Cruise Saudi Company Collaborates with DL Services Catering Architecture to Develop AROYA Cruises

Cruise Saudi Company Collaborates with DL Services Catering Architecture to Develop AROYA Cruises

Cruise Saudi Company Collaborates with DL Services Catering Architecture to Develop AROYA Cruises

Cruise Saudi Company Collaborates with DL Services Catering Architecture to Develop AROYA Cruises

Cruise Saudi company—fully owned by the Public Investment Fund (PIF)—announced that it has appointed marine catering architects DL SERVICES to develop premium catering spaces for Cruise Saudi’s new AROYA Cruises line.
DL SERVICES will collaborate with Columbia Signature F&B Corporate teams to revamp and create a layout design of all existing catering spaces on board AROYA Cruises, according to SPA.
The development will include redesigning of existing catering areas in the vessel and upgrading with the latest equipment in line with each venue’s individual concept and requirements. These catering spaces on AROYA Cruises will be designed to offer not only an inspiring premium and wide-ranging international line up of cuisine choices but will also reveal truly extraordinary culinary experiences featuring the local cultural offerings and traditions.
The latest announcement forms part of Cruise Saudi’s broader strategy to collaborate with pioneering and sector-leading vendors to guarantee that AROYA Cruises offer the highest standard of services and facilities onboard.
According to Cruise Saudi CEO Lars Clasen, "exceptional catering facilities are vital to providing quality cuisine, and the comprehensive and diverse culinary offering onboard our AROYA Cruise ships will in turn certainly improve the premium experience. We are therefore pleased to be partnering with marine catering architects, DL SERVICES, to provide state-of-the-art catering spaces on our AROYA Cruises ship".
Launched in June 2023, and designed for Saudi nationals, expatriates, and regional guests, AROYA Cruises will be tailored specifically to the interests of the Arabian market.
The creation of AROYA Cruises supports Cruise Saudi’s overall objectives of creating 50,000 job opportunities in the Kingdom and hosting 1.3 million cruise passengers annually by 2035.

Kafka Letter, in Which he Says he Can No Longer Write, Goes to Auction

FILE PHOTO: Tourists look at a statue of famous German-language writer Franz Kafka in central Prague July 3, 2013, on the day marking the 130th anniversary of his birth in Prague./File Photo
FILE PHOTO: Tourists look at a statue of famous German-language writer Franz Kafka in central Prague July 3, 2013, on the day marking the 130th anniversary of his birth in Prague./File Photo

Kafka Letter, in Which he Says he Can No Longer Write, Goes to Auction

FILE PHOTO: Tourists look at a statue of famous German-language writer Franz Kafka in central Prague July 3, 2013, on the day marking the 130th anniversary of his birth in Prague./File Photo
FILE PHOTO: Tourists look at a statue of famous German-language writer Franz Kafka in central Prague July 3, 2013, on the day marking the 130th anniversary of his birth in Prague./File Photo

A letter from Franz Kafka in which he tells a friend he can no longer write is being offered at auction 100 years after his death, with an estimate of up to $114,000, Reuters reported.
Kafka, one of the 20th century's greatest writers, known for works such as "The Trial" and "The Metamorphosis", wrote the letter to Austrian poet and publisher Albert Ehrenstein, in what is believed to be a response for a request to contribute to literary journal "Die Gefährten".
In the one-page letter in German and signed just "Kafka", the Prague-born novelist says he has not written anything in three years.
It is believed to have been written around April-June 1920 from a sanatorium in Merano in northern Italy, according to auction house Sotheby's. Kafka was diagnosed with tuberculosis in 1917, which he does not discuss in the letter, Reuters said.
"When worries have penetrated to a certain layer of inner existence, writing and complaining obviously cease, indeed my resistance was not too strong," Kafta wrote, according to a translation.
Sotheby's is offering the letter in its "Books, Manuscripts and Music from Medieval to Modern" sale, running June 26 - July 11, with a price estimate of 70,000 pounds - 90,000 pounds ($88,445 - $113,715).
"It is a very poignant letter written towards the end of his life, where he expresses his despair at writing again and his feelings of... of writer's block," Gabriel Heaton, specialist in books and manuscripts at Sotheby's, told Reuters.
"He's physically very, very weak and he's beginning, however, this very intense correspondence with Milena (Pollakova-Jesenska), this great love of his last years, which would spark renewed creativity. So although he's here in despair, he's actually on the verge of one final bout of wonderful, wonderful writing."
Kafka went on to write "The Castle" and "A Hunger Artist". He died on June 3, 1924, aged 40.
Ehrenstein eventually sent the letter to artist Dolly Perutz. It is being sold with the envelope Ehrenstein used.