, western Germany on February 24, 2021. Ina FASSBENDER / AFP/File
A girl plays in a day care center in Recklinghausen, western Germany on February 24, 2021. Ina FASSBENDER / AFP/File

Our earliest years are a time of rapid learning, yet we typically cannot recall specific experiences from that period -- a phenomenon known as infantile amnesia.

A new study published in Science on Thursday challenges assumptions about infant memory, showing that young minds do indeed form memories. The question remains, however, why these memories become difficult to retrieve later in life.

"I've always been fascinated by this mysterious blank spot we have in our personal history," Nick Turk-Browne, professor of psychology at Yale and the study's senior author, told AFP.

Around the age of one, children become extraordinary learners -- acquiring language, walking, recognizing objects, understanding social bonds, and more. "Yet we remember none of those experiences -- so there's a sort of mismatch between this incredible plasticity and learning ability that we have," he said.

Sigmund Freud, the founder of psychoanalysis, hypothesized that early memories are repressed, though science has since largely dismissed the idea of an active suppression process. Instead, modern theories focus on the hippocampus, a part of the brain critical for episodic memory, which is not fully developed in infancy.

Turk-Browne, however, was intrigued by clues from previous behavioral research. Since babies cannot verbally report memories before acquiring language, their tendency to gaze longer at familiar things provides important hints.

Recent rodent studies monitoring brain activity have also shown that engrams -- patterns of cells that store memories -- form in the infant hippocampus but become inaccessible over time -- though they can be artificially reawakened through a technique that uses light to stimulate neurons.

But until now, pairing observations of infants with brain imaging had been out of reach, as babies are famously uncooperative when it comes to sitting still inside a Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) machine -- the device that tracks blood flow to "see" brain activity.

Psychedelic patterns

To overcome this challenge, Turk-Browne's team used methods his lab has refined over the years -- working with families to incorporate pacifiers, blankets, and stuffed animals; holding babies still with pillows; and using psychedelic background patterns to keep them engaged.

Still, inevitable wiggling led to blurry images that had to be discarded, but the team accounted for this by running hundreds of sessions.

In total, 26 infants participated -- half under a year old, half over -- while their brains were scanned during a memory task adapted from adult studies.

First, they were shown images of faces, scenes, or objects. Later, after viewing other images, they were presented with a previously seen image alongside a new one.

"We quantify how much time they spend looking at the old thing they've seen before, and that's a measure of their memory for that image," said Turk-Browne.

By comparing brain activity during successful memory formation versus forgotten images, the researchers confirmed that the hippocampus is active in memory encoding from a young age.

This was true for 11 of 13 infants over a year old but not for those under one. They also found that babies who performed best on memory tasks showed greater hippocampal activity.

"What we can conclude accurately from our study is that infants have the capacity to encode episodic memories in the hippocampus starting around one year of age," said Turk-Browne.

Forgotten Memories

"The ingenuity of their experimental approach should not be understated," researchers Adam Ramsaran and Paul Frankland wrote in an accompanying Science editorial.

But what remains unresolved is what happens to these early memories. Perhaps they are never fully consolidated into long-term storage -- or perhaps they persist but become inaccessible.

Turk-Browne suspects the latter and is now leading a new study testing whether infants, toddlers, and children can recognize video clips recorded from their own perspective as younger babies.

Early, tentative results suggest these memories might persist until around age three before fading. Turk-Browne is particularly intrigued by the possibility that such fragments could one day be reactivated later in life.